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My dinafem discovery and subsequent delight


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And we're off with another one. 100% germination is always a good sign :)

Will you be continuing on in this thread mate with the ABK? . Just so I know where to follow along :)

All the best and this should be a fine show


E2a - Thank you for the end yield numbers :). As you said it is mostly good genetics but more so a good competent grower.

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Thanks @@Dinafem-Mark yes I think I will do. There seems to be a few people following so I'll keep it all in one place. It may run on for some years though. I've still a few auto's and a whole catalog of nice looking photos to go through from dinafems excellent breeders.

Your more than welcome. I had to tell someone lol nobody I know has the faintest what a good, bad or indifferent looking cannabis plant looks like let alone the significance of hitting a gpw as a personal goal. Particularly from two auto's! !

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@@botanics there's always a good seat saved for you mate. You've been along the journey with me from the start.

Thanks for the luck. I might need it on this one.

I'm slightly nervous about this grow.

I'm nervous of a few things. My mind keeps replaying the grow day by day and I'm trying to work out things like, if I top at this node this gives me x amount of branches. Spread out across my frames will look like this. Then I think, if I top a node earlier it will do this that or the other.

Basically just trying to plan for the unknown really lol

Its not gonna be just a case of let them grow up to the frame and then start training.

There's gonna be a bit less training but a lot more pruning I think here otherwise I'm gonna be swamped and I don't want to be trimming airy bud.

I'm sure I'm worried over nothing but I remember from the first time that the ABK has a ridiculous amount of side branching which might cause me headaches here. We will see.

Temps today. Min 23.4 max 25.7 humidity a bit low at 35%

The little uns have struggled a little bit to shed there shells. Little bit of encouragement with a delicate finger and a soak with the squirty bottle and both have shells off but only one the inner membrane. This one is now unfurling itself nicely.

New cab and new environment to be getting used to so I'm also a bit nervous about this. Keeping the little buggers nice and humid is my biggest problem at the minute. Once there first true leaves are out I'm not so fussed but the low humidity. I just think it's hampering them shedding there shells a bit.

All the best evryone

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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Best of luck Blackpool mate. I'm dragging in my sun lounger and setting up a mini bar in the corner in the hope more people will come along as that means more co2 :)

Hang a load of wet, but not dripping towels in your cab, that will raise the RH.

I've just installed my parabolic, she is HUGE at 1m... takes up entire tent.... methinks my temps are gonna be a struggle to dial back in as no cool tube now... we'll see.

Can't wait to see how your beans come on, get that RH up mate, I'll sit in this corner by the bar and watch if that's ok :)

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10 outa 10 and a gold star goes to @@LovinTheBeans

Thanks for the luck mate. Don't know where the fuck your gonna put your sun lounger lol I'm living in a static caravan lol best leave that outside mate. Got plenty of seats going mate. I'd bang a tune on the decks and get this party goin but I've no idea how to embed a video while on my phone. You can set the minibar next to the decks.
Thanks for the tip bud. I've been considering going this for a day or two but I've been lazy. Note to self....go do it.

Just heard off my buddy he's acquired apparently 6 grands worth of hydroponic grow gear off an old hand in the industry for very cheap so I'm going to have a rummage.
Might be a good time to stock up for any eventualities......like the opportunity to run a bigger space. It sounds like an 75 pot hydro setup inc lights and fans etc so hopefully there will be some good stuff to be had for a green note or two.

Pic as of 5 mins ago

IMG 20151117 5443

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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@@SkyRider thanks mate. Come right on in. Me n beans are having a party don't you know. Help yourself to the jars and roll a fat one

Edit to add. I love your sig mate. Very very true. Very much how some people are with growing I think

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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Having slight disasters.......but happily not with the dinafem seeds.

Both ABK are up and looking good. Noticed the first tap roots showing out of the bottom last night. Unbelievable!!

They both got moved into the solarium to get there first taste of 400w set about 1.2 meters away. I've got a 12" desk fan oscillating on the lowest setting instead of using my fixed 6 inch clip ons.

Seems like it's lovely in there for them.

Temps have sat between 27.1 and 27.6 max since they went in and they had there first soaking today of tap water.

Now for the disasters....both the ice cool I fear are no go's. One broke the soil surface and tried to shed it's she'll before getting clear and looks very ill. I give her 50 50.

The other one seems to have just turned itself to mush. I've placed the last seed I have of this into the compo and will see what it does.

Backing myself up I've just popped two more auto blue kush into some water.

The way it's looking it's gonna be and all blue kush grow.

If the last seed gets up first I shall grow her. If not it was not meant to be

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Great news on the chance for a bargin.

Grabbing a chair. Best of luck mate.

Sorry.to hear of the ones that didn't make it. But everything happens for a reason

Edited by sy100276
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Fingers crossed for the ice cool mate, but secretly hoping for a one strain grow. Tell me when i can put the ice cool voodoo

doll away :)

Glad the ABK's are looking strong there!

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