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My dinafem discovery and subsequent delight


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Wouldn't have minded if the cat had chucked in an auto. But a semi auto reg. There obviously not clued up on what beans are suitable strains.

The two early ABKs are romping on. Temps kept between 25 and 28.

An ice cool has now she'd it's she'll and is under cfls waiting for it to properly unfurl it's lovely self.

Pics to follow after I've had some dinner

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First up the ABK 1 this was the one that showed a couple of small yellow spots on its first true leaves. The little bit of compo it hit may have been a touch rich or its a little more sensitive to the nutes in the compost than its sister because she's also now showing some leaf twisting. I fully expect her to grow out of this

IMG 20151123 33756

Next up the second girl to join the party. She's just looking grand

IMG 20151123 15582

Then a little group shot showing the little ice cool popping her head up for a look to see what all the commotion is at the front.

IMG 20151123 23525

And finally upon a little inspection.........Der der der da da da daaaaa....

IMG 20151123 57636

ABK 3 has popped her head up to make this a 100% confirmed auto grow. This is the best result I could have hoped for after the mishap with the first two ice cool. I don't know what went wrong with them, and let's not forget the mishap with the extra bean.at least I know what's what

Must be fate because I really liked the blue kush last time and higher powers have seen it so that I shall have more of that.

Peace out folks and thanks for looking

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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Hello chap, everythings looking good in here as usual mate! can i ask, was you getting big yields from the ABK last time you grew them mate? i have just ordered some of these myself as i thought they looked decent. As soon as they arrive they will go in to soak, i cant wait!

looking forward to your new grow!!!!

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The last blue kush I ran I pulled just over 160g but it was chopped very early and still had a fair bit of swelling to do so it performs very well

I reckon given the right training an ABK could go real big and heavy. It has a tremendous amount of small side branches iirc

The ABK is one of my favourite auto's I've grown tbf

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nice one mate sounds good then, hopefully my seeds will be delivered this morning,is so itll be time to crack on. I'll pop in to see your progress mate. Take it easy.... Dan

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Looks like we're not outa the woods yet :fear:

noticed today this little girl is a bit skew whiff

One side of her hasn't formed properly and is still white and odd looking....I'm praying the first true set come through OK or we might have yet another one for the bin :schmoll:

this is the last remaining ice cool

IMG 20151124 19934

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Glad to see all the ABK have all come through. Hope the poorly one comes right for you.

I am sure the icecool will pick up now it's broken through.

Nice update my friend

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I'm going to be watching this with great interest. Very interested in how you shape your ladies and I'm sure many more are following along to.

Is it a ABK you have lost mate or the ice cool?

Let the show begin

All the best


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@@Dinafem-Mark it's the ice cools I've been having trouble with. I lost two and the third is the skew wiff one. So far 3 out of 4 ABK have broken soil, no problems there.

Speaking of the last survivor of the ice cools. Despite her fucked up first effort at a leaf the first true set appear to be coming through OK......fingers crossed.

The ABK 3 I'm sure will be along to show some green soon. The shells off but it's still stuck in its little jonny. The membrane type thing inside the shell. Whatever its called.

Given it a squirt of water to soften it up and put under cfls to encourage her to open up.

Mark this isn't really gonna show how I get big girls. I'm only aiming for half the production per plant here theoretically.

The gallery reveals all if you look closely but there's not a lot to it. Just tie em down and grow em wide lol

@@LovinTheBeans I agree. These ice cools seem to be giving me the cold shoulder. I don't have a clue what's gone wrong with them to be honest. First two cracked but we're doomed from the start and the third one has chucked this deformity out.

I think she will be OK though. Very strange indeed. Don't think I can blame the ice cools on the cats lol.

@@sy100276 thanks mate. This has been an unusually eventful start. Usually there germed and put to one side while the shows going on with the big girls.

Must be something telling me not to stray from dinafem lol

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Wondering if it's worth germinating in something other than clover, or at least give it a good flush prior? I'm not sure how strong clover is but maybe it's just a little pre-ferted for some beans?!?

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@@LovinTheBeans if it was too hot it would show on the seedlings. Which it does on maybe 1 in 10 seedling as you can see on this blue kush but that's the extent of the nute burn I see from seedlings in clover.

Its perhaps 5 or 10% too hot for some seedling for the first 2 or three days but then it's perfect. Something I can live with.

The germ problems I've seen haven't been compo related I don't think. Of the two that didn't do well, one tap root was on its way brown when I potted it up. This is the one that turned to mush. I think this one drowned and was doomed from there on in and with the compo possibly being a little too wet when it went in finished it off. My fault probably.

The other never got higher than the soil. After closer inspection the tap root just never grew down. It basically just opened itself up as soon as it broke the surface but the tap root never developed enough to sustain it to grow any higher. Weak seed perhaps.

The thirds little deformity I put down to luck of the draw. First true leaves look fine so I think she will be all good.

I'm not about to change compost I've germed thousands of seeds in, of all sorts of plants, over 2 iffy seeds

Shit happens. Were dealing with mother nature at the end of the day.

Saying that dinafem have a perfect pass rate so far for me and never had any issues. There seeds seem to crack and pop up leaps and bounds against anything I germ alongside

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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First up the ice cool. First leaves coming through with no apparent problems at this stage despite the ugly first leaves

IMG 20151125 35676

Looks who's joined the party. A very happy looking blue kush 3

IMG 20151125 24856

Finally bk 1 and 2 @@LovinTheBeans notice how the slight(and I mean slight) overfert has been overcome already by the second set of leaves. Now it's got over that were in for maximum growth. Something I don't see in bb light mix or similar

IMG 20151125 36525

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Are we talking about the cotyledons? Almost all of mine on every plant I've ever grew are deformed - I never worry about the coty's to be honest mate - I thought you meant the normal leaves :)

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'little jonny' :rofl: Cracked me up that BP (pardon the pun).

As you say above mate tis nature at the end of the day, some seeds just don't go anywhere, not going to change what you've done countless of times previously as a result and rightly so, shame some of the Ice Cools are a bit shy and not coming to the party but oh well them BKs will no doubt be loud enough by themselves :yep:

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