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My dinafem discovery and subsequent delight


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Excellent diary mate. Never done automatics myself, but yours look tasty.

Well done on the harvest,and congratulations on your award.

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@@sy100276 thank you very much mate. Much appreciated.

@@Dinafem-Mark aye the month cure is where it's at. Imo as crucial as any part to making nice bud.

Speaking of bud. To my surprise the last of the cheese is ready for jarring so I've just weighed it........then again because I thought I'd got it wrong. Then double checked again thinking my maths skill are on the blink again.

So we have ended up with 217g from the cheese. Which on a purely weight basis I'm over the moon about.

This gives me a total from two auto's under a 400w hps of 428g

Plus what I've got left of the white widow (perhaps 2 oz) leaves me with a tidy Christmas smoke so I'm happy

As for the buds. There not a patch on the critical tbf. There's a lot of airer buds than I'd have liked and I don't really consider much of it to look like primo bud. There's just a lot of it.

Still I can't really complain.

I'm looking forward to seing what 4 brings in. My first harvest i did 4 plants and had an extra 6 litres of jars full from what I have now so it would have been really interesting to have known what I did pull then.

For a good grower I don't see any reason why 1.5gpw isn't possible so this is what I aspire to one day although I think it would be a struggle to pull 600g out of a dr80.

Thanks for looking by everyone.

I'm off to pot up some cracked beans

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600 out of an 80 is a challenge lol

You smashed the 1g per watt though mate. Nice one. That's a sweet multifunctional box too. ;) I look forward to watching the next load of seeds grow out man. :realcool:

I had the same thing... drying in around just over a week. That tends to happen when I dry in a closed tent with my fans running. I've had good results in a whole room. With still air but extraction still exchanging for neg pressure and humidity etc. I found when they were dry early the leaves and extremities of the plant were drying out quicker than the centre or stems. You know what I mean? Which is why the paper bag thing and leeching moisture out.. or evening out the moisture through the bud is needed after drying.

Do you find that? That the outside dries too fast? I think it's possible this is to do with air movement. Moving air hitting the outside of the bud and leaves. This then removes moisture from the outside of the bud. This was my take on it when I thought about it.

So this time I've opened the tent completely. Got my intake turned off. Closed the window. I got neg pressure on the whole room but with extraction on lowest it can go, creating still air environment.. at 62% and 15-16 degrees. This seems to be doing well. The bud is stinking and still damp after 4 days or so drying. I'm wondering what effect different temps have when drying at the moment too.

Stuff to think about though. I'll let you know how mine dry out.

Edited by Blayz'd
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Some results mate i got 25oz of 1800w lol

Got critical next grow, you didnt like it?

Try Blue cheese as well is great smoke!

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Aye. To pull that much bud out of an 80 would end up with a lot of shitty bud down low cos it would have to be literally 95%flower tops........I don't think it's possible. 450 or close to 500 would be max I reckon and only with a suitable strain that has the right structure to let light in that grows dense long buds......hmm I know a strain that matches that lol cj anyone? I drastically need more space. I'm not greedy but a 1.2 would let me grow 4 nice plants how I like

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Aye. To pull that much bud out of an 80 would end up with a lot of shitty bud down low cos it would have to be literally 95%flower tops........I don't think it's possible. 450 or close to 500 would be max I reckon and only with a suitable strain that has the right structure to let light in that grows dense long buds......hmm I know a strain that matches that lol cj anyone? I drastically need more space. I'm not greedy but a 1.2 would let me grow 4 nice plants how I like

2.4 mate lol I think you should get the 1.2 and aim to put a 1000 in there if possible. ;) See my edit on earlier post

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That would be sweet @@Blayz'd.

What you say on drying echoes my sentiments exactly. Earlier in the thread I said I was drying at something like 18 and 40 humidity. I like you decided to try and drop this and got it down to about where you were for the last few days.

I think it's down to air movement over the buds too. That's why I try and slowly get maybe the last 5 or ten percent out over a month to slow it all down. I reckon this gives a decent end product

Think I'm gonna try it in the room next time and extract from the entire room and just keep neg pressure.

Mold scares me though. I've never seen it yet and don't really want too.

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Well done BP :yep: smashed the GPW there, fuck I'm happy if I hit the 0.5 lol

Seen some of them orange buckets at B&Q the other day for a quid a piece, might get me some of those shame they don't sell skillz tho eh. Top draw diary and will be coming back to re read this quite often ;) Gimme a shout when you put up the new diary thread mate :yep:

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Now you and a 1.2ml setup sure would be a good show :)

From the autos you have grown was the cj the most productive. Also which were easier to lst and train, did you supercrop any?

All the best


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@@botanics Nice to know there on offer again . Might just pop down and pick up some new buckets for this grow. Cant beat the old orange bucket for a quid eh. @@botanics guests for the new grow are expected to be arriving at the party either late tonight or tomorrow.....Let's not hang about eh lol let's keep this wagon rollin. Thanks for calling by again mate. Always nice for the support from my regs

@@Dinafem-Mark ThanksThe cj produced the best buds..the white widow ain't far behind closely followed by the bk

I can't really say which is the most productive as they all came in pretty similar at around the 200g mark apart from the blue kush... however she will do these numbers I'm sure.

The cj would have produced more if I hadn't lost from the 4th node up with my accident. I reckon I lost at least 50g from that.

Like a photo plant I think it ultimately comes down to the grower and there methods. Like photos I believe a lot of auto's have the capability of a gpw it's just knowing how to fill the available space with flowering tops.

The cj and the white widow were both a dream to train and grow...the cheese wasn't.

The last few runs I haven't bothered with supercropping. This is something that I think does slow an auto down for a day or so but is still a valid method to use if it suits.

The way I look at it though is I can get the same effect by simply tying the branch down....same result but zero stress.

@@sy100276 thanks again mate

Aye it certainly is. I'll not be struggling to locate smoke over the festive period this year lol

.........up soon more autos

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Auto Blue Kush DAY 1

So the beans got a 36 hour soak in a dark warm place and then into pre soaked 0.5 litre on late Saturday night and I to the new veg cab with the lights on but the seedlings in darkness held at a steady 25.5 degrees. This morning I noticed we had a new arrival to the party and upon my return from work it's sister decided to poke her head out.

So that's 2/2 dinafem beans to crack first and also 2/2 to show above ground first.

Impressive germ rates as always and quick to as usual. Ever dinafem beans I've had has cracked within 24 hours and been up in less than 48. Very impressive stuff.

Not quite got into there stride yet but today is a start

IMG 20151116 18247

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