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A look at DNA Ultimate soil with cork


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I got a sample bag of this soiul a while back and only just recently used it on some rooted cuttingsin 1 L pots. They seemed to love it with no tip burn or slowed growth but it does seem to dry out a bit faster. I find i treated it like coco but just at a 6.5 pH. it is very much like coco in consistancy I found. Good stuff though!

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Good thread, chap! However, I have one problem, and I don't mean it to sound narky coz its not meant that way, but.... given the arsenal of of inoculants and ferts, isn't it going to be tricky to observe how the compost itself performs?

My main problem with it (the compost, that is) though, is the heavy peat reliance. I know, its almost impossible not to use peat but I do still hold out and hope for a compost to arrive that is not only peat free but which out-performs peat too.

I'm using what sounds like a similar mix, PM's "Soil Supreme". Annoyingly its peat based, but otherwise a lovely tilth-y compost that, given the right nutrients, performs very well and gives the roots an almost perfect medium to fill. But therein, I find, lies the problem. One has to discover the right nutrient mix to suit the plants. This is, I think, my fourth run with Soil Supreme and for the first time I feel I may have got it sussed!

Looking forward to your observations. We need threads like this, and a lot more of them! Thankyou. :notworthy:

Sorry to side track @Lobo

Anyway @@Arnold Layne

You could try fertile fibres coco based offering it won which container compost out performing 26 peat and non based composts such as verve etc. Its a fertilised mix thou unlike soil supreme and similar price so not a saving but I guess it pretty good and peat free if thats what you want. I would love someone to try it and feedback but I am not paying 15-16 quid a bag. It will also come fertilised and pre inoculated with myco i reckon and other shizz so would be saving on some feed but thats pretty cheap anyway i guess, but is less hassle with a fertilised mix, just add water!

Personally I been going for vitax mpc with added q4 fertiliser for my canna, it is peat based thou at 3 x 56 litres for £10. Last year I used erin and that was excellent but again peat based. I am experimenting with some of fertile fibres coco coir in some raised beds thou but no canna just veg and fruit.


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Looks good and airy. Thought cork repelled water though?

Fwiw floranova is lucas/ghe 3(2) part with some added organics (humates etc). Hardly semi-organic though it does work well from the little I've used it. Can't really use a 5ml or smaller syringe with it though which for me is a pain (small bottle of FN, small grow, have to use a spoon).

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@@Elephant Face

FF does not get very good rep amongts cannabis growers, sadly. I thought of it once before but then read some reviews.

See Here

But thanks for the suggestion, I may explore it further at another time and see if its improved or changed in any way.

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@@Arnold Layne

Those posts are from 2005-2006, he has only been operating 10 ish years so sure his product has improved hence coming top in container composts in most recent which test.

Also the bloke mentions vegrow and this is a vegan compost not the one which fertile fibre came top with so less relevant really. The one that won is not vegan, or i doubt it anyway.

Hope someone tries it, if not next year I will go and see him and try and get a bag at a fair price not paying 16 quid thou.

I think you may have to water more but less in quantity and possibly feed less also as it has very slow release properties by looks of those posts.

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@@Elephant Face I'm going to wait and see how others fare with it before dipping my toes in. I don't have sufficient space to run side-by-sides, and need every plant to come in on form. So, whilst I really dislike using peat, for the moment peat based compost seems to be the best way for me to go.

The thing with FF and Coco and other such is that its basically hydro, and requires one to be up to spec with stuff lie Ph, EC and what-have-you. Now I have the scientific skills of a gnat on LSD and a load of amphetamine, so it would be a guaranteed epic fail for me to go down that route!

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Have wondered that myself and after seeing first timers produce big yields it's gotta be worth a punt.

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Arnold mate, the FF MP is what it says it is, a ph buffered multi purpose compost with medium fertiliser reserves not used it my self but a friend has and done well with it. In other words it works just like any other MP compost fair water holding, no tec needed, just water and liquid ferts when needed like any other compost, its nothing like growing in pure coco with chems.

As I see it the pros for you is its a delivered to your door price and its factory fresh Sa approved organic.

The cons for you are that its price is dear and more to the point 60 litres weighs in at 20 kilos, not good for old crumbling bones.

Still working on setting up, I know its taking me an age but involves building work, once I do I'll give some a go to see for myself.

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@@Elephant Face I'm going to wait and see how others fare with it before dipping my toes in. I don't have sufficient space to run side-by-sides, and need every plant to come in on form. So, whilst I really dislike using peat, for the moment peat based compost seems to be the best way for me to go.

The thing with FF and Coco and other such is that its basically hydro, and requires one to be up to spec with stuff lie Ph, EC and what-have-you. Now I have the scientific skills of a gnat on LSD and a load of amphetamine, so it would be a guaranteed epic fail for me to go down that route!

As OT1 says I don't think you need all that technology and sure which wont have been fannying around with PH ETC it will have just been water and possible feeds later but unsure even on that, sure they will have stated it somewhere but I have not seen if they have.

I just thought might be a good solution for your requirements but understand you not wanting to guinea pig also as if it goes tits up you may have wasted load of time for crap buds. I will next year if no one else does first but will be outdoors as thats how i roll.

Arnold mate, the FF MP is what it says it is, a ph buffered multi purpose compost with medium fertiliser reserves not used it my self but a friend has and done well with it. In other words it works just like any other MP compost fair water holding, no tec needed, just water and liquid ferts when needed like any other compost, its nothing like growing in pure coco with chems.

As I see it the pros for you is its a delivered to your door price and its factory fresh Sa approved organic.

The cons for you are that its price is dear and more to the point 60 litres weighs in at 20 kilos, not good for old crumbling bones.

Still working on setting up, I know its taking me an age but involves building work, once I do I'll give some a go to see for myself.

Surprised at the weight as coco is usually pretty light, that might be worth double checking with FF as I am shocked if it is as I don't think he uses sand or heavy stuff in mix, but yer website says 20kg. His website has had errors on it before.

Would love to know how you get on OT1 when you room is ready. :rockon:

I have gone a bit crazy with coco in the garden in raised beds as got a bulk order so is my first real experiments with a mainly coco medium. Strictly veg only thou.

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@ FN is very lumpy/grainy and the lumps of fert can block the smaller syringes, I rarely make up more than 10l of feed at a time, and find it difficult to be precise with the larger syringes.

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Have you tried the syringes you get from kids calpol or neurofen?

perfect for what you want want, got a decent hole and only 5ml plus comes with a bottle plug so can tip bottle upside down without it spilling

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