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My dinafem discovery and subsequent delight


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I've been away visiting my mum in Lincolnshire all weekend hence the lack of updates. Which means the Mrs has had her first taste of looking after then. She's done ok I think. She's managed to keep temps between 22 and 29.

I've just got back this evening and they had got down to 22 and as you can see from the photos they look a little chilly.

Also to be noted the damaged leaves are the down to my beloved veg loving cats nibble.

First up we have the ice cool on the left and the blue kush 3 on the right. The bk was up second and she is romping ahead.

IMG 20151129 27408

Next up we have blue kush 1 one the left and blue kush 2 on the right. It seems we have 2 different looking phenos so far with bk 1 having really broad leaves and the bk 2 being of a more elegant stature

IMG 20151129 5778

IMG 20151129 47488

Blue kush auto 1

IMG 20151129 9687

And blue kush 2

IMG 20151129 17642

I'm off to see how the halogen heater is getting on warming things up a bit and see if they're perking up a bit

Thanks for looking folks

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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Sweet mate. Its all starts again eh!! Good to see!! I'm looking forward to this grow seeing what you can do with the individual scrog frames. Another smashing show no doubt!!

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Thank you mate for showing how you do the training I'm sure that I'm not the only one who is interested :). Very much appreciated.

Things with this grow look to be progressing very well. As this is slightly different than the last 3 grows this should be a very informative grow.

Great updates as usual mate

All the best


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@Dan1122@Dinafem-Mark thanks guys.

just thought id chuck a quick update to let everyone know that the last remaining blue kush seed i planted popped up. Once again, 100% germ rate and all plants up and healthy, This just adds to my thinking that theres nothing wrong with my technique or soil

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Hey blackpoolgardener, awesome diary and great training skills, definitely lots of tips everyone can use, if and when I get back to growing and pop some auto seeds I will be sure to try your methods!

ATB with your grows current and future, will be taking a seat to watch n learn more if that's OK :cheers:



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@@desertshaman the doors are always open mate, welcome along on this journey and i wish you all the best when you get back to it. Thank you and make yourself comfy.

@@Dinafem-Mark part of me is starting to think it may have been something to do with the seeds/storage of the seeds that has caused me problems with the ice cool because ive had zero issues with any of your seeds tock in the same conditions

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Bk 1 as you can see her leaves are very fat and wide. She looks to be showing signs of slight over watering. She's just getting used to her new pot and is obviously hoovering the water up by growing.

IMG 20151130 44115

Bk 2. This girl is much more slimline and seems to have a sensitivity to nitrogen a bit more than her sister as you can see exhibited by the dark green and slight clawing on a couple of leaves. No too worried though if I'm honest. She's drinking more than her sister and I had to give her a litre tonight just to wet her whistle before we commence following a strict wet/dry cycle getting them up to 4 or 5 litres

IMG 20151130 55657

Next to each other and you can see how different they are

IMG 20151130 10768

And finally the ice cool on the left and the bk3 on the right

IMG 20151130 19165

Temps all OK today

Peace out folks and thanks for looking

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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Storage of the seeds is very important and something we strive for. We well the breeding team will not let any of our genetics out until properly dry,cured and safely packaged. With our packaging I do think it keeps the seeds a little fresher :)

All the best


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Can't fault your packaging. Seed germination and growth vigour.

Vegetative state vigour. Plant structure, bud structure. Yeild smell or taste on anything I've grown.

The cheese looked a bit shabby but that was down to me and has now made a fine smoke. Everything else has been top notch to grow and smoke.

Keep up the good work. I can't knock your breeders one bit.

For the next grow.......something different entirely.

Dare I say it.....a photo grow. Which may put me in a dilemma.

Which may lead to me "needing" two tents. lol

I'm going to run two Amnesia kush courtesy of dinafem (thank you kindly) one Purple afghan kush and one other from a different seedbank which will be HSO purple trainwreck.

@@Dinafem-Mark is there any info on known phenos yet of either the PAK or AK strains? I intend on running the rest of the packs in the future but I'd like to know what to look out for.

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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Some phat leaves there dude judging by the scale against those buckets, one of my BKs has got huge fans too, they look very healthy mate and coming on sweet :yep:

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