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My dinafem discovery and subsequent delight


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You have the bending and tucking down to an art. The screen will be nice and full. Will you leave any space for the stretch in flower?

Might have to give this a go. Great idea, thanks for sharing

Thank you kind sir. I'm hoping that in the next 48 hours the screen will be full with as many bud sites as I can muster. I've still got a couple of squares I want to fill left as you will see in tonights update and then they will pretty much be left to grow up during the last bit of stretch hopefully no more than a foot or so

The very first pair of branches seem to be the hardest to get clear of the net. It is only at this point I can gently strap the branch backwards a node back using the bar at the flowering top to hold it down creating a Swan neck letting light to the lower nodes.

IMG 20151208 2849

. Not all branches require this treatment but this technique limits vertical growth. Left to just go up an untrained and topped I'd be nearly a foot clear now i bet lol

@@Dinafem-Mark it keeps the smell of smoke in the house down to a minimum and the room stays fresh because it goes through a carbon filter. Also because I vent outside that room has negative pressure so the smoke stays in there to a certain extent

This is day 21 for the big girls. There large for there age I think :fear:

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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@@Blayz'd@Dinafem-Mark it seems this way. I'm a bit surprised to be honest. The main stem is almost about as thick as a clipper now which is unusual for this early on. Particularly on the bk one which although was the shorter girl, she has now taken off in a bit way and has pretty much filled her screen.

The bk 2 still has a bit to go.

Just popped in to check em at lunch and noticed they were ready for a drink. So they took nearly 4 litres each today. Which is just what I hoped for.

Anywho. I prattle on as usual.


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IMG 20151209 54547

Bk 2 on left bk 1 right

IMG 20151209 54451

Peace out folks
Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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For just over 3 weeks a clipper sized stem is very unusual. This is going to be a very interesting grow in more ways than one :)

All the best and thank you for the picture update very much appreciated.


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Liking the grids you've made, love a bit of DIY myself :) I've constructed a wooden frame with eyelets and twine for my tent, cable tied in the corners to the poles, but noticed the twine needs to be super tight, or tied at each eyelet, or it gives too easily as the buds put on weight.

@@Dinafem-Mark Just sprouting some shark shock CBD for some pain relief, so will aim to document it here in due course :)

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@@sy100276 and @@soulfeeder thanks guys. Soul sounds interesting. I decided to do it this way because I've always fancied doing a scrog but I didn't like the idea of immobile plants. I like to get em out so I can get right round them and see what's going on. This is when I came up with this idea.

@@Dinafem-Mark I know mate. The stems usually only end up slightly thicker than they are now to be fair. You might be right. It might be interesting lol

I didn't have a clipper to hand but you get the idea.

Stem at day 22 from shedding shell

IMG 20151209 43525

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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Yes, not being able to move and look at my plants is a pain, but they're in 30L pots, so I'd prob do my back in anyway, and get stuck in the loft and need to call 999 ;)

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Definitely @@soulfeeder 30 litre pot wet with a plant and compo is gonna be getting on for 35+ kilos lol

Haha according to government guildlines that would make moving them a 2 man job lol

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lol 3 weeks from popped seed.. that's a pretty impressive stem there mate. You're doing something right there if they're all advancing at that rate.. Those nodes are fat too. Awesome. By the look of that we're about to witness something special lol Can't wait to see the buds fill the space above the net. Gonna be awesome this one bro. Good luck with flower man.. hope it goes perfect.

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Blown away by the size of that stem.... mine are about that size and that's after 5 weeks from seed!!

Very much looking forward to seeing how she develops :D

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@@Blayz'd here's hoping mate. Thanks for the luck. I might need it depending on what happens over the next two weeks lol

The bk 2 stem is a tiny bit less thick but she's been the more slender of the two girls from day one. She's still no slouch.

@@LovinTheBeans aye mate. They don't half grow fast and vigorously the auto blue kush ladies.

So a quick updates. They are growing so fast and there constantly changing.

Bk1. This girl is just a super star she started out the shorter of the two looking very indica with huge leaves. She is the girl with the thickest stem and has exploded in growth. Apart from a few minor tweeks just to even out the spacing she's pretty much ready to be left to grow straight up now. Tomorrow should give a better idea of what she will look like once all her bud sites reorientate themselves so there all growing vertical not horizontal.

You can also see the little ice cool in the back. Very very short plant. I don't think I'm going to be applying my scrog technique to this one and will just let her grow with maybe a bit of lst to spread her out a bit.

IMG 20151210 22158

Next up is the bk 2 in the front and bk 3 behind. Also note the bk3 and outdoor hack doing grand in there little pots.
The bk 2 is taking a bit more time than bk 1 and to be fair was 24 hours behind which in the terms of growth of these is quite a lot. So maybe it's just that making her seem a bit slower to fill out or its her slender stature.
Bk3 in the background progressing well and on shedule by the looks of it.
Seedlings looking healthy. Has put any doubts about compost to bed.

IMG 20151210 1424

Thanks for looking as usual
Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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Looking lovely as ever mate.... nice contrast there with the ice cool - you'll need that to grow straight up or she's gonna get lost :)

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That's the beauty of this method. If it was a traditional scrog I'd be fucked. Seeing as it's not I can just put it on a shoe box to bring it in line and because the other girls are given a set footprint to grow in there will always be 1/4 of the tent free for her

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