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Yes @@ODG theres a bit of a rabbit epidemic in my area this year seems they thrive on the shit weather. I was a bit lazy -I had cages spare -just thought theyd be ok like the earlier planted ones.Id rather lose them early to slugs at least theres time to replant Ive got 20 odd prepped holes redundant now-oh well-next season-It'll soon be round.

Edited by kron64
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I've had next to no damage from slugs or any bug damage this year when I would always expect some at every plot. never had a problem with rabbits before, ever till this year and mold has hit nearly all HFH. Crazy year. Hopefully everything else that's out will finish in an Indian summer

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I know this isn't the place but anyone seen any liberty caps are out ? think people would mind if I make a shroom thread

haven't seen any yet my self but a friend has seen some.. I'm sure theres plenty of people on here who would enjoy a shroom thread.

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Some nice offers on Choice if anyone needs more seeds, go on go on...

Sweet Seeds Freebies

1x Fem Auto Killer Kush
1x Fem Fast Version Black Jack
1x Fem Auto Sweet Trainwreck
1x Fem Fast Version S.A.D.

Plus loads more

tempted by a pack of serious 6 gives the sweet seeds freebies, 2 happiness, WOS Thai, and a mini stash more to boot...just wonder if this might tempt fate or anger the guerilla gods as current s6 isn't even down yet ;)

till 3pm monday btw

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Guest RandyBoBandy

since last year ive felt the cold shoulder of a few peeps here and over the road, im sure a few peeps have a problem. if ya do feel free to pm me and get it of ya chest.. if not then up ya bum fuck you and have a gooden.. sorry to lower the tone..

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since last year ive felt the cold shoulder of a few peeps here and over the road, im sure a few peeps have a problem. if ya do feel free to pm me and get it of ya chest.. if not then up ya bum fuck you and have a gooden.. sorry to lower the tone..

lol You want a hug Randy, Come here let me give you a man hug. Just don't be pressing your groin against me....

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I think the "manwich" may be a bit forward but i can go with it, so long as you get the ass end.


Edited by iamafunkimunki
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since last year ive felt the cold shoulder of a few peeps here and over the road, im sure a few peeps have a problem. if ya do feel free to pm me and get it of ya chest.. if not then up ya bum fuck you and have a gooden.. sorry to lower the tone..

The Northerners have awfully cold shoulders Randy old bean ;)

This southern fairy has no beef... Just chicken ;)

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Might of sorted deer problems at a few spots

Where I have had trouble instead of fences which I don't like for many reasons this year air wick autos have worked a dream no plots have been touched by deer or rabbits I know it's early days but from having a battle with them year after year to plants been left alone is a massive step forward if any peeps want to try it's the motion ones but you can get timed ones to hopefully sorted cos the plots are sweet as or I wouldn't have battled with the deer.nettles crossed. Tried human hair soap but didn't stop them got a feeling might have to change scents now and again cos they soon get used to things , smells.

Edited by Goohfy999
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