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My dinafem discovery and subsequent delight


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@@LovinTheBeans when I was referring to the slight overfert I was meaning on the first true leaves of the bk 1 not the fucked up cotyledon on the ice coo. I don't know what's caused that to be honest but like you said mate. Noting to worry about.

@@botanics that's it mate. Mother nature is unpredictable sometimes.losing two seeds isn't going to get me down its just one of those things.

Like I said. Its all fate. A higher power must want me to have lots of blue kush I think

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This should still be a very interesting grow. So with this grow you are aiming for 1g/watt or 100g/plant?. I'm just very interested personally on the training done to get such a great end plant structure :)

The ABK so far look nice

Thank you for the picture update

Very much appreciated

All the best


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In other words BP..... Mark wants photos and step by step tutorials of what nodes to fim, top and lst - how and when :)

I think many others would be interested also :P

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@@LovinTheBeans it's all in here in this diary mate. Its nearly day by day for most and contains every feed and what I've done and when. You have to work the dates out yourself as to what day.
The big plants I've been growing....
No topping. No fimming. Just tie them so they grow flat. Simples mate. Any plant will grow wherever you want it to. You just have to direct it there. You can grow em so there square. Triangle. Rectangle. Oval. Whatever. Just pull the branches so they grow in the direction you want. lol

@@Dinafem-Mark same difference mate. I'm using a 400w light growing 4 plants. 100g a plant gives me a gpw.
To be honest I think a bit more can be had. We will see lol. One thing I do know is I expect it to be a bit of a jungle.
There not going to be tied the same and there going to be trained into individual scrog frames as mentioned earlier.

Like I said. This grow is completely different from the last 3 that I've documented here.

These are going to be growing fairly straight up with each one only having a 40cmx40cm scrog frames to grow into.

The plan is to top at the 5th node probably and spread the 10 remaining branches hopefully flatly across the frames and then left to grow up.

Previous grows in this thread I've been training my plants to grow as wide as I could. Up to 80cm2
This one the plants are 1/4 the size width ways.
Headroom may get fully maxed out if these grow as big as the other bk I've done. Loadsa small side branching

The two early girls were potted on tonight into the good old b n q buckets
Had a few nuisances when watering in but nothing that should bother them

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IMG 20151126 55461

Noticed a good omen when potting up. Into the tent you go.
However he didn't fend my cat off who nibbled a bit off a leaf or two. God dammed cats

IMG 20151126 5571

Edit to add. I'm going away for the weekend so potting up needed to be done tonight ideally I'd have left it till tomorrow to be honest
Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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fuck me bouncer bud what you killing them for lol punn btw :) oooof bud not having a good time there bud are you.....aint got a dodgy medium have you ?? anyway bud 3 hail marys these fuckas do it for you atb :v:

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This is from the first day of training onwards on the white widow.

I guess start when there this big whatever day

wwidow 1st lst day

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I hope that's worked

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The last couple of plants I've started training earlier but it made little difference.

Once the plants are spread out like the first picture you can either let it just grow up or keep moving the ties up the branch to keep it growing outwards.

Like I said. Simples

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Showing the pros how its done mate ;) ..

The information contained in this excellent diary is top notch and both seasoned growers and first timers can learn a thing or two.. Theres something for everyone to learn in here.. Man i love this diary :yahoo:

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Yeah, I think that helps. Mark was asking about the structure and it's good to see how others do it. I personally am far from organised. I fim and top the crap out of them until I have enough tops then I grow them out and try to keep them level. I'm not against slapping them down and have been known to put big heavily flat items on the canopy for half hour to bash them down a bit... Eg, a marble chopping board. Then, remove item and tie the main stems in position. Rinse and repeat until big enough to scrog.

I'm firmly of the belief there is no right and wrong way, just whatever you are comfortable and confident with... I just treat them like a bendy stress toy and mould them like a control freak ;)

I respect them, but not scared to get my big fat pimp hand onto them and show them whose boss ;)

Edited by LovinTheBeans
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These pictures might be better.
These are from day one of training of a critical jack and a cheese.
Hope this helps.
I will be documenting this grow thoroughly. I will perhaps try and post some more intricate shots. I've got hundreds on my hard drive so might have to do a photo extravaganza for each plant from day one to finish when my fibre optic b band gets installed.
Hope this helps mate.
@@Dan1122 glad ya like it mate. I know you've sussed my technique pretty good......you did your homework lol
@@LovinTheBeans the way I look at it. If you top a branch it turns into two. But if you pull the bit you would have topped over to let the light to the two new bud sites and then let the top you ties grow up a few inches further along you now have 3 flower tops.
This is the last blue kush I ran. I only tied her down once and readjusted once again after another ten days I think.
Like I said...Lots of side branching.

auto blue kush day 50-60

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This strain could be real big I reckon given the space. That's why I was 50/50 whether to do a 1 plant or a 4 plant grow.
I think I'm gonna have to do a lot of pruning on this grow to keep them from suffocating themselves in a mass of buds and branches. What I don't want is no airy bud
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IMG 20151127 54549

As you can see. The potting up has caused no stress or slowed them down from what I can see. I'm amazed to be honest how I've much growth I've noticed in 12 hours. And that's in the 12 hours after potting up. Looks like they've adapted to there new pots very well.

Note. Plant on left is the one the cat had a nibble in last night so you can see a couple of leaf tips missing lol.

Also you can see the little uns sneakily sunbathing there. Doing very well showing no signs of any problems in the first true leaves.

Temps a tad low for me today but more than acceptable especially for the babies.

Peace out folks.

Can't pot auto's up? Pfft

Stunts them and stresses them causing a massive drop in yeild? Not in my book

Can't top them as this causes stress and stunts them giving a reduction in yeild?


Peace out folks and thanks for looking.

.....challenge the pre/misconceptions about auto's. They might surprise you

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