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if it was dude number 1 I would have done as you say without a second thought 


dude number 2 I probably would have ... but he may have got it…


dude number 3 has helped me a lot in Life in other ways so he gets a pass… plus he did at least do something 


besides .. I got so much now, I would struggle to get round to even smoking his  … 

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9 minutes ago, Erbman T said:



dude number 3 has helped me a lot in Life in other ways so he gets a pass… plus he did at least do something 

     It seems to me that you are both lucky then :)


9 minutes ago, Erbman T said:

besides .. I got so much now, I would struggle to get round to even smoking his  … 

I’m pleased for you because you have certainly put the hard graft in!

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Too be fair 


I recon dude number three will use that spot again… he may get his arse in gear yet in the future.. and he has been a bit Iill in recent times, which I’m forgetting a bit … also he was impressed with how they came out so I might yet see him get his arse in gear in the future .. he knows how to indoor grow … I just think heavier users should get it together and grow what they need for their ‘habit’… i ain’t gonna do it all for him tho next year … it’s up to him.. I prob get roped in a bit tho i recon, think i gonna give him beans to germinate next year instead of cuttings …


dude number two has enjoyed the garden grow with the cuttings I gave him and think it’s been a bit of an eye opener for him so wouldn’t be surprised if he does it again. I still can’t see him producing anything near what he would need to cover his ganja habit without doing indoor.. and the garden to top it up .. so at least I inspired him a bit.. he was impressed and surprised by the pink pistils… like we all are when we first see those pretty things .. I can’t ever see him go Gorrilla.. it’s just not for him I recon, not the type for all the ‘orrible stuff! But that cool … is not for everyone … least I inspired him a bit but he won’t escape from ‘the grip’ of dealers anytime soon I recon ….


dude number one tho.. pretty much the same as I originally said.. always says he’s gonna do this and that but never see it happen … not that I wanna be negative about him, I mean I like him somewhat .. but peeps that talk loads but don’t manifest I struggle with.. your ‘word’ is what’s important to me… but I always like to see people change and give them the benefit of the doubt that they can (from a distance) … he’s been like that for many years tho.. another thing tho, he’s hardly in ‘the grip’ of a dealer .. he don’t smoke an awful lot compared to dudes two and three.. 


there ya go , a bit more positive


i at least inspired two of them a bit…planted some seeds as it were 


I can get a bit mad, bad and crazy after multiple spot/plot checks … the adrenaline does interesting things 



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@Erbman T if it were me I’d let dude harvest. Bit of a ‘hands on’ incentive to go again next year. The entire grafting process is great fun, but I’d say it doesn’t get better than chopping then the excitement of transporting home.. to then trim/dry? 

Have a face-to-face convo about how dude can scale up a bit and go independent next year when you’s are doing the work. 


i’d say letting him experience the chop could have him hooked mate lol my misses complains at how often I check up on the plants ffs can’t keep me away from them 

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@AnonyMice I get ya mate … he even pretty para bout transporting it… I mean I’m desensitised to such things .. more so I even enjoy it… 


yeah I’m spoon feeding him a bit … but when talking to him lastnight he does seem genuinely ill.. they have diagnosed him with something ... maybe I wasn’t taking it as serious as I should have  … as you can see I’m very lenient towards his shite’ness.. it’s to do with how much he’s helped me in other areas of my life so in a way I don’t mind go a bit extra mile with him, more for him than I would any old fucker out there.. kind of a way of saying thanks .. but not watering is nearly unforgivable innit lol… f’ing jammy bugger to get a spot that could survive the drought …. Yeah I hear your points .. cause he ain’t got ‘wheels’ apart from a bike and it is quite far especially as he is ill … I kinda give him a pass.. I don’t mind chop it and give it to him but no way will I trim.. I get ya points totally Anonymice but spose he gets a special pass… for me what was getting me was, I was thinking, even if I was ill, nothing would stop me…. Yeah making excuses for him…


We will see about next year and how he’s doing …


but for me… I like to work alone… no one else to blame then if anything goes wrong  … plus it’s jus what I’m like … me and nature .. a lot of the time I find people annoying lol


oh yeah forgot to say.. he did say again he will try to pop up there and harvest it in bout a week lol oh he wants dude number one to keep his bike safe while he goes in there … lol the ‘plot’ thickens lol … I will believe it when I see it

I just couldn’t bring myself to leave ‘his’ crop to rot to teach him a lesson!! I thought about it but I couldn’t … i mean I did put time in to root and nurture those clones afterall ..


his crop is furthest down on my list of priority’s compared to all my own bits that are still out.. but it’s still on my radar 

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I get what you mean 100% mate. Didn’t realise he was ill or I probably wouldn’t of made the recommendation.

Yeah I agree nothing would stop me either, but knowing there’s many debilitating illnesses I won’t pass any judgement on dude lol may we wish him a speedy recovery. 


Definitely wouldn’t see it rot, especially if you chipped in for it. Wouldn’t let the rot win anyway would be an awful feeling for me. 

I know what you mean mate. I have 1/2 friends who’ve looked out for me through life and can trust 100%. One is giving a helping hand at harvest.. he’s looking forward to the risky transportation lollol mad.. how can you not feel a buzz.. not saying I won’t be shitting myself.. but it’s gonna be the most exciting part lol i’ve read up on my cycling laws to be extra sure but we’ll probably just fly fast as fuck. Looking forward to it if ya can’t tell :Dlol 


hopefully he does pop up and harvest atleast some. I think that bit of experience would be incentive enough.. he’s missed out on the tedious veg period, checking watering feeding and worrying.. lucky ducky. 


Although the abundance of ‘free’ smoke should be enough if he’s serious about it..


ditching the dealer has to be the goal. Unless I hit the lucky numbers.. that I’ve never bought 


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Yeah I didn’t mention the being ill bit initially…only really thought about it after posting and chatting to him… but I seen him do other physical work during the grow cycle so same time I KNOW deep down he coulda/shoulda done more than he has…. Also he one of them dude who likes to do things with others more, whereas I’m much more happy on my own for the most part, he likes the camaraderie  …. He defo slacking tho… also much more para than me..  hence I can’t tell him bout this site really as he would freak im sharing so much.. (so he is sensible somewhat)


the little devil on my shoulder does get tempted to change my mind on the matter and keep it 


but I try and listen to the little Angel  on the other shoulder … 


if it were anyone else … they would NOT get a pass… but this dude is a very sound dude and about the only person I could think of who I would give a pass to like this …


ah yes the cycling .., as far as not looking dodgy I find you must try not to feel dodgy … speeding up on the cycle sounds like rushing to me… best I can I try and walk and operate at a ‘normal’ pace as to look natural and not draw attention…. If you see the folks on hard drugs gong to score they always stomp super quick and look sketchy from a mile off.. anyway jus a thought 


ah dealers have there place jus like bakers and shop assistants and every other form of employment … what matters I think is if they are a cunt about it or not .. 


anyway at work now… better get back to it… don’t do a 9 til 5 fortunately but I still have to grind for someone else some of the time 


looking forward to get out of here… go check on a spot not far away from ere with a few Fast Zkittles & a Purple Freeze haaa!


loves a good rant 


know your loving this growing too


big up  

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Nice of you to help your mates out. I was shitting myself bringing my first crop home but so relieved and happy when I was safely indoors. Was on a high all week about it, Its a great feeling. I get a little nervous now but really dont mind it, as you said you get desensitised to it. 

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@Erbman T I get that mate. I think I’m much the same. Not good at working with people in general and enjoy alone time very much. I don’t mind my good pal visiting them with me though, he helped me twice knock back some heavy vegetation, taken some nice photos with his decent iPhone and is willingly to help me transport them home. When it comes to planting and feeding, regular check ups (leaving path) I want to do myself. Anything that could effect the plant or security I want solely in my hands. As you say you don’t want someone else responsible for your waste. 


I’m not the most sensible to and from plots tbh but I’m not usually carrying any weed so no need to worry. I think as you say will just travel at walking pace. We’ll be camping and carrying back early morning anyways so won’t look out of the ordinary (hopefully). I’ll probably take the footpath however illegal. Less chance of being knocked out with a bag of weed lol 


they do have their place mate. And I guess some of us are just as hooked on Starbucks and waste ridiculous money they don’t need to aswell. I complain but I spend 30-40 every day to smoke. My own fault lol 


that was gonna be my other suggestion but I felt bad for dude and decided not to encourage lollol 


as you can tell I love a good rant too. Yes mate it’s my first year but I’m hooked. Loved every bit of the experience 

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Will reply in a bit


jus about to check on my Essex Gold.. one had a touch of rot in the main cola.. feel I need to check it 


took all the serious 7’s down last visit .. just the x3 Essex Gold’s and x1 Serious 6 left here 



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@AnonyMice yes mate.. just chopped a few bits of rot out of them plants and left em.. jus raining now on return .. think I’m going to be harvesting a lot around the Hunter’s Moon… not long now .. checks getting more regular and trying to push some things on to a fuller maturity as i thin down my numbers 


£30 or £40 quid a day ! Shit that’s a lot mate! How much do you get for that? … I get for around £25 a eighth If I were to buy for good weed or hash tho I rarely need to buy these days .. a lot of folks pay £30 am eighth now round here I think … the young people buy the crazy £10 deals .. guess they are around 1g or 0.8g I’m guessing .. I don’t really know to be honest.. don’t smoke as much as I did when I were younger and funnily enough even less while I been doing this as need to keep my wits about me as well as keep laziness and procrastination at bay..when seasons over I will indulge more 


your mate sounds alright .. I’ve taken no one to any of my spots/plots… 


think the police are a bit more full on round in Ireland ? Dunno…. The Gardia? Guess it’s regional how full on each police force is 


I find in England. The more other dodgy shit is going on in the area you live in the less you stick out … but smaller places the cops have less to do and random stops could be more of a threat 


I still do move faster at times .. but try not to rush ever as that’s when accidents happen … still catch myself sometimes … i tend to do the faster stuff when I’m out of view and I want to scurry into my dens quick sharpish … ha 




looking forward to more checks tomorrow on the two patches I replanted photos into the holes I harvested autos from back end of July /Aug .. little un’s…


back on the road now 



and all the best with your missions 



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4 hours ago, growitandsmokeit said:

you get desensitised to it. 

I been using these big silver smell proof bags to carry home in.. I’m doing most trimming on site then cut into lengths ready to hang straight on my lines … Cause it’s processed already, doesn’t take up much room, so looks smaller. I wrap my buds and my trim in carrier bags, then into bin bags, then into the silver smell proof bag, wrap that smaller with electrical tape .. then bin bags over that then into my reusable carry bags or back pack depending how much I’ve harvested  .. no smell is coming out by that point really … so for that reason I’m less para knowing it don’t stink 

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@AnonyMice yo dude. A Breda messaged me a told me could get beasted by the mods for mentioning prices.. I.e what peeps pay … so maybe don’t answer my question neither continue that line of conversation:.. as don’t want ta get u in shit… have heard it’s steep in Ireland tho.. 


if your spending that much per day .. which seems like loads to me man .. personally I’d consider setting up a small indoor grow to help negate that cost.. if the missus would let ya… cause that seems like an insane amount to me … 


or u’d have to start doing huge annual outdoor crops to cover that habit lol … personally I’d still do ‘normalish’ ‘reasonable’ sized outdoor crop annually but supplement with a small cupboard or tent grow :.  If ur allowed 


Easy now.. yeah so prob discontinue that line of convo… 


see if I get beasted then ….

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@Erbman T I’m in the north mate so different police service. They have a hell of a lot else to deal with. Anti social behaviour is rife here. Police always have their hands full. All police officers here carry guns and must be on patrol in twos.  They can be cunts mate random stops and searches etc. For the most part they’ll leave you alone but there’s a few individuals a bit power mad. Focusing on the wrong people. Anyone they think could be carrying a gram or have a warrant etc. 


Had to remove a whole paragraph there lol. Yes steeper. No I think we’ll be okay mate weren’t intentionally breaking the rules lol 

I’m very much like dude who owes their pay check before they have it. So that’s my reason for wanting to ditch the dealer so badly. See I enjoy being high and can function okay. But I can’t function when I’m spending too much on it if you get me.  

It is an insane amount. 


I was hoping to be able to grow enough to last year round tbh lol probs not near this year but next maybe. Earlier start, bigger well trained plants. If all goes well.. 


wrote a right bible there. Need sleep now. Hope your visit goes well bro stick a few photo’s up. 



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