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@@Amarillo slim Yes

Reading very contrasting opinions online has worried me to say the least. Some saying its sweet and a tonic and others saying it is used as a weed killer! :fear::unsure:

Edited by Loam Gnome
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@@Amarillo slim Yes

Reading very contrasting opinions online has worried me to say the least. Some saying its sweet and a tonic and others saying it is used as a weed killer! :fear::unsure:

right.. weed killer?? what the stuff that you dip cuttings in? bollocks lol .. tbh I don't think I've ever water plants with diluted root hormone so i don't know the exact effects but I'm sure its not used as a weed killer.

if it were me i really wouldn't be that worried, when you think about it you've diluted a few ml of the gel (already no toxic to plants) into 2000mls of water.. so when you dip a cutting into full strength gel all it does is makes the cells mutate abit so they can easily change into root cells.. now, if you took a cutting and dipped it in the same stuff but diluted in 2Ls of water i doubt it would do diddily squat.. maybe cause a couple cells to mutate slightly or something but wouldn't really have any affect on the cutting, so using that logic if it wouldn't really affect a cutting then i doubt its gonna affect the seedlings that much.. i certainly don't think it could kill them..

i could be wrong as like i said I've never done it before but personally i wouldn't panic.. these plants are though as old boots anyway ;)

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@@Loam Gnome, was it superthrive you used? I tried it on seedlings when planting out and as a boost 2013- didnt see a marked difference -I had read that it can harm plants if over applied -perhaps its a bit overhyped-though some swear by it.

Either way suppose youll know in the morning- hope they all turn out ok for you

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So it is officially used as a weed killer at certain doses but is considered a weak one. it basically over amps the plants system and forces it to use all its energy at once... :fear:

Cannot work out by reading if I have fucked it but will soon see i guess. Cheers for the kind words. I was thinking along same lines, 'can't hurt'...........

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So the lethal dose used as a herbicide is 1:1 w/w which means a 50% solution I suppose.

I used about 5g of gel to 2000ml of water and the gel is a 0.084 concentration. So equivalent of 1g of approx 0.6% NAA. So I make that a concentration of 0.0003%. Then i read that after 8 hrs in studies 40% of it is taken up by the plant as a foliar spray. It was 12 hrs until the rains this morning and was given as a root feed. So variables there. Also it was given in a solution with Organic liquid seaweed feed.

The effective concentration for use as a clone rooter is 0.084% So it is far from the lethal dose it seems and was just a panic from internet scares. Another thing is that Superthrive is much stronger concentration and is all good. Numerous people reported plant deaths after its use but then it is often used to try and boost sick plants so deaths may well be caused by other factors. Only time will tell but my mind is more settled this morning after more research.

As I said also I have used Willow tea on young seedlings before without problems which also contains an Auxin, IBA.

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So the lethal dose used as a herbicide is 0.1% w/w which means 1gram of NAA in 1000ml solution I suppose.

I used about 5g of gel to 2000ml of water and the gel is a 0.084 concentration. So equivalent of 1g of approx 0.6% NAA. So I make that a concentration of 0.0003%. Then i read that after 8 hrs in studies 40% of it is taken up by the plant as a foliar spray. It was 12 hrs until the rains this morning and was given as a root feed. So variables there. Also it was given in a solution with Organic liquid seaweed feed.

The effective concentration for use as a clone rooter is 0.084% So it is far from the lethal dose it seems and was just a panic from internet scares. Another thing is that Superthrive is much stronger concentration and is all good. Numerous people reported plant deaths after its use but then it is often used to try and boost sick plants so deaths may well be caused by other factors. Only time will tell but my mind is more settled this morning after more research.

As I said also I have used Willow tea on young seedlings before without problems which also contains an Auxin, IBA.ncorrect above the right info included should read

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Guest OutOfAfrica81

So not been to my plot in over a week due to other commitments , It's about a 20 min walk from my house with a nice walk through a farmers land . With all the high wind and rain and hail I was not expecting to see much . Over the hedge I went and the plants where fine , not much growth since being planted out but then the weather has not been the best the last 2 weeks .

On my way home as I get to the first housing estate I spot a greenhouse with the apex just poking over the wall and inside I see a set of 9 fingered fan leaves . Was temped to go knock on the door and let them know it can be seen but never . Might leave a note next week with a reference to LST or topping :rofl: . So if anyone here finds a note on the roof of there greenhouse next week fear not as I have to many plants to contend with and arthritis in my knee so no way I'm hopping a wall for yours . Be safe

Edited by OutOfAfrica81
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So not been to my plot in over a week due to other commitments , It's about a 20 min walk from my house with a nice walk through a farmers land . With all the high wind and rain and hail I was not expecting to see much . Over the hedge I went and the plants where fine , not much growth since being planted out but then the weather has not been the best the last 2 weeks .

On my way home as I get to the first housing estate I spot a greenhouse with the apex just poking over the wall and inside I see a set of 9 fingered fan leaves . Was temped to go knock on the door and let them know it can be seen but never . Might leave a note next week with a reference to LST or topping :rofl: . So if anyone here finds a note on the roof of there greenhouse next week fear not as I have to many plants to contend with and arthritis in my knee so no way I'm hopping a wall for yours . Be safe

Tall plant grown up to the apex of greenhouse nice.

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Quick question;

1 plot has great cover from nettles now, maybe too much as the nettles must be 4 maybe 5ft high, they have grown back pretty close to the cages. Great for hiding whats there but wondering if they will be blocking too much light?? On my next visit is it worth maybe reducing there height a bit in a doughnut around the cage?

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Guest kombatkevin

I chop nettles down and use them as mulch . Anything that blocks light or reduces airflow gets chopped.

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I normally top any obstructions m8 ;)

Is supercropping same as indoors? Was thinking to do it on few girls(one on pic) that are streching,rest have such nice top growth i feel sorry to disturb it.


What about clearing bottom branches on untoped ones? Is it same as indoors? I had plants indoor preform better in winter(low temps) when they were not trimed(bottom half of plant). How do you fellas do it,trim or let be?

Edited by Herbal Kint
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Be careful supercropping outdoors, read it might cause mould at the wound. Think gg lollypoping to create airflow is ok though @@Herbal Kint (and pretty sure Slim was meaning the nettles in reply to me btw)

Thanks Slim + Kevin. Hadn't thought about airflow but it is dense as a jungle in nettles at the moment, will do some thinning. Miscount on cages means 1 plant is bareback out there and nothings touched it, prob cos of how many nettles there are! 1st visit there this week, i was like 'yes! nobody is going to be walking round in here' then i realised i had too, it was murder getting to the far plants lol

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Guest kombatkevin

@@SlimPikins layer shit loads if sudocream all over then once it soaked it use bepanthem cream and keep alternating.

Sudocream is an antiseptic that solves the rash/bite and bepanthem stops the itching instantly .

This combo will work on most things including nettle stings and that plant that burns your hands (can't remember the name)

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I find horsefly bites extremely itchy mate even after the bite has gone, horrible things, they positively harass you too!

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