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Guest Deathrow558

@ mine went out mothers day m8, I'm thinking maybe the low temps/light slowed them down in veg, fuck knows bud but I reckon iv got atleast 3 weeks left, that'll make 4 mnth from seed to harvest :yep:

Alright mate so not the only one...

Good luck what strain are yours that are nearly done?

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This growing is Taking longer to get going than I thought it would! Having killed a bunch of autos, I then ballsed up germinating a handful of 'mixed landrace' seeds, one stretched up and got killed by wind... So come July I have several half prepped plots and one tiny little unknown landrace plant!

I've tried to rectify this with another 4 autos, sweet cheese from sweet seeds, germinating in compost under an LED bulb pictures in gallery for what it's worth... I should replace the bulb with a more appropriate one?

My main question is; does traffic pollution have any effect on how canna smokes or tastes in edibles? One of my good plots is very close to a motorway, when I've made wine from foraged ingredients I have found an off taste when picking near big roads.

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something truly random which the wife showed me.

It made me chuckle anyway.... lol but I am a bit odd


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Little visit to the plot last night, gutted my one and only fem Danish gold which has started flowering has got stem rot effecting main stem and a side branch. ironically the Danish gold is in the same position as my purple Maroc which suffered the same fate last season. Coincidence or do you think it may be an environmental effect of some kind? Strangely it's one of the best bits of my plot that gets sun earlier and later in the day than other holes. Anyone got any ideas to try and save her? I rubbed the grey fur off and cut vegetation right back to try and create more air flow and will give it the lighter treatment and put some teatree oil on at the weekend, any other remedies out there???

Could be a virus or spore in the ground.My mate had stem rot last year on his two plants both different varieties,I gave him two bag seed plants,grown side by side in in the same place but different compost,no rot.

Edited by Punk
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I had quite prolific stem rot in a particular plot, it was exposed to big gusts of wind due to the air being sort of channeled down a passage of trees. We traced it after 2 seasons back to the stem chafing on the cage during severe wind.

It sort of shaved the skin off and it developed a little patch of rot which subsequently expanded.

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@@uberowl I've used some green sulphur powder to help with stem rot. I found it helped if you catch it early on. You can get it in garden centres. I lost a Purple Maroc and a Frisian Dew to stem rot last year. I ended up pulling the PM and only got about 20g from the FD. It can spread fast

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Cheers for the replies, could be it's rubbed on the cage, has been windy recently. Will try some of the green sulphur remedy this weekend. Don't want my gorgeous Danish gold turning into the ugly sister :( Would be nice to salvage more than the few lower branches below the rot as I've heard it's a nice smoke. Other than that the plot was looking sweet with some nice plants, lots of the hfh are flowering nicely already! Really liking the smell of the wild1 by hfh and hopefully going to be pulling a good section of harvest in late August :) :) :)

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Guest Deathrow558

very nice mate, looking really big! The one at the back right is a beast, what's that?

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Went back to my plot today to see if I could try and sort the Danish gold stem rot, really wanted to try the green sulphur recommended but unfortunately I couldn't find my wallet :( but I felt after last year speed is required! First I gave it the lighter treatment, followed by a good rub down with some hand sanitising gel..... now the only fungal treatment I have in my house is some athletes foot cream so it got some of that rubbed on there too lol

when all else fails, fresh tactics ;)

Hope I haven't poisoned it lol

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I have read a few things about milk having anti-biological propertes, remember seeing an agricultural paper recently that recomended spraying milk as a cure for powdery mildew. Dunno if this would help as a home cure here.

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Guest OutOfAfrica81

Went out to my plot early this morning to top dress with some FBB and bone meal . All the ladies are now topped and removed some of the lower leaves . Note for myself for next season is forget cages altogether and stop being a cheap skate and put up a perimeter fence instead .

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  • 3 weeks later...

Testing the boundaries of the random thread slightly but here goes

Had a bad experience with some people a few days back, it got really personal and a lot of shit got said and I haven't been myself since, feels like they have taken a little something out of me and it's unsettling, things dont cut this deep usually.

Got some nice dried shroom heads, an empty comfortable flat and some great TV/games to get stuck into was gonna use the psyches for some self reflection and digging, never used them like this before but I know Loam Gnome is an advocate of induced physchological expansion (is that not why we are all here actually)

Some pennies for your thoughts although likely to be spangled by time anyone replies....

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@@Woodland Greenback, you are not on your own-I hate arguing trouble is cant get through life these days without some kind of unwanted confrontation be that with friends,family,roadrage,supermarket,even in your own garden.

Understand what you say about it taking something out especially if the argument is with friends or family.

Tbh I used to analyse situations but now in confrontation I try to say and do things that are fair and justifyable to myself when looked at in hindsight and if whats said and done doesnt sit well with others -fuck em.


A lot of people chuck words without reasoning their meaning or effect-normally retards-not worth bothering with from the off.

Dont know the nature of your argument-but you seem a chilled level headed sort judging by your posts on 420.All the best.

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