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My dinafem discovery and subsequent delight


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Sorry to hear about the 2 no shows mate. All conditions sound optimal? . I could get you a couple of autos if needed to fill the spot? Or are you OK? . By the look of things so far you'll be getting the new amnesia kush I'll announce the members early next week.

Great news on the 2 ABK I've not seen to many grows of this yet so will be very interested in how it performs for you :)

All the best and thank you for the update


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Thanks for the kind offer Mark but we already have a ABK seed that cracked that I'm about to pot up and another waiting in the cup to crack but I'll probably pot that on tonight too. Then I've got my last ice cool seed in the ground hopefully cracking as we speak plus the piss poor looking one.

I might even end up with 6 yet if all these pull through lol

Pics tomorrow.

Tiny bit of discolouration on first leaves of one ABK. Nowt to worry about though.

Temps 25.1 min 27.1 max

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I don't know what's happened but when I went to pot up my ABK seeds I discovered an extra one had been put in to germ.
I'm assuming it's ABK as it was in the cup with the ABK. I'm very confused. @@Dinafem-Mark can you confirm that only 5 seeds were sent? I'm baffled.
Anyways. The 4 best looking plants will be saved.
Whatever else is left I may use for an experiment.

Temps all good. Dam it was cold here last night. Very close to freezing but the little babies in the tent never went below 25.4 which is good to know. Hopefully I've sussed the environment the tent is in to keep temps nice in both the tent and cab.

Cold nights ahead in the caravan I fear this year.

IMG 20151121 29301

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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Proper has me scratching me head. There's an extra bean from somewhere. And if it's a ufo or indeed aliens, how has it got mixed up with the two ABK seeds. I'm flabbergasted!

Took two seeds out of lovely dinafem packaging. Placed into water. 24 hours later tipped onto a plate. Pot 2 up and go to throw the water....oh wait there's still one there.

Me thinking I've smoked too much had a little delve and all seeds planted are present and correct.

So there I am left with this seed.

Has it somehow managed to make its way from my tray of outdoor seeds? Perhaps. An extra one from dinafem I've missed. Perhaps. But fuck knows. Whatever leftover might get run in my veg cab under cfls in teeny pots...just for the crack. Will they survive. Probably not. They may get binned for some amnesia seedlings

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Weird as mate. What's worse I guess is you now can't be sure the two you have planted up are what you expect....will just have to wait and see.

Best of luck :)

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That's a head scratcher mate. Do you still have the tin? And did it say 5 seeds on it. I'm pretty sure it was a 5 seed pack. I have had on the very rarest occasion to get 1 extra seed in the vial. We use a seed counting machine which is super reliable but I have had a extra seed but super rare.

I would have thought that you would have noticed 3 seeds when you put the 2 into soak?.. maybe Xmas elves or pixies? Strange one this and I don't have a answer mate. I say grow it out at say week 3 we should know if ABK?

All the best


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Aye. This very strange indeed. I'm 95% certain there were only two seeds in the cup. One cracked which was potted up first. ABK 3. So that's pretty much a given. Where the confusion lies is in the last two untracked seeds. Fingers crossed the other ice cool pops it's head and then I'll know for sure I'll have a 3 ABK and one ice cool.

The second bk to pop up is getting the legs on its older sister, the one with the slight discolouration. So maybe it's not all bad if one of the unknowns turns out healthier.

Saying that there's a slim chance one of the unknowns could be a reg photo bean, however I should be able to pick this out from the others hopefully if there fairly uniform.

Would be a bugger if it turned out to be a male reg

Peace out

Edit to add @@Dinafem-Mark yea it said 5 pack. I'm pretty certain there was only two beans in the cup. And I checked em a few times. I'd have thought he

I'd have spotted it surely. In a white cup. I specifically remember one cracked and sunk and the other didn't

Definitely either pixies, elves, aliens......or the sneakiest of the lot.....one of my cats

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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That is a bit strange,but a bonus none the less.

Good luck on the AK, I am waiting on news as I stuck my name in the pot. If not it will be Moby dick CBD.

After reading your exploits I am very tempted to try an auto in the new year sometime.

Stay warm it is going g to be a cold one me thinks.

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noticed one of the cats last night wandering around with a few seed husks stuck to its back. the little buggers snook into the cupboard where ive got a tray full of seeds and decided to take a nap in it.

must have shed it when walking over the plate I poured my two seeds onto.

Good news though, the last remaining ice cool has popped its shell out of the soil this morning so fingers crossed shes healthy and sheds her shell cleanly.

Fingers crossed the Abk 3 pops up then ill know for sure what everything is because one of either abk4 or abk5 is a regular outdoor photo seed lol

so now hopefully this turns out to be a male. theorectically it should be a semi auto male ( the stock the seeds were bred from all males auto'd). if this is the case ill have a do at some seeds on this run maybe for outdoors next year

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Well done Sherlock on solving this episode of 'The Mysterious Bean Fairy and the Feline Accomplice' lol

All good BP mate and you never know there may be some 'third eye' foresight here at work and the new additions turn out to be 'special' ;)

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Who would have guessed it was the cat lol. Mine used to love basking under the hps until I started loosing seedlings :)

Yes you guessed it was the cat and no longer allowed in the groom :) i lost so many babies and my head was shot then I saw her munching away :)

All the best


E2a - glad the issue got sorted mate :bong:

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