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Advanced nutrients

Herbal Kint

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How's it going HK? i wouldn't worry about the ec pen. If you want to stay organic, you might want to use the fishmix alone, it's been done before (4 to 5ml/L). But some of the girls do look hungry and might have a quicker recovery with the advanced nutes stuff. I would do it the way you proposed, half the dose at first and see how the plants react. if you get yellow leaf tip burn, you obviously are given them too much nutes, but i don't think it will be the case with only half the recommended dose. Perhaps bringing it to 3 or even 4ml/L after initial trial during week 5-7...

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AustrianTokker how are you mate am great growing again after almost a year, just been given some cuts of Saten from austrian mate,and they look nice :yes:

First watering should be tonight, ill go with advanced as they are hungry and i would really like to end up with some solid buds and Lemons are not going in that direction, hopfully tonight fed will help.

Yeah that was my idea ,ill give them 2ml of each and report back, if all goes well ill up the food.

Seriouslly thinking of trying hydro/coco grow since i got the nutes cheep and can still get them at that price, at least try few plants along my compost grow.

Cheers mate and thanks for advice!Drop by see how it went ;)

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There they are 24h after first watering,looking ok :)

Headband right Lemon left, id say Lemons got worst dammage all trough the tent. All afectted Satens were on side of tent that was open and cold got them i guess.





WS are happy what ever i give them, such nice plants.




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Got small oscilating hitting over tops, humidity was 95% when i opened the tent today :russian:

I still got no humidifire , forund one good for 220 euros but am skint atm, will put an oscilating or two under the cannopy blowing up over buds to refloctors trying to prevent budrot.


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Got small oscilating hitting over tops, humidity was 95% when i opened the tent today :russian:

I still got no humidifire , forund one good for 220 euros but am skint atm,

If your humidity is 95% why do you want to buy a humidifier?

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If your humidity is 95% why do you want to buy a humidifier?

dehumidifire i ment lol

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Humidity down to 75 % still not humidifire.

Watered tonight for second time with AN , 2ml A and 3ml B.

Lemons look like a waste of time round after round some problems, might dich the mums if it dont deliver some nice bud after this grow :(

Anyway here are girls 34days in flower




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@@Herbal Kint

Hi mate, I've been using the PH perfect advanced nutes for about 18 months, mine are by sensi but I guess they are pretty much the same.

I use DWC system and it works really well with no ph adjustment ( my ph pen is stil unopened in the box)

I've found the cf needs to be kept at a minimum right thru the grow for best results. My tap water is reading 0.5 and I never go above 0.9

this is because the roots are constantly in the solution so feed is available all the time, any stronger than this I get horrendous nute burn.

I've never grown soil but I think ph is not taken into account, only cf, if thats the case Its possible that those nutes are for hydro.



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stu914 , what is cf ? I heard for ec and ph,but never for cf. I have no idea how you calculate that. But am deffenetly doing hydro grow (like 1 or 2 plants) along with my compost grow, am open for sugestions not even now where to start , coco,ntf,aero, DWC to many to choose from, think ill go with the one that most forgiving(or easy to cool/heat) temp vise .

Best pointer will be Saten as plant is healthy and green , am taking pictures reularry so i now when it went wrong but so far they look mint. Ill borrow a ph pen from friend and take a measure of my water.

Left light 3 hour to long this morning,i hopw there will be no herms :fear:


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@@Herbal Kint

Hi, cf = conductivity factor, basically the parts per million dissolved solids in a liquid,

in our case its easier to use the cf measurement on a truncheon to check nutes in a hydro system.

You won't need a ph meter if you are using the ph perfect advanced nutes, at least I haven't....

Every hydro system has its pros and cons, I use a DIY DWC bubbler, 2 plants which grow fast and give

good results using almost no feed, bonus! Downside is keeping temps down in summer but there are ways

round most things.

Theres a good thread pinned on Brummie Bubblers, also have a nose round some of the diaries in the hydro

and set up sections, that will really get you thinking..... :rofl:



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  • 2 weeks later...

So basiclly you are measuring strength of your nute mix?

Here are girls at day 50(i think),Satens on colder side of tent are far from finishing but on the other side they look finished, my guess is that duct light leak did his job,found a seed in one lemon and saten plant, only headband seems cleen for now. Didint affect its smell but Lemons look pretty leffy , but they have 20 more days so i hope some densines occures lol

As for nutrients i am on 3/3 ml A and B. Noticed nute burn only prolly only green(healthy) headband, so next round might take it easyier on HB. Anyway its a right mess in growroom,but i think am on my average of 20oz and the buds look resin coated :)

Starting with Lemon,structure looks more leaffy then i would like hope it picks up in next 3 weeks,but the smell is sweet i could eat it :D




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Headband , smells like diesel factory and cycles starting to explode. Think this will be some dense nugs but plant looks like very low yielder but will see,11brances from plant with small clusterd buds that could go to 70days IMO.


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