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After reading the kerfuffle at attitude with credit cards and what not, gave herbies a go....my 10 church arrived next day after i phoned the order through, 4 days later 100% germination including the 3 freebies, very pleased, got a very positive feel for this year. Here we go good luck everyone

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  • 2 weeks later...

thanks for replying, i don't think I've got an image resizer - thats probably where I'm going wrong :), il have a look at infanview. cheers

Hey slim I'm using a tablet & downloaded an app called reduce photo & its really simple to use but I'm on android & from what I've read what you use depends on if your using a PC,phone,tablet & what it runs on...the other thing I found out that if you changed your camera settings to 600/800 your be able to up load without resizing ...hope this helps buddy blue skies sb

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Hey slim I'm using a tablet & downloaded an app called reduce photo & its really simple to use but I'm on android & from what I've read what you use depends on if your using a PC,phone,tablet & what it runs on...the other thing I found out that if you changed your camera settings to 600/800 your be able to up load without resizing ...hope this helps buddy blue skies s

thanks man, will give it a look :)

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So of the six that have been out for 2 weeks 5 are still alive and all between 4-6'', and of the 11 that have been out a week all are fine, not crazy growth but still alive which is the main thing.

With the one that is dead, it is the first patch I come to so therefore the first i check everytime. You can imagine my horror last weekend deploying the second wave when the first of the first wave i came across was dead. Still in its big bottle cloche, just broken of at the base- it was only five days old at plant out so it wasnt much more than water cress :rofl:

More like how a rope frays than a clean break and none of it eaten so i guess it was a tad overwatered and just weakened at the base and broke. Everything else is, however, plodding along nicely.

I put one out last week that had been a twin, i got two seperate taps from the same seed. One was fine at plant out, the other was barely a 5mm root with two microdot green tips and its still establishing itself just as I could of hoped. Soon as we get some of that sun back its go go go, full exposure at this plot so theyl take off. Just goes to show with these lower temps and cloud cover, us guys without any indoor setup can still get a nice early start. Id like my autos to be into flower before solstice to ensure maximum daylight efficiency around the longest day.

Pics will follow in a few weeks when its more than just bottle porn eh :clown:

Lat 51ish, southside of a brushy and well established woodland, deer about but absolutely no reason for anyone else to be there as its not accessible to your John Doe's. Even when i was first scouting and tbh on a couple of check ups i still bottled getting in there as it really is not a pleasent trip. Knee high water, 8ft thorn bushes and a large Hemlock patch. and thats when you know the easy route :upside:

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That sounds like a great plot Woodland Greenback, if even a seasoned Guerilla thinks twice about entering, nice work!

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@@RuddersGreen Thanks dude, hardly seasoned as this only my second year but i spent another one before that trawling this forum filling my head with the holey knowledge that is readily available an shared by all these great people but Im not afraid of a few bramble rips up the fore arm you could say. £10 a gram quickly becomes an un- sustainable habbit on a modest income so just in it for the self sufficiency and hopefully a considerable amount of hippy crack. Long live UK420 and its many Patrons.

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Would it work to put a joke plastic dog shit at the entrance to each tunnel that leads to a plot? Can't imagine anyone one would wish to choose between moving it or belly crawling through it to explore further. Might be worth it for 2.99 a pop. Let the shit jokes follow..... But seriously, I am thinking of doing this.

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Guest b33lz33bub

These are looking very nice ready to go out in 2 days time.



But I've got one problem. There's quite a lot of compost in the bottom of the tray, so when I lift the pots the roots popping out the bottom of the rip off.



Do you reckon this is going to cause a problem for the plants ? or is it like air pruning the roots ? If so i'll have to figure out how to get the roots away, maybe soaking the bottom of the tray ?

any thought fellas ?

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Yea- @@b33lz33bub,as you said soaking the tray is about all you could do-root should come away wont bond to plastic but maybe to adjacent fibre pots.

I sometimes snap roots off -mainly off plants that have grown through the drain holes of plastic pots.Never killed a plant removing them probably stressed & stalled them a bit.

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I have been using jiffy plugs for the last few years and when they are packed together the roots grow into one another and I have to rip them apart :ouch:

having said that they have still gone on to produce really well, so doesnt seem to effect them that I can see but as a precaution I have wrapped them in toilet roll tubes this time to keep them separate, will shall see what that does...

I dont think it will hurt yours much unless they are autos? they do look lovely and healthy though :B):

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