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My dinafem discovery and subsequent delight


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Thank you so much mate @@Dinafem-Mark. What can I say. This time seems to roll round so fast and here we are at the end of another saga....and what a saga this has been. This has been an eventful grow if nothing else.

Once again though dinafems genetics seem to be top notch on the growth front. I think the cheese looks very cheesey imo. The critical jack looks to have lots of Jack in her looking at the bud structure closely and its growing characteristics. The proof will be in the pudding but I'm off to sample an early dry bud from the cj.

Humidity had got to 65 with very stable temps the last few days at 19 degrees.

Couple of shots I took tonight whilst checking on my buds.

Critical jack


I'll get rid of those last few leaves when I jar up much of it towards the end of the chop.got like that lol

Peace out folks and I hope you enjoyed.

Next up 2 auto blue kush starting any day and pending what @@Dinafem-Mark has to say a haze 2.0. Mark do you have any info on this? Looked at a few reviews and they look shakey and haven't found much else info wise. Is it a recommendation on your behalf or can you recommend something else to blow my socks off? Something tasty and strong please

As far as I know the haze 2.0 on its own is not the best but made a great foundation strains. I could be wrong on this.

What sort of high,taste etc are you after then I can suggest a few strains. Have seen some nice ABC grows auto blue cheese and also a auto that gets over looked is our fruit auto :)

All the best


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@@Dinafem-Mark thanks for the look in mate.

im not really after a specific flavour, just flavour but to be honest blue che4ese would be the last thing id choose........spent way to much money for the priveledge of smoking blue cheese for years off dealers and I despised it then.

Im really into the taste of the critical jack, very smooth, thick smoke that coats the mouth with a sweet/hashy/woody/hazelnutty/coffee cream kinda taste which is not what i was expecting from it.

Im yet to be convinced but im swaying towards sour diesel or dinamex...whas thinking the amnesia but i think id struggle with that and space on this next grow.

To be honest what i might do is just run the Auto blue kush x2 and keep having dinafem in the mix somewhere over the next few grows. the other two pots in my tent i might fill with my ice cool autos from ss (sorry mark)

I suppose this stops me exhausting your catalog

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No apology necessary mate. Blue cheese is not one of my favourite either.

I'm sure what ever you do it will be a great show :). Honoured to even be in it :bong:

Best of luck and all the best


No apology necessary mate. Blue cheese is not one of my favourite either.

I'm sure what ever you do it will be a great show :). Honoured to even be in it :bong:

Best of luck and all the best


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The critical jack certainly hasn't disappointed. I had high hopes for her after falling in love with her while she was growing. She was such a lovely lady even after I beat her about a bit. I was so impressed by the bud structure, resin production, smell, plant structure. Well let's just say this girl kinda ticks all my boxes to grow and with the anticipation of smoking a cross of one of my favourite strains of all time (jack) I was a little nervous that when I finally came to get intimate with her she might be a let down....too good to be true kinda thing.

I've felt I've been lucky in that nearly everything I've grown has been nice....I felt it was only a matter of time before I grew out a shit smoke......buuuuut

Alas after 8/9 days drying the stems all snap and we're boxed up. I figured it would be rude not to weigh it so I got all the bud out into a carrier bag. Got the box on and set to zero and emptied the bag into it and to my delight :shock:

IMG 20151111 32522


I'll probably drop another 10g during the cure I'd say probably but I'm pretty dam happy with that to be honest when everything she's been though is taken into consideration.


As an early smoke report me and my mate both sat down with a clear head tonight to give her a fair crack.

First puff. Mmmnn nom nom Lickey the lips. Look at each other.

That's bloody tasty that is :oldtoker:

not what I expected at all. I was expecting a sourer taste from the smell she gives off. We think she tastes like a hazey hazelnut type of sweet richness almost chocolatey with hints of wood is the best I can describe it.

For fresh dried bud the smoke is very dense and smooth and coats the mouth quite nicely in a funny but really nice way. Your auto blue kush had a similar mouth orgasm kinda texture to the smoke but was very blueberry hashy if I remember.

Anyway I babble on. I'm sat with my old friend jack again so this tends to happen :chef:

Peace out folks

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@@botanics haha thanks mate. Glad ya like them. I'm not sure if there any good or what anyone else tastes. Its quite hard to describe weed when it's not either Berry or lemony. The cj has quite a subtle but complex taste.

Aye 211g is OK in my book mate. I'm not sure if the cheese will be 196g but it would be nice if it is and I hit the gpw. Either way I'm well chuffed. The only grow I've had more bud was from my first grow with 4 plants but I never weighed that so this will be the first time I can officially say I've at least come close.

Drying for me always seems to take between 7 and 8 days when I have a box connected to an intake on my tent. I'd like it to take an extra couple of days really but at 8 days to snapping stems it isn't too rushed imo and the buds still got a long way to go till its "finished" and like I said once moisture levels even out and after burping I'll probably lose another 10 g. This will take place slowly over the next month. I find it helps to keep the flavours nice and prominent. Over dry or dry too fast and it can be ruined just as much as it being too wet imo

Thanks for looking in mate anywho

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Nice haul there mate. Looking forward to your next diary as I will be right after you with a few auto blue Kush and Amnesia XXL,hope I got the room haha... Mucho lst I reckon. I might stick in coco for that so we can compare the blue Kush in soil v coco :)

Edited by LovinTheBeans
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20th of bud that suits your taste and needs is a great achievement. When the breeding team started out trying to better out auto line I think this is what we were striving for. A plant that will flower under any light,easy to grow and a nice end yield.

You do our strains proud mate :)

Great diary and great grow.

From the look of the end product it looks indistinguishable from a photo bud, is that correct? Also have you noticed and differences in the high from autos apposed to photoperiod strains?..

Again great grow which I'll be sharing around the office :)

All the best


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Thanks @@LovinTheBeans I'll be sure to pop in from time to time and see how there doing. Coco/hydro just doesn't seem natural to me but it interests me so it will in good to see side by side. Nice choice on the blue kush. I'll be watching the amnesia for sure as it's a possible to do for me.

Thank you so much mark mate. Yea I'm really happy with her. The buds are indistinguishable in my opinion. Maybe some of the lower buds are a bit airy and not what I'd call "dam grade" but 85-90% is good quality solid nugs that I'd be happy purchasing in the dam. This is probably one of the nicest auto I've grown bag appeal wise. I'd score her a solid 8.5 out of ten.

The cheese will be scoring lower

As for the high. My mate who's a smoker of thirty years reckons my widow and blue kush are some of the strongest things he's smoked....I'd have to agree.

I've smoked stronger in my time but the high and strength are just as good imo to anything comparable photo wise.

Its hard to say without a side by side but I'll leave it at my weed gets me (daily smoker of 11 years) my best mate (daily smoker of 18 years) and anyone else who cares to try it quite smashed.

Its not the very very very best I've smoked but it's good enough for me and my pals.

At the end of the day I'm only growing out one seed usually from one strain so to expect the best weed in the world would be silly but it affords me great quality and much variation

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Just a quick update after the ramble....

Drying box 2.0 now turns into..........veg cab 1.0

Just a case of lifting off the drying top and popping the homemade light box on top. Plug her in and voila

IMG 20151112 3760

IMG 20151112 53451

IMG 20151112 27992

Because air is drawn in on the same side as extraction (from the top where the slit of light is) I've placed a 6 inch clip on fan that blows against the back to swoosh the air about a bit but not directly at the seedling. Should just create enough turbulence I reckon to beef those little girls up while there young. Just got two cfls in there at the min but as you can see can accommodate four
This may.......may......turn into a mother cab soon for a photo grow....we will see. I likey the look of the PAK and the new amnesia strain dinafem have just announced
2 auto blue kush seeds went into water late last night. One had shown signs of cracking by lunchtime. Pot up tomorrow. Hopefully by the end of the week we might be seeing some new guests at the party.
Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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Thanks jon mate.

Just realised in my earlier post my mathematical skills seem to have gone haywire. The cheese does not need to hit 196g lol

She needs to hit 189g.

Don't know what happened there lol

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Guest b33lz33bub

Nice result fella.

I agree about the drying and curing - as long as it doesn't dry too quickly, then I reckon its the month cure that makes the real difference. It's a labour of love to get the last bit of moisture to spread evenly through the buds. If it's too warm in the summer and my buds are nearly dry after 4 / 5 days then I will jar them up before the stems snap, but when the buds feel dry, for a day or two until the buds feel damp again, then I put them back out the rack for a day then back in the jars, and so on. Then burp over the month, somtimes taking it out of the jars for an hour or so.

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@@b33lz33bub that sounds exactly how I approach getting my buds to a final sweet spot.

Oh and thanks for popping by mate

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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A good month cure willmake all the difference.

Great descriptive smoke report will look forward to one once cured nearer Xmas :)

Bring on the veg cab 1.0

All the best


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