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KB enters the world of Dutch passion. ABB - AWW - SR grow diary.


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My set up is the same ek1 mate but you were right, I will not be doing a scrog for this grow. One thing different is my upgraded extraction coming next week. Oh yeah and having my lumatek from the start.

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@@cabster cheers matey


today all 4 seedlings have emerged above soil. Not much to say right now so on with some pictures.









GROUP (yeah I know my grow room floor is dirty lol it's getting a wipe down tomorrow)



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Sat here with my Blues at the same stage,then realised you are going to be done around the same time as I flip..

Going to have to do an auto/reg mix next grow.

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Sat here with my Blues at the same stage,then realised you are going to be done around the same time as I flip..Going to have to do an auto/reg mix next grow.

Atb with ya blues mate

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Blues are like autos mate,they all but grow themselves or atleast the last lot did.

6 out of 7 germinated and have popped the surface,best looking seed just isn't arsed though,thinks itself too pretty to crack & I also have a clone from one of my killers sat in a 3 litre pot waiting for the blues to catch up,she is going to need some serious trimming so I will get another bash at clones,need a better hit rate than 1 from 9 though.

You like biobizz right Kush,did you find that you needed to add grow all the way through like they recommend & what doses were you giving them ?

Edited by Eco Coward
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I didn't give grow all the way through last grow, I stopped using it when the stretch had stopped and there were proper flowers starting to form, then switched to bloom.

My grow doses didn't go above 3ml per litre and I've used bloom at up to 5ml per litre and had good results. If there's yellowing in early/mid flower then I'd always try add a little grow as its most likely N deficiency.

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Suprised that you had to go to 5ml,I found it to be stronger than pmot,only bought half a litre because I didn't think I would get another grow in before Christmas so I am going to get some more Old Timers and do a side by side.Really wanted to get moved mate so I can build something nice in the loft,want to get into coco next,a wilma with airpots I think.

Looking forward to seeing how these autos turn out for you.

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I didn't really have to go to 5ml per litre mate but I was just curious how strong I could get away with.

I'm curious how these will turn out too, I'm quite looking forward to it!

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Hey guys sorry for the lack of updates, I'm swept off my feet with work. Things have changed, AWW 2 just shriveled and died, have no idea why as the others are fine. I put down 2 StarRyder in place of the AWW that died so now I have - 1x ABB 1x AWW and 3x SR. Ill update properly tomorrow. Cheers

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things are so far so good apart from we've Had a bit of a random September heatwave where I am and temps were a bit higher than I'd like and AWW seems to have been burnt, only a tiny bit though. I think it may of been from water droplets sitting on her leaves from the misting magnifying the light. She's perfectly healthy though and the others are absolutely fine so no problem at all.

They have all had plain water and I'm going to start on a very light dose of PM root stim as of tomorrow.

The following 3 pictures of ABB AWW and SR are day 8 from popping up from the soil. The 2 baby SR are on day 2.



AWW - she got a little lanky and needed supporting.




The 2 new SR



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