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My dinafem discovery and subsequent delight


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Mate I just realised after reading what you've said about autos and no mum capability :bangin: still thinking in photos mode lol

My reference to 'pokey' mate was whether they'll get you gurning like I've seen some of the boys on that meow shit really and whether there's any real difference in potency due to the Ruderalis in there, that's the only thing I'm apprehensive of I suppose, but looking at the filth (should be xxx rated lol) on show in here it seems it comes down to skillz and knowing your game ;) I'll be looking out for this new diary you're doing for sure and thanks for the reply man :yep:

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Guest b33lz33bub

I've started autos in seedling pots for a couple of weeks then up to 11l, and in 3l pots then up 11l at 3 weeks and had no problems. Last few rounds l did I ran them under CFLs for 3 weeks in 3l pots then into the folower room in 11l for 7 weeks. Can't really argue with a 7 week turnaround !

I think they were much more fragile a few years ago so the idea was not to shock them by repotting, but now I don't think that's the case, if the environment is right they grow like weeds......

Enjoy the fruits of your labour fella !

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Part of the reason not to start them or transplant them into big pots without steps in-between is, from my noob understanding, that the roots cannot absorb all the moisture from the medium, leading to gunk soil which lacks oxygen, I might be wrong. Could one combat that with mixing in equal quantities of perlite and/or using fabric pots I wonder.

How would cracked beans planted in a 50/50 mix in fabric 15l pots behave I wonder?

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@@Dinafem-Mark the next run is gonna be involving haze 2.0 and maybe something else along with the auto blue kush. Was going to do a single strain 4 plant grow of the blue kush but im leaning towards having a couple of others in for variation with it. I hope you dont mind mark? might just keep it to the single strain, who knows yet. 2 ABK are getting soaked tonight regardless

@@botanics no gurning......its just canna. same as regular old photo canna in every way shape or form. strength, structure, smell, high.....all indistiguishable from photo weed.

Strength wise, just to put your mind at rest, ive been smoking and building a tolerance to the white widow for 6 weeks or so now and after about 5 ounces of it the cure has far surpassed my tolerance build up.

2 joints has left me feeling like ive had a bit too much on occaision and more than once this week ive had to grab hold of the wall when ive stood up after a joint of a nightime (ive not had anything in 5 years that has had the same effect)

For comparrison we had a mini canna cup, some of my distinguished weed smoking friends brought round a clone only cheese, another some super lemon haze(one of my faves) and my other friend brought nycd and blue cheese, i brought auto blue kush.........we all agreed the auto blu kush was the strongest with the best high and was only bested on taste by the super lemon haze.

Ive been smoking for nearly 15 years now and sampled a phenominal amount of bud in my time and id say the autos I grow are on a par with anything ive smoked in that time and all my friends argree.

Now then though......this is not to say all autos are like this, ive grown out boring bland autos too but not from a reputable company so far.

I also think if your short on the nutes at the beginning of flower or mess up around this time this can have an effect. the first autos i grew got hungry after issues and the potency of them was down dramatically on the following run i did with them.

@@LovinTheBeans you just combat this by not overwatering. In my starter cups they get watered every other day, following a wet dry cycle. When they get potted on into 11L i give them about 2 litres to make sure all the soil is evenly wet but not sodden(will hold more if pushed)

becasue the small plants have good strong healthy roots it doesnt take long for them to settle in and drink up that water and there usually ready to water again in 4 days, From here on it the plant will be established and a normal 2/3day wet/dry cycle can commence

I found going straight into finals that they were a lot harder not to overwater and this meant a long time inbetween waterings when there young. People say to just give them a bit when there young but unless your getting ALL soil in your pot at least a bit wet then your onto a loser for a start.

think of your roots as water seeking.

A piss wet through pot and the roots are gonna sit there swimming

A slighlty moist pot and the roots are gonna be searching and sucking water from wherever it can.

I like to think the roots are exploring and searching for water and roots aint going to be growing searching for water in dry compo so i think its important to get all of the soil at least a bit moist every water.

@@Dinafem-Mark I only did one run with 18l pots and that was two autos which actually ended up smaller than my 11l pot grown ones so i cant really comment as this was when i was starting out and my teqnique wasnt reliable then. I planned on doing one tree of a blue kush in an 18l now to try but alas the 4 plant scrog is happening instaead

:shock: that was more than I set out writing lol

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@@LovinTheBeans I let my girls sunbath 24/7 365 days a year. My lamp never goes off.

Generally I'd soak them in tepid water for 24 hours. If they've not cracked by then I'll put them in a damp bit of kitchen towel in between two plates and leave them somewhere that's cosy in a cupboard.

Never bothered to ph my water. For one I'm in compost and its not necessary and for two my water supply comes from several reservoirs so is constantly changing pH and hardness from extremely soft to moderately hard....to help with this I use cal/mag through the grow otherwise I end up with all sorts of problems. Working out how much and when to give it is a bit more hard work for me though due to the constant change in water.

All ya should really need to know is if your waters soft or hard in compo. The soil does a good job of buffering the ph you just need to make sure it's getting all its micronutrients that can be lacking in some ferts

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I would go with eith 2 strains or 4 mate. It will give you a lot of varieties to pick from and give you a feel for different growth rates and strains :)

What ever you do mate it will definitely be a good show :)

All the best


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So after my last grow I binned my old trusty cardboard drying box mk4.

So I got an old set of drawers and converted it into a drying box and with a change of lids and removal of the mesh turns into a veg cab.

IMG 20151102 15320

IMG 20151102 30561

IMG 20151102 42590

It's in drying box mode at the minute.
Air is drawn in from the top through the open end and sucked out of the bottom into my tent. At the minute temps are 21 in the box and 27 at canopy level so its looking good so far.
My scissors are calling me but it is late and there's no way I'll get all the big buds trimmed tonight so I'm gonna just do the two big colas on the cj and see how my new box performs temps wise overnight and bash on tomorrow.

I've got a feeling this drying box is not going to be big enough for both plants with only half the drying rack space of the footprint of my tent so I may hang the cheese in my tent and hold off on the beans till one of the plants is dry.

Can't complain...too much weed is a dilemma I'm happy to have

Peace and love everybody. Hope you've enjoyed the cj. I certainly have and I'll try and get some bud pics for the audience to pass around.

You'll probably not hear much from me tomorrow. I'll be busy/mashed of scissor hash

E2a. Thanks Mark mate. Think I'll do two blue kush auto's and either 1 or two haze 2.0's. If I went with one I'll have to have another look to see what would go well as a contrast to these two. I know there fairly contrasting already but something else nice in there would be good. Any suggestions @dinafem-mark

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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Just the one bud has been chopped tonight. Just the very tip of a side branch. There's still about 5x more bud on this one branch alone.

Enjoy folks

IMG 20151102 36874

IMG 20151102 37805

IMG 20151102 2322

IMG 20151102 7543

And finally a pic as I was trimming away

IMG 20151102 14755

She seems to have taken a bit of a purpley dark hue to her and looks almost like blackberries. very lovely structure and shape and the density is crazy. I struggle to capture good shots to show its buds for what they are but hopefully one of these looks ok
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the more strains you do the more work it is and the heights of them can really vary too but not if you do your research and train them as required to keep them level. You'll do fine though. Always done well with Dinafem too. I like the feeling of knowing what you are getting that I get with them.

Love the nug shots. Looks heavy on the yield also.

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I have been sat reading over this diary for ages and what a show you have put on!! Great to see top growers like yourself sharing your exploits!!

This diary needs pinning [asap lol]

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