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11 hours ago, Downsouth said:

Anyone in the south east have a trimpro auto or any wet trimming machine we can hire for a  week? 

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@Erbman T thanx bro nice shout out for me there.


some years the hash doesnt go nice and play doh E.


That turned out nice gonna give it a cure until I run out of all else.


Got another bin bag full I'm gunna bubble after work today and then rosin flower and hash .


Getting para with the volume of weed I've got need to reduce it.


1st world problems lol .


You should 10000000000% bubble mate!!!!!!!!!



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General plan of action. Chop down all at the open pollination plot today Sunday. Salvage what seeds I can. Then visit a bramble bush, finish cutting off some DFG lowers. 


Monday after work. Visit those Zkittles again that were rotting a few days back. Make an assessment if to chop there and then …


then Tuesday, stealthy ninja mission to visit the other two big Zkittles… havnt seen them since end of Sept… am excited to see what they look like. Could be rot or could be paradise. I think will probably be a mixture of rot and salvageable bits…could go either way, better or worse… havnt lost one plant to pestilence, slugs nor rot this year, but who knows what these last ones will be like. if I chop them there and then on Nov the 1st. That will officially be it… the end of the season 


Boy it’s been a mission but incredibly Good fun 

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7 hours ago, Erbman T said:

@B-real looks Boom Shiva mate. Is it made from the flowers aswell not just trim ?

my bredda ur right on that. trim with loads of buds .


I never weighed starting material but could easily been 4.5 ounces 1.5 trim 3 nugs as a rough guess .







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Recently smoking Serious 6 & 7… Essex Gold, DFG, Green Poison, a bit of Gorrilla Girl & Killer Kush 


Trying thing slowly… some things I thought were smelling a bit shite and bland are starting to generate a more pleasant aroma and flavours are developing during cure … 


Green Gold and Whitey Freeze developing a pleasant scent, the earliest photos to harvest after the autos   … the W Freeze another that seemed no smell and bland Is now developing subtle pleasant tones same with the S6 & S7 


smoked a pipe of Kief for breakfast this morning .. wake and bake , moving in a mellow way 


interesting to explore the caverns of Crystals on dry flowers with the Loupe that finally arrived … 


having a little fun with these last few plants I’ve still got out there… 


all in all good vibes round these ways 








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Doing well with them fast zkittlez @Erbman T just got back from checking my last 2. The green pheno is rotten to fuck and the purple one which was holding up well last visit has mould in every top. Shame as that one was smelling really nice. Going back tomorrow to salavage what I can and will probably freeze the lot for some bubble. Got enough bud to smoke now anyway :yinyang:

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@Aphatspliff yes bruv. Nice 1 indeed. I was thinking bout the ultra mould resistant phenotype idea.. as you prob noticed I was pondering that the Green Pheno be more resistant than the Purple but later on I was thinking more about it ..


cause for instance I notice two phenotypes with Purple Freeze. One a very purple type with more open bud structure pretty good with the mould it seemed and the other tight nugs, dark green leafs and very light green almost white dense bud… well I had x3 on one plot and x2 were the tight nug non purple variety both next to each other .. even tho they looked like the same Pheno one was very mould resistant compared to the other … so really that seems to hint it’s not just the appearance of a said Pheno that will guarantee a better resistance , more that there are other subtle genetics from each plant from seed that tends to make one plant more resistant than the other 


so basically me saying the Green pheno looks better for mould than the purple prob a load of bollox from observing such small numbers  .. I guess you would have to run much larger populations of plants of one strain to make observations  like that with a greater degree of accuracy … 


only got the x2 Fast Zkits left out at two different spots… the small multiheaded one has more airflow and Sun than the one more shaded in a clearing of trees where the Sun prob ain’t goin in much now 


will visit the clearing next few days and take it… if there’s anything to take… been lots of rain here for days previous .. I think the winds were helping with the rot … prob check on the Marsh one again tomo or Monday 


took a second batch of dried F Zkits off the lines this morn.. had a nice smell to be fair, faint but nice .. a little more density than the first batch and did get the black resin on me fingers from it 


I think the last bits should be even nicer if they don’t mould tho I think growth is slowed right down by the excess water in the root system and low temps 


also I did scope the one in the Marsh yest .. from what I could see.. trichs we’re still clear and white .. didn’t see any Amber’s.. all fun and games tho 


Yes I will prob hash the first batch … and reassess later batches 


Nice 1 



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took the one down in the clearing. She’d hardly developed any more rot which is impressive seeing she’s been sat in a dark bog with heavy rain and swamp like conditions for a few weeks … she had bulked up a bit more since I last visited on the 1st of Nov.. in fact I recon she could had gone another week or possibly more.. her rot resistance was that good.. but alas I had to take her now as it’s very hard to get to this place and all the cover that hid me before is pretty much gone 


lovely smell from her while harvesting.. only way I know how to describe it is ‘skunky’ ..was making my mouth water a bit .. prob a coupla ounces I’d say .. pretty happy with that  


was getting dark as I was processing her… nice to have the Moon greet me on the way out 


Jus the one Fast zkittles left at the other spot now.. if I needed a November finisher I’d defo consider her again … as you can squeeze more out of the season if your working alone as you don’t want too many things ready to harvest at the same time especially if you’ve got limited drying space 


nice 1 



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Absolutely great work erbman.

I've just got one zkittles out.and it's looking absolutely mega! Literally no rot as of Friday. Gunna pull her on Friday.

The densest one and most nicest looking one I've done.(2nd season guerilla and around 14 plant)

Was worried about the late trigger but ohh gosh proper genetics this , 

Thank you panic you've done some serious work for the UK guerilla.much respect.happy to be repping my hoody CHIEF


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large.4C6F24E9-7008-40C8-ADD5-CB11649EB539.jpeg@Madmacca sounds good buddy


been checking my last plant religiously every two days .. she been swelling and much more smelly so seems to have been worth it pushing her…


but I left it for three days this time … as was too busy to keep up the every two day check up  … this eve I soldiered thru the after work rush hour traffic jus for a very quick check up…just in case 


of course I found mould in 5 of the top colas, I removed them there and then,  is my punishment for leaving an extra day … at least caught them before they were completely gone … 


will harvest the rest of the plant tomo in the light …then that will be it …end of season..  I reached the Full Moon though which was my desire …


Best of luck 



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