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Mohan Ram & Sweet Cheese Auto's in Wilma & Soil.


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Update day. Well I chopped down the Sweet Cheese that were in the garden, just in time look at all the wet rain we had this week, they came down on Wednesday, carefully manicured and now in jars, same goes for the small Mohan Ram in soil which gives up a little more space in the tent for MohanZilla to continue her rampage across the landscape.

The two SCSS in Wilma are ticking along nicely, the double header making seeds and the taller one at the back starting to show promising bud heads up top - noticably growing bigger every day.

The Mohan Rams in Wilma are really starting to fatten up the buds now, hoping this is all complete by 4 weeks time as in 5 weeks time I am out the country for 2 weeks - hoping to get a mate to water things for me whilst I am gone but want to complete cropping and jarred up by the time I go ideally.

MohanZilla is just insane, just like the colonial British Empire, spanning out with no respect for others, taking all it can grab to the detriment of her neighbours, the smell is starting to come into its own now, kinda durban poisony, a soury kinda smell, not sweet at all like the Sweet Cheese, will be nice to have a newer flavour to enjoy.

My two randoms in the tent are doing cool, as are the ones planted in the garden, they survive well also, but for now onwards we will concentrate on MohanZilla and her smaller sister :)



MohanZilla close up


MohanZilla's shy little sister


Group shot


SCSS in soil



Sweet Cheese Auto x3 & Mohan Ram Auto (Bottom Left) Drying


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  • 2 weeks later...

Late update, been a little busy so here goes :

The SCSS in the Wilma are fattening up, nearing the end, maybe 2 weeks or so to go, so far so good.

The Mohan Ram in Wilma are going great also, Mohanzilla is fattening up nicely, am really looking forwards to tasting her.

I have just ordered some Cannazym and once this turns up I shall be lowering the amount of A & B (100-150ml each water change/top up) and adding in the new Cannazym stuff - this should assist in the finishing off of this project.

The SCSS in soil is really juicing up lovely, really fat as the pictures below will show.

The randoms continue to thrive in the corner, I think they will get repotted soon and left out the back of the garden to see what happens to them.

The pics !

SCSS in Wilma making seeds, SCSS f2 hydra edition :D


SCSS in Wlima stretching up and fattening up


Mohan Ram obscured by Mohanzilla in Wilma


Mohanzilla in Wilma


Mohanzilla close up


SCSS in soil fattening up lovely


SCSS in soil close up


And another


Randoms thriving


Group shot


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, update time, lets try get these updates back on track, only one or two remaining until chop down !

The double headed SCSS in Wilma aka the f2 Hydra - Chopped down yesterday, seeds were literally falling out of the plant so manicured it all and placed in an open jar to slowly dry and give me a handful of seeds for the ongoing Sweet Seeds Sweet Cheese (Auto) x Sensi Seeds Super Skunk (Auto) project. When I grow these out next year I hope for mostly double headed monsters with a thick cheesy smell - I may also post some in to Joolz for the subscription seeds program for any who ask.

With the double headed SCSS removed from the Wilma I have placed the smaller Mohan Ram in its slot as there is more light available for her to finish off - Looks like some flowers got some pollen also - Will have some Mohan Ram x SCSS seeds also........the more the merrier for next year !

The final SCSS in Wilma which I stripped right back to just the top few branches a couple of weeks ago is fattening up lovely, can really see the difference lollypopping does to a plant and seeing how it all concentrates it bud formation in the remaining few places - quite impressive to see what a difference pruning makes to fat buds !

Mohanzillla - Well what can I say..........she is a beast............I am seeing her get bigger and bigger every day, the branches of buds are swelling, completion is close (and it needs to be as I go away for 10 days at the end of the month) ! The pictures below give a good representation of how she is doing.

Since Wednesday I have put the lighting schedule onto 12/12. It was 20/4 but no more. Nutes for Wilma are 75ml A & 75ml B & 100ml Cannazym. Each of the 4 buckets used to fill the Wilma are pH balanced to 5.8-6.0 before being put in. I have cut the A & B back, added more Cannazym and set lights to 12/12 - This should help the plants finish off over the next two weeks.

SCSS in soil is ripening up beautifully, foxtailing like mad, pics below say it all.

One random remains in the tent, last week I stripped her undercarriage, repotted into a huge pot (with soil of course) and is being put into flower in the tent - I intend to have the tent with just this plant in when I go away for 10 days, have the full of water Wilma dropping a 15min feed of water into it every 24h under 400w (lowest setting) and see if I come back to a live and fourishing flowering plant. It will have been under 12/12 for 5 weeks by the time I return, shall be interesting to see if she survives.

All other randoms I have secreted out the back of the garden, surrounded with stingy nettles, tomato plants & a massive yukka - One of them is an SCSS, the largest random (recently planted outside as moved out of tent) has female preflowers, and the other 6 are looking nice also. I tie them down as much as possible to keep it all below waist height, hope they survive the British weather - They standa a good chance as much rain cover from huge tree behind and above a bit, plus the fencing, location is great really.

Until next week !



MohanZilla light off


MohanZilla close up


More Mohanzilla


Mohan Ram in Wilma


Mohan Ram in Wilma with lights off


SCSS in Soil


SCSS close up of foxtailing


Group shot


Randoms in garden


Another shot


SCSS in garden flowering


Final garden shot


Until next week ! :oldtoker:

Edited by Inspiration101
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  • 3 weeks later...

Well haven't been on this in a while due to a new job and a holiday but good to see all had went well for you I totally forgot about the 2 SCSS and 2 DCSS out the back they are actually still alive the cheese have stayed small and budded some what but not loads with lots of crystals the 2 DC one is pure purple with very little bud and lots crystal and the other hasn't started flowering so don't know what's going on there probebly flower in faker stages don't know how these have survived on my shed roof with all that rain and cold and no cover what so ever with Hartley any sunny days the whole of July and August probebly just cut in week or so and throw to the cuttings bag in frzzer for future BHO

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Sounds good Instagrow ! :-)

Not updated in a while as was a little bit busy what with getting married n stuff, currently in Egypt working my tan n enjoying the local hospitality ;)

Had a bit of a disaster at the end, I did not sort out adequate air flow for the drying and estimate have lost 30% from mould - I was very brutal with the cutting out of it all. I hope when I return home in a week all is safe n dry and ready for curing.

I also have a nice big random female hooked up to the Wilma to get a little water each day, hopefully I will get some extra to make up for it . Fingers crossed.

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checked them today and were all cloudy was hard to see the DCxSS as it was completly purple so just after chopping the 3 that flowered it took me hours :oldtoker: just kidding the purple one into bits and straight into freezer well the bits i seen thrics on i think the Purple DCxSS was a mutant at start but i decided let it run the 2 SCxSS cut just the top bit of bud off and trimmed and put the 2 little buds in the cupboard on cardboard to dry and the rest added to the freezer bag

the other DCxSS is flowering now dont know how this is photo period?

didnt do this grow at all expecting anything from it just to see how they faired thats why i forgot completly all about them on the roof all to the elements not a bit of cover for at least 4 weeks and the only water they got was rain

so that shows they are very strong for GG which i will do next year with all these if these were looked after more they could have budded more and also with more light and cover from weather and stuff would fair far better

i dont know what the purple DCxSS done but it just sent out lots of crystals and went complelty purple not much bud and this was most likely to the weather being cold and warm then complety wet for 2 weeks.

the smell is diffrent coming of the SCxSS as it one minute smells of citrus then off a cheesey smell the DCxSS was just pure sweet and these could be grown in your front garden no smell until poked at which is good for GG or Micro as they arent quite that big plants

heres some pictures of SCxSS




heres the mutant DCxSS



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Thanks for the update on your progress Instagrow, I get back to the UK on Saturday so will do my proper and final update for this grow on Sunday.

Love the colours, the UK weather has sucked this year, They shall be great little GG plants I think, will do a big run next year down the back of my garden if all goes to plan.

Thanks again, until Sunday, later !

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Final update, project is officiailly completed. Just buried a couple of jars of Mohan Ram for a few weeks to cure, alongside an oil slick stack container with 6 grams of Mohan Ram BHO.

I have had a busy weekend, all of the trim, branch, mouldy buds (there was a lot of mouldy bud) went into a 5 litre bottle, I used a nice 220u gauze I purchased from the USA last year (got a metre square of it for a dry sift idea), jubilee clip, and 12 cans of butane. I am the proud father of some rather heavy hitting Mohan Ram Butane Honey Oil, 6g I have buried for christmas, 2g I shall enjoy now. Hurray for BHO, got some goodness out of all the rotten buds :)

I weighed up 216g of dried manicured weed, I separated the Mohan from the SCSS, this was easy as Mohan is a much darker green colour. I will be mostly smoking SCSS as have buried most of the Mohan Ram, however I will say they all smoke lovely and am happy to have salvaged so much decent smoke to see me through until my next project :oldtoker:

There is a random in full flower in my tent right now, on week 5 of 12/12, I have manicured her undercarriage and she has 7 big main heads growing really well - Once she is done my new project will be able to kick off - Killer Kush Auto & Sweet Trainwreck Auto. I pulled the seeds out last night, purchased a 2nd 4 pot Wilma System and shall attempt to run four of each breed very shortly.

My garden is all in flower, only one male needed plucking, all others are female, kinda hoping the London weather does not kill them before they complete flowering, we shall see !

Any questions please feel free to beep me, fingers crossed for the future for all !

Pics below :

Mohan Ram in 2 large jars, SCSS in the smaller



Mohan Ram BHO



SCSS in garden






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I find it hard to tell at the moment as to the potency as spend best part of two weeks in Egypt and have been smoking the BHO also.

It is well worth it for sure. Some of my SCSS pollen got onto the Mohan, I can see some seeds, so shall be able to throw these into my guerilla mix this up coming spring.

If you are considering trying Mohan then yes go for it, I fluffed up my grow a fair bit but MohanZilla still grew like a monster, she would have popped out the roof were it not for my bad growing skills ;)

Thumbs up for the Sweet Seeds stuff, next time I will keep it simple and hopefully have a more uniformed and mould free grow.

I will revisit the curing Mohan in two weeks and let you know !

Edited by Inspiration101
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