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My dinafem discovery and subsequent delight


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I have a feeling that single pot scrogg is going to turn out better than any of us imagine. I've seen how well you can train plants.. if you have strong plants you'rd gonna smash it growing like that. I'm borrowing the idea. You've inspired me. I'll create my own one and come show you when I've done it :)

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You have some nice monstrous buds hanging mate. If I did not know better I would have thought they were photo buds.

Good call on the 2 strains for the next grow :).. Will definitely be a good show. Count me in..

All the best



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Thanks @@Dinafem-Mark that's what I'm aiming for.
Honestly I wouldn't be growing them if i didn't think the bud was as good as photo.
@@Blayz'd glad ya like it and best of luck on yours. I'll look forward to seeing them.
Hope I've not missed anyone from the day before.

Tonight's update.....

Cheese cheese cheese. Get your cheese. Step right up with the crackers this way.......

IMG 20151105 29341

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IMG 20151105 22411

IMG 20151105 34646

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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Looking very close to the chop mate.

Can I ask where did you get your metal strong screens from? And are they 20 cm x 20 cm?

Nice photo update mate and blinding job :)

All the best


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Seeing these mate makes me really hacked off I got 4 photos in early stages.. I don't know if I'm gonna do them justice being a reluctant grow. I'm so jealous right now but I'm just gonna have to plod on.

Edited by LovinTheBeans
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@jonthebog@Blayz'd@Dinafem-Mark thanks guys for your continued support. Mark the frames were made by me. I just cut them out of a sheet of galvanised steel mesh and then powder coated white.They measure I think 39x39cm so the 4 should make a 78cm x 78cm scrog frames when all put together.

@@LovinTheBeans glad ya like mate. This cheese was a bit of a reluctant grow to be honest mate but she seems to have picked up on the fact I've been putting all my attention into the cj and has thought...."fuck you, I'll show him what I can do"

They cheese has surprised me in the end and I'm actually quite excited to try her now

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Time to get the cheese knife out. She's up for the chop today.

So I've got the cj in my little cab. The cheese is going to get dried in the tent. Hmm how can I hang it in the tent.....I know.....

IMG 20151107 22733

These homemade scrog frames aren't half coming in handy. Seems they couldn't be a more practical size for me
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@@botanics your not wrong there mate. Just smashed about a third of a g in a pure white widow j so it's going to be bedtime for me immediately after this post lol

Internet tonight is being a knob jockey so I've only a couple of harvest shots from tonight.

Not nessesarily the best or biggest buds, just all the Internet would give me tonight so I'll try and get some better ones up tomorrow......God dammed shared Internet.

Gives ya a bit of an idea of how she's finished

IMG 20151107 223

IMG 20151107 12434

IMG 20151107 53529

Quite looking forward to the cheese and she's quite an easy girl to trim.
And to carry on for posterity the temps in the drying cabinet are a steady 18.5 degrees with 40% humidity.
Temps in the tent with the cheese drying are 18.5 with 50% humidity......OK in my book, I'd say I'll be looking at a 8-10 day dry if I can keep these conditions. Max temps today of 20.5c
Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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You have got to love the inventiveness that bb has, those scrog screens are coming in very handy mate. Great job and with those Temps and humidity I would say 7-10 days until "snap" dry then into jars for a good cure.

Nice job all the way through. Very impressive :) and a lot of newer growers and us older growers sure can learn a thing or two from this thread and grower.

Again well done, great diary and look forward to a smoke report and your next grow :)

All the best


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Thank you so much mate @@Dinafem-Mark. What can I say. This time seems to roll round so fast and here we are at the end of another saga....and what a saga this has been. This has been an eventful grow if nothing else.

Once again though dinafems genetics seem to be top notch on the growth front. I think the cheese looks very cheesey imo. The critical jack looks to have lots of Jack in her looking at the bud structure closely and its growing characteristics. The proof will be in the pudding but I'm off to sample an early dry bud from the cj.
Humidity had got to 65 with very stable temps the last few days at 19 degrees.
Couple of shots I took tonight whilst checking on my buds.

Critical jack

IMG 20151109 50533


IMG 20151109 31295

I'll get rid of those last few leaves when I jar up much of it towards the end of the chop.got like that lol
Peace out folks and I hope you enjoyed.
Next up 2 auto blue kush starting any day and pending what @@Dinafem-Mark has to say a haze 2.0. Mark do you have any info on this? Looked at a few reviews and they look shakey and haven't found much else info wise. Is it a recommendation on your behalf or can you recommend something else to blow my socks off? Something tasty and strong please
Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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