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Just got back from dropping the chainsaw,,strimmer and forks at my plot,,my plants are still sat in the boxes and looking great,,hopefully by sunday eve they should all be in the ground,,,and this time i didnt bump into anyone faint fuck

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Just got back from dropping the chainsaw,,strimmer and forks at my plot,,my plants are still sat in the boxes and looking great,,hopefully by sunday eve they should all be in the ground,,,and this time i didnt bump into anyone faint fuck

sounds good.. why not use a auger instead of forks/hardwork if your making noise anyway?

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don't tell me you've got electric trimmer and chainsaw :rofl:

Edited by Amarillo slim
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don't tell me you've got electric trimmer and chainsaw :rofl:

I wish i did i started the chainsaw the otherday for the first time to cut some logs in the garden :shock: fuck me its loud,,i dont really have to worry theres no houses about or people walking just cars going past,,,i just prefur to be more stealth,,ive also gotta bit of a gut on me so could do with the exercise re the diggin

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All out now, love that feeling, popping my bag on and trodding out to my secret spots..when I go to sleep after a day of gging I see foliage and bits of wild under my eyelids, quiet and birdsong, good for the soul!

Got me out some epk, early bionic guerrilla, guerrilla Kush and some special stuff my brothers been working on ..Good luck to all the gg's, may it be a fruitful season

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@@Asher Gong really hooe them Canadian beans do u proud please keep us posted on them mate.

Nice one Gom :D

First wave is out here and already way more than have done before so good odds so far next wave just getting popped now. Sun is shininh and great mix of rain and sun for fast vegging going on weathwr wise so its all good. Soil temps are great now. Plants going out from now on will be flying, deffo not too late by any means for a yone concerned about that. Crack on! :yep:

Edited by Loam Gnome
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Guest b33lz33bub


chainsaw ! i'm liking the idea of that brother ! yeh haw :cowboy:

puts some pics up if you can, i'd like to see what your using them for

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Good luck Gom , what are you growing?

Load of crazy cheese and Danish crosses. Got the seeds all mixed up, and they were mixed up strains to begin with... So it's pot luck. Didn't want to do the usual pm run this year, great as they are.
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Fuck me this is getting a bit worrying. Hardly any of my seeds seem to want to pop. I was under the impression that HFH stuff would germ reliably in at most a couple days.Still waiting on most of them even after 8 days...and that includes ones germed inside.
I've had to chuck a couple of seeds away now due to no germination at all....these are ones started indoors. I swear to god this new flat has bad fucking juju with growing. I've never had germ issues in my life. Should I be waiting for over a week for seeds to germ inside? Never had a cannabis seed do that before...especially after reading about the 24 hour germinations from HFH in the months leading up to now.

Outside germing is starting to stress me out too! I put 7 seeds in pots outside and not a single one germed...could birds have got them from under the soil?? Feeling like God has unzipped and had his wicked way...I thought they'd have at least a set of true leaves by now (over 2 weeks ago) I know it's not too late but we have such a short growing season, that every god damn minute counts! :fear:Everyone is so much further on (obviously since I'm way up in the hills at Lat 57) which is great to see for my fellow GG brothers :) But this is crazy how slow/non-existent the process is this year so far.

Is anybody else experiencing a shitty, slow start to the summer? Tell me i'm not alone...! Or actually, probably better to hear that it's a good summer everywhere and will reach here in due course.
I wish I got into GGing back when we had semi-decent summers, but year after year they are getting shitter and shitter. '06 and '09 are the only half-decent summers we've had in recent memory.

I'm rambling....APPEASE MY WORRIES PLEASE :schmoll:

(Our temperatures are around 11 degrees average for daytime at the moment and down to 9 degrees at night....seems like this is low enough to be causing the issues....but really all I need to know is whether others are experiencing the same...?)

I feel like i've answered my own questions by saying I'm at Lat 57 and the temperatures being so low, I guess I just need a bit of reassurance.
I'm gonna get some autos next Thursday and put a good few Fast Buds #2 and Green Poisons outside, hopefully they come to something.

Edited by attempt4
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my wild03 were pretty slow compared to the other hfh strain i had, they took maybe a week to show up. But yeah temps look a little chilly there

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Fuck me this is getting a bit worrying. Hardly any of my seeds seem to want to pop. I was under the impression that HFH stuff would germ reliably in at most a couple days.Still waiting on most of them even after 8 days...and that includes ones germed inside.

I've had to chuck a couple of seeds away now due to no germination at all....these are ones started indoors. I swear to god this new flat has bad fucking juju with growing. I've never had germ issues in my life. Should I be waiting for over a week for seeds to germ inside? Never had a cannabis seed do that before...especially after reading about the 24 hour germinations from HFH in the months leading up to now.

Outside germing is starting to stress me out too! I put 7 seeds in pots outside and not a single one germed...could birds have got them from under the soil?? Feeling like God has unzipped and had his wicked way...I thought they'd have at least a set of true leaves by now (over 2 weeks ago) I know it's not too late but we have such a short growing season, that every god damn minute counts! :fear:Everyone is so much further on (obviously since I'm way up in the hills at Lat 57) which is great to see for my fellow GG brothers :) But this is crazy how slow/non-existent the process is this year so far.

Is anybody else experiencing a shitty, slow start to the summer? Tell me i'm not alone...! Or actually, probably better to hear that it's a good summer everywhere and will reach here in due course.

I wish I got into GGing back when we had semi-decent summers, but year after year they are getting shitter and shitter. '06 and '09 are the only half-decent summers we've had in recent memory.

I'm rambling....APPEASE MY WORRIES PLEASE :schmoll:

(Our temperatures are around 11 degrees average for daytime at the moment and down to 9 degrees at night....seems like this is low enough to be causing the issues....but really all I need to know is whether others are experiencing the same...?)

I feel like i've answered my own questions by saying I'm at Lat 57 and the temperatures being so low, I guess I just need a bit of reassurance.

I'm gonna get some autos next Thursday and put a good few Fast Buds #2 and Green Poisons outside, hopefully they come to something.

I didn't have any trouble germinating seeds. I did a few in tissue and a few straight into pots and they all sprouted just fine on the windowsill.

But the weather isn't so great yet, yesterday was nice and sunny but it's cool and overcast again today. But we are still in Springtime and Summer for farmers doesn't begin for another three or four weeks.

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Yeah I keep reminding myself that, Dog, about the summer not officially beginning until June. Fuck me though, we usually get somewhat better weather than this by now....It seems to be applying to everything tbh, even all of our native woodland species are slow on the uptake this year, barely past budding. Slow start....hopefully doesnt carry on :(
Cheers for the replies boys.
I usually germ in soil in the airing cupboard, never had any issues. This year I've done some on windowsill (in both pots and pots covered in clingfilm), some outside in pots, some outside in a wee propagator and some in the airing cupboard...tried everything going.
This applies to Munk, WS07 AND Leb27.

Just had a look there and thats another seed chucked away as it popped open but literally nothing came out. Another dud seed...I would email esben but he doesnt to seem to reply to emails.

Guess I'll have to keep waiting...hopefully when (or if) the temps pick up then they'll come to something...never say never! Need to keep positive....but this weather is FUCKING RIDICULOUS. Where's the God damn sun?! At least give us warm temperatures, at the very least....not asking for much :(

Cheers fellas

Edited by attempt4
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