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My dinafem discovery and subsequent delight


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Looking good. It is amazing how the same strain can look different. That's the great thing about this hobby,every plant is individual.

Seems like we are in the same boat,amnesia kush on the way for me too,and a second tent. lol

Your work with auto's has got me thinking of grabbing some for the future.

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As far as I've seen and know the pak is very close to a 100% indica strain. Very little branching with the main focus on the centre cola. The amnesia kush is brand new and I would expect a few phenos atleast 3. 1 more amnesia, 1 more kush and a 50/50. There could be more phenos I'll ask the team :)

All the best


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Thanks for the info @@Dinafem-Mark
@@sy100276 yes mate. The girls are looking more and more different by the day.

@@jonthebog thanks mate. Yea there getting into there stride now really starting to take off.

Couple of pics for now.
First one shows them last night and the second shows them now. I topped them last night and tonight I'm going to fit my scrog frames. A little bit of leaf tucking has already taken place and training will commence soon.

Bk 2 has got a single rust spot which tells me a cal def is on its way. Picking up a bottle of cal mag at the weekend so hopefully they can hang on till then.

IMG 20151203 3785

IMG 20151203 9888

Peace out and thanks for looking

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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Up tonight we have a "how to make individual scrog frames" update. @@Blayz'd

First though, last night the big girls were given a haircut at the 5th node. This photo shows it on bk 2 which is also going to be the subject of our little tutorial.

IMG 20151203 25629

IMG 20151203 32755

First step you need to aquire some solid mesh. Whatever size will do as long as it's strong enough to be rigid and is relatively lightweight. The steps I took to prepare my mesh can be found a few pages back.

IMG 20151028 22137

Second step you need some strong fencing wire or something to support your frames. I went with 3ml I think galvanised wire cut to length. This will depend how high you wish to have your scrog frames.
Step three. Drill 4 holes around your container. Note this only applies if there is a ridge.
Step 4 Tape said pieces of wire to pot after poking through the holes and secure with a bit of tape. It should look something like this.

IMG 20151203 944

Fourth step. I then prepared 3 pieces of tape ready and placed the frame, positioning it over the 4 uprights. When I had it where I wanted it I temporarily secure it in place with the three pieces of tape like so.

IMG 20151203 1980

Fifth step is to go round each support and secure it. I did this by using a bit of garden wire and looping it round the frame and twisting it up the upright.

IMG 20151203 28390

Once you have done this secure your wire with a bit of tape. This should make it pretty secure now and shouldn't move.
The sixth and final step is to go round the pot with a few rounds of tape to secure the uprights to the pot. You should now have something that looks like this

IMG 20151203 4658

It's not time to pop em in there home and see how they look

IMG 20151203 42599

So here we go, as @@Dinafem-Mark said. They aren't half getting a shifty on, the slender bk 2 is shooting up so she's gonna need tying down tomorrow I think as she will be clearly of the frame tomorrow but we will soon put a stop to that lol.
Thanks for looking and I hope someone out there finds this useful. I might do a how to thread in general if it goes OK. Haven't seen this done before so I'm claiming it as the Bpb scrog technique for people that don't want to stationary plants.
Peace out folks and thanks for looking
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Great little tutorial mate :yep: Individual frames are the way forward!

What do you do with supporting really stretchy plants though? Do you try and upgrade the frame so it's higher or just support them from the ceiling/walls of the grow room?

Edited by SkyRider
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Super tutorial mate. I'm sure lots of members will find this very useful indeed.

Now the scrogg screen is on be very interested in how they fill in :)

All the best


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@@SkyRider thanks but I have no idea mate. This is the first time I've done this. lol

My plan would be I suppose if I needed to would be to either "strap" the large branch down to the frame and use physics like I had to with the cj last time or I suppose you could tape a taller support in the same manner and tie heavy branches to that

To be honest mate I'm not too worried about that because im going to try and keep them relatively low by tying them down to the frames but it's a problem that can easily be overcome. Like you said yo yos are a possibility but if I need to I'd like to keep all self contained.

Also thanks @@Dinafem-Mark there getting a shifty on now with nothing much that's causing me concern at the minute. The big girls got about 3 litres last night each with a bit of run off.

They should take 4 litres each next time I hope.

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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Yeah you made that look easy mate. I could actually do that. They should work great. Look forward to seeing them in action. Good idea that. :)

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@@Blayz'd This is a bit of an experiment so it's a bit rough and ready but it was honestly a piece of piss to make. Good sticky tape is a must I'd say cos you don't want the frame falling but apart from that it's just sourcing some materials that will work.

A good idea would have been @@SkyRider to put 4 bamboo canes in when I potted up rather than buggering about taping uprights but I did this because I figured it wouldn't disturb the roots if the frames ever move or got knocked

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@sy100276@LovinTheBeans thanks guys. They are 12 litre buckets iirc mate and the scrog frames measure 39cmx39cm

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