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Sweet Trainwreck ® Auto - [Test Grow] + complet video full HD

Sweet Seeds -Jaypp

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Top photo's even the mini trichs on the hairs. Auto's have really taken a step up this year. My head is reeling at the number of good strains available and this one

is definitely a top contender.

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as i've promised you, today i will share the last pics from this week where the trichomes have been the protagonist. I hope you enjoy the pics.
Stay tuned, in short i will share the pics from the last week and harvest day.
Maxtrichomes, thanks for your nice words, hope you like the last round ;)
Stay sweet!










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hi alton! nice to see you aboard mate ;)

these plants are between 60 cms and 1,10 cm and they are very good producers indeed.

In the next days i will be uploading the last pics so stay alert!

Thanks for passing by!


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hi alton! nice to see you aboard mate ;)

these plants are between 60 cms and 1,10 cm and they are very good producers indeed.

In the next days i will be uploading the last pics so stay alert!

Thanks for passing by!


my trainwreck I've got going on is by far the most developed out of all autos I've got running atm (all different breeders/strains)

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Best autos I've done to date. Especially for bud and resin production. I've only ever grown sweet seed autos.

Although I'm flirting with other breeders (as well sweet seeds) at the moment... sweet seeds seem to be performing the best.

Edited by Hatchy420
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Day 56. 8th week of life.
Light: 600W HPS. 18H ON.
Fert: Cannazym
Tª: 20º -29º

We are already on the 56th day and 3 plants have been harvested. Throughout the week we’ll harvest the rest, so, in the next posts I’ll show how they ended.

I’ve used Cannazym in the lasts days, after a Cannaflush watering to ease the soil cleaning process. The plants have absorbed all the food they had storage in their foliage and the buds are hard and resinous. It’s a great genetic that will please very much with its production, taste, effect and ease of cultivation.

One of the firsts on going down was in a 20lt pot. Is the smallest, and the final weight was about 55gr of dried an manicured buds. Further on I’ll give the total weight of all the plants, because I’m pleasantly surprised with the production of this plants and they have been really close to achieve the gramo/vatio

Well, here we have the benjamin ;)
Hatchy, Peter Pan, Green Bhoy my friends,
thanks for passing by, I’m really glad of having your company in this journey and I hope you like the result!!

Sweet Smokes!






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Hey mate!!

A great work with both the pictures and the plants, as usual ;)

Lovely pale orange pistils and lots of tricomes :yep:



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You have some nice fat buds jaypp. :)

Sweetseeds have produced am amazing auto for us all. Cant wait to see the rest of your results.

Sweet smokes!!

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Day 60. 8th week of life.

Light: 600W HPS. 18H ON.

Fert: Cannazym


Tª: 19º -27º

Hi everyone!

Today I show the following plants that i've harvested, both on 20L Pots. I recommend using this size pots because these plants have been shown healthier throughout the process.

The production is very good. Each plant has given me more than 80 grams of dry bud and well manicured.

I will upload the photo of the dried crop later and you will see that I am very closely to gram per watt.

The buds are a pleasure for senses, very dense, full of trichomes and exude a delicious scent! It is difficult to show the plants as they are right now with 4 pictures, but I think in the video will be much better appreciated the density and production.

Well, little more to say except that I hope you enjoy the pics and if you wish to comment or ask any question, you're welcome!

Dirtyhabbits, i am using a Nikon d7100 right now. For the macro shots I use a 60m Micro nikkor. For the others pics, a very normal lens, the 18/55 from my first camera and the quality isn't the same..

I also use a Kenko extension tube and i did some stacked for some all these pics with the program Helicon Focus. Some of them have 14 pics in a pile to take a perfect focus from all the bud and the trichomes. It's a hard work to take the pics, after that ,you need to improve the final pic with the program..

Green, alton thanks for all your company and nice words ;)

Thanks for visiting the thread!











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Awesome stuff @@Jaypp !!!

I've got one on day 45, seems like its got a fair way to go, judging by current flower development.

There seems like there's a couple of different phenos from looking at your pics.

Can't wait to hear your smoke report :smokin:

e2a one stretchy mofo

Edited by Hatchy420
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