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My dinafem discovery and subsequent delight


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@@LovinTheBeans it certainly is mate 80x80. Yes I imagine I am going to have a full tent lol.

So it's all been going on since the last update.

First the little uns were potted up today and given a 1.5litre watering in. This is a bit less that I would usually do and isn't enough to reach run off but I think it will mean I can give them a good three litre watering in 36 hours.

Here they are.

The roots are of the bk3

The smallest girl is the ice cool and the other is the bk3.

IMG 20151206 13115

IMG 20151206 49532

IMG 20151206 3462

IMG 20151205 517

IMG 20151205 27693

Note what a difference there is between the young and old plants. Especially when you consider there is only a weeks difference in age.
When I look at them I can't believe the bk 1 and two looked like that this time last week
Something else to be noted....my 4th bk back up has been up and healthy for three or four days as goes for the mystery seed.
This for me puts to bed any notions of problems with the compost as I now have 6 healthy plants......the weakest of which happens to be the ice cool......coincidence.....I think not.
Here we have the bk 1
This girl is the indica dom with huge fat leaves. She's looking very healthy indeed and is my favourite in the tent at the moment. She's just had a bit of leaf tucking so far, she should hit the net tomorrow

IMG 20151205 37311

Then we have the bk 2
This is the slender girl and as I predicted has required some training attention.her top has been bent over and side branches are now being tucked and moved around the frames encouraging growth and letting light to branches I want to get it.

IMG 20151205 24637

Temps a little warm today and I've just discovered a cat caused hole in my extraction pipe which is now taped up so this is now back under control. Canopy temps up to 29 today.

Thanks for looking folks

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It's amazing the difference in size mate. All looking lovely there. My cat would wreak havoc in my groom I know, he's barred but he keeps trying to have a neb.

Yeah, the compost is clearly fine, must have just been a bad ice cool batch or badly stored seed maybe? Cat foul play?

How do you approach leaf tucking out of interest?

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@@LovinTheBeans yea mate

Starting to think it could be the seed batch/ storage of the ice cools that was causing me problems

The amount of growth in a week is unbelievable.

Beans, I've been approaching leaf tucking like so.....

As soon as the side branching becomes tall enough I try and adjust it so rather that it growing under the big fan leaves, I'll try and tuck the big fan leaf under the growing top.

Basically just try to get as much light to as much of the growing plant as poss.

A side branch lost under a canopy of fan leaves stays tiny and shit.if you can get that same side branch into a little bit of direct light I will grow to it and shoot up to the canopy.

If there's a big leaf covering a growing top try and rectify this.

Think of it like flower arranging

May as well chuck a quick photo in. I've just been in doing some more moving and tucking of branches. The bk 2 on the left is fairly traversing her way across the frame now.

Bk 1 is the big bushy girl on the right. She's training up nice too.

Also shows the 12 hours after potting up...to my eyes they have grown a fair bit in just twelve hours.

I am 100% convinced this method works better than planting the seeds straight into finals

IMG 20151206 1123

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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Ok, thank you for that. This is kinda what I do to some extent. I sometimes crush a leafstem so I can get it out the way coz otherwise it rearranges itself back a lot of the time. I've found sometimes within as little as half hour they can unarrange the order I put them in. No respect!!

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Mad the difference in just two weeks mate, those autos don't half go for it like :yep: Nice work BP and your bang on about the shoots, them fans leaves can be a right dose of piles sometimes

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Aye mate @@botanics to see the two pairs with just a weeks difference between them age wise to show the growth comparison is quite interesting and quite unbelievable.

The big girls

IMG 20151206 11400

Bk 2

IMG 20151206 23348

IMG 20151206 32810

Bk 1

IMG 20151206 42616

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These auto are mad, they grow so dam fast it's hard to keep up. Nice diary man you selling the auto idea to me lol

Loads of info to read here but first I am off to get baked at a mates. Can't read all of it in one go. Peace @@blackpoolbouncer

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Well what a difference a week makes. You can see a massive difference in size between the 2 started a week later. I would say a few more days for the bigger girls then they will be in the scrog screen.

Glad to hear that all seeds are now through. Can I ask do you now have 6 plants?, if so will you be putting those in the dr80?

Nice detailed update as usual mate. Very impressive so far :)

All the best


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@@1lastchance glad ya found your way in here mate. There's no going back now.lol As you look mate check out the critical jack (cj)

After a cure I now put this up there as being one of my favourite smokes of all time. My best buddy agrees. It is dam fine in every aspect.

Anyway pull up a chair mate. This latest grows a bit of an experiment

@@Dinafem-Mark lol They've been in the net for 24 hours now. I'm constantly moving and tucking on a nearly hourly basis getting light to the branches I want

Here's a couple shots I've just taken. There filling out the nets nicely now.



Bk 2 very forcefully tied down at the main stem




And the ice cool

ice cool

And yes mark your right. I now have 6 on the go lol
A spare blue kush which I'm hoping will go to my friend who's setting up a medi grow (sorry he's dragging his heels mark)
And a seed from my outdoor open pollination which would be a wild super 07 x either Polish demon or hash plant 2
Neither will be staying in the dr80 long. I'm gonna leave the outdoor cross going for a while.
Her parents males semi auto'd under 24 hour light so I'm going to see what happens here.
If it turns out to be a semi auto/auto male and it flowers under 24 hour lighting I may sprinkle a smidgem on a branch of the blue kush
If it doesn't flower (which I'm hoping it doesn't) i may flower it in my little veg cab I knocked up in a 1 litre pot and see what she's like and take a cut. Her parents didn't like to be kept as mothers but I'm hoping in some of these beans I've made the semi auto trait is ressessive
Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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It shows some real dedication to a grow to be tending,bending and tucking every hour or so. You can see the older bks pushing through the screen now mate.

All the best


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lol @@Dinafem-Mark less about dedication, more about my grow room is the only room I smoke in so I'm in there an awful lot haha it does mean I keep a bloody good eye on them.

Yes mate a few more days and there won't be much training left to do on these big girls as they will have filled the frames with tops hopefully and they can be left to grow up..

@@soulfeeder welcome on in mate. Always good to see new guests around here. Feel free to skin up and look back though the pages and peruse the last few grows of dinafem loveliness I have to offer.

Off for a joint.......and make sure all the leaves are exactly where I want them lol lol

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You have the bending and tucking down to an art. The screen will be nice and full. Will you leave any space for the stretch in flower?

Might have to give this a go. Great idea, thanks for sharing

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