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My dinafem discovery and subsequent delight


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Thanks mate, I love em @@Highburyway for me they suit better than photos and I can't come close on a yearly basis for either variety and yeild with photos in my situation.

Embrace the auto and thou shall be rewarded my friend.

CJ feed tonight, I'll upload pics tomorrow, it's late so I'll keep it brief.

5 ml bloom 5 litres

No calmag cos I've run out and need to order some tomorrow.

She's just beautiful. I am very fond of this little girl. I've got little love for the cheese. She's so fussy!! 5.5ml burns the shit out of her and the following reduced feed at 4.5 ml and she's starving.

Positively tho. she's still chucking out white pistils and she seems to be still going for it with a bit of a second wind

The cj is just tightening up and putting on density, not many new pistils. Apart from a smidgem of overfert from the accidental big feed she's very happy. She's on course to finish off nicely with an n def setting in from the bottom gradually.

I'd also like a comment from any watchers.

Next grow is a seed for diary for the auto blue kush.

I've already grown this out and loved her but what I am asking is what would you prefer to see.

A. One in an 18 litre pot trained big and wide going for maximum from one plant

B. 4 plants in 11 litre pots with individual 40x40cm scrog frames topped twice as an experiment (completely new method for me)

Come on closet lurkers, what dya all like to see

And also to the regulars I'd very much like your input

Thanks for bearing with the essay


Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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I don't know if it's cos I'm stoned as fuck or I'm being daft but I've read read the last few comments and I'm positive I've no idea what your on about @@jonthebog lol lol

Haha not the foggiest old chap lol

Don't forget. A or B folks

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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Option B bro. Trees are all good but I like the idea of 4 plants with their own seperate scrog nets. I've thought about doing that too. Basically a scrog you can remove from the tent. It's a good idea and I can't remember seeing it being done before. :)

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Cheese can be a very finicky strain where food is. It is very easy to over do it but you look to have things very well under control :)

Nice update mate and great job so far

I would on the next grow like to see you step outside your comfort zone. We know you do great things with 1-2 plants scrogged so would love to see how you handle 4 :). However you do it the results will be great. But option b for me

All the best


Edited by Dinafem-Mark
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So B it is then!
Thanks for the input @Dinafem-Mark@Blayz'd
I was leaning to this anyway myself. Got the scrog frames cut and powder coated white measuring 38cm square with 5x5 squares.

These pics were taken Sunday of the cj and she's fast approaching the finish line. She could come down now I reckon but I'm letting her go till next week. She's still packing weight on I think.

Very pungent smell and apart from the tiniest bit of overfert with a few yellow tips from a 6ml pl feed she's coming to an end nicely. Picking off yellow leaves from the bottom up daily showing she's finishing off nicely N deficient.

The resin production on this girl is outstanding and the bud formation is beautiful. Super dense nuggets that are fuzzy with trichomes.
Everything about this plant to grow ticks the boxes.Heres hoping she's as good to smoke as she is to grow smell and look at.

IMG 20151026 7346

IMG 20151026 52629

IMG 20151026 39215

IMG 20151026 18873

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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Get some pics of those scrog nets your doing mate. I'd be interested to see how you made them. Might have a go myself if they look easy enough.

Good luck with them bro. :)

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IMG 20151028 57489

IMG 20151028 22137

@@Blayz'd started with a sheet of steel mesh and just cut up into squares and ground rough edges. Pretty easy really if you have access to an angle grinder or even a hacksaw and patience.

I got the material out of the scrap skip at my local fabricators for free.

It came galvanised silver. I'm sure this would be fine but I'm able to powder coat so I opted to coat them white which also has the benefit of giving the plant a nice surface to grow against.

Now I have these I plan on drilling 4 holes in the rim of my bucket with 4 mm steel round fencing wire poking up with a loop on the top which will have the scrog nets tied to. When I get time I'll do a how to post when I do the frame supports and the final product for ya dude and anyone else interested
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Yeah that'd be good mate. I'd appreciate that. Sounds simple enough. Should work a treat. I'll look forward to seeing that in action. ;)

Sweet looking budshot there too. Nice :)

Edited by Blayz'd
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Onto the cheese :russian:

she's overferted and underferted all at the same time and looks to be at least a couple weeks off.

I don't know what to make of this girl. She's like one of these girls who says one thing and means another and then falls out with you cos you got it wrong. Pfft pain in the arse she is.

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I have not checked in for a couple of days and oh my god the size of that cj is outstanding mate, good call on another week. Critical and Jack strains do wack a lot of weight on in the final week. Some growers would have cut now but the extra 5-7 days can give a nice extra yield :)

Sorry you are having issues with the cheese mate she can be a real finicky strain where food is, anorexic on minute the obese the next.

Nice update mate, would love a final weight when the cj is down, dry and cured. I,m saying 150-200g

All the best


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