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3 weeks off u say .

Mine at 3 weeks off still hadn't given that full bud consistency smelt lovely and had triches just u know when u dry it out its gonna not resemble a actual bud more leafs and stems if u know what I mean.


Take abit and leave abit then u can atleast try it and if all goes south and it completely rots then u can have some satisfaction in knowing u got to try it abit prem.


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Equinox Greetings Bredren’s & Sistren’s 


and may your scissors be sharp & swift for Harvest time as Xcalibur



Edited by Erbman T
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@Erbman T


Those Essex Gold look ridiculous. I lost 3, 3 foot beauty's with the drought as didn't get back for a few weeks. Was supposed to be my big banker strain plants that made sure the jars were adequately filled. Never mind all in the past haha, still have a couple of seeds left for next year. Will have to make sure I do them as proud as you :)

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@geo1 I grew x3 from seed, different pheno’s … that short one the purple one I took pics of .. 


will get back to you on this 

currently tripping hard, shrooms by fire .. hard to focus on screen for fractals 


aye Essex Gold looks a bit later than the serious 6 . Looking good tho I say ! 

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9 hours ago, geo1 said:

lost 3, 3 foot beauty's with the drought as didn't get back for a few weeks

I’ve returned to the realm of mortals again 


am sorry your baba’s died dude..


I’ve got good feelings bout the EG… it’s so hard to get into the site where I’ve got them, so I don’t get to see them much .. yes the drought kept mine shorter I think but they’ve come off nice still, was a mission to keep them watered .. everything in that plot is going a bit purple / blue on the leaves from the temp changes and they all kind of a bit yellow on the leafs ie nitrogen deficient, but I don’t mind that as it happens anyway near end of flowering, those leaves pull off nice and easy starting lower down ….


am looking forward to see the results with EG.. will see what happens with the rot as I can’t visit that regular there very easily … I’d certainly like to try Citrus burst next 


jus on the way to check a couple plot/spots for the dawning… hopefully the rot is at bay.. hope I don’t end up trimmmg for hours after no sleep …


there’s also a few things going on now near a couple of my best spots … stuff I don’t like the look of at all .. pesky human activities of the official’dom variety.. reconnaissance missions required ….


all the best buddy 

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Woke up nicely lifted today after an evening of drinking ganja tea and Chonging hash made from the outdoor Euforia I had . 


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Well the worst happened again for me except I bumped into my ripper before he's ripped it so daily visit is a must and it's all coming down saturday..

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5 hours ago, Exile420 said:

Well the worst happened again for me except I bumped into my ripper before he's ripped it so daily visit is a must and it's all coming down saturday..

Heavy mate. Words exchanged or just a visual? 

Couldn't you follow the cunt back to his yard, find out where he stays?


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2 hours ago, CheechChongReturns said:

Heavy mate. Words exchanged or just a visual? 

Couldn't you follow the cunt back to his yard, find out where he stays?


yeah told them to move on said it was private land lol


they didnt get completely through there visual could of been slightly blocked and back ground is just all other groth trees etc.. they said they was looking for a fishing spot so who knows there was one close by i believe though.


been bk today and nothing was touched.

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 You have got some fine  plants out with some loey looking budage on them.

What cultivar are they, you have  done a fine job with them girls.


Someone going to be seeing buds and  trimming  in their sleep .

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I have leaves so freaky in colour, that when inverted in Photoshop (CTRL+I), they look almost green. Inverting is the same as a negative back in celluloid days. :yep:


Here they are:





Inverted. Almost green in negative! lol 


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Final visit for the day of rest


’Ditch your dealer’


3 dudes I encouraged this year ..

one likes to talk about the big things he will do.., went to the bush  and he soon chickened out with talks of he wants to grow on a hill top … didn’t do shit ! Always talks about big things he’s gonna do.. but I rarely see things he talks about manifest into physical reality 


dude Two .. a little success at least.. the dude is one of them dudes who always owes more out to the dealer than before he gets paid for the work he does… so gave him a few Mighty Gold cuttings … hope to see them soon if he ain’t cut ‘em yet.. he growing them in his garden… he’d have to grow a lot lot more to feed his habit tho.. he should do an indoor really … but you can lead a horse to water but can’t make them drink it… last o heard he was cutting off some bits and microwaving them for quick smoke.. made me cringe …


Dude 3 .. now this is a close bredren.. originally he got moody with me cause didn’t want to Gorrilla with him .. I prefer on my own… so I gave him x2 Mighty Gold cuttings and a Tropicana Poison cutting … he knew a place so we went there .. fair props to him , it’s turned out a pretty cool spot .. not much direct sunlight but does the job for a cheeky one… now.. he was leaving it forever, doing my head in .. wanted the rasss cuttings out of my tent .. root bound already … I needed the room in there:. eventually I had to take him to his spot , gave him x3 cages I cut, x3 canes and some nice soil to amend the holes … I helped burrow in and dig the holes … we planted around mid June and they were left for yonks..  Jammy bugger as I was Slaving all summer to water mine … think there’s an underground water source at his spot cause they did well in the drought .. I went there once and gave them 10liters.. cause he was always … ‘I’m gonna go up there soon…..’… every f**kimg time ..and still saying it now … I said mould is rife now..‘I will go up there sooon!’ .. he keeps saying … now remember this the guy that got funny with me for refusing to Gorilla grow with him.. you guys can imagine how much graft I’ve been doing … he would never match even a small percentage of what I’m doing 


So thought today I might go harvest them for him if I got some time at the end of my rounds , then give them to him .. he’s also another fairly heavy toker and does complain of funds but…yunno !


anyway got there this eve … fook me jammy bugger .. they looking alright … remember he never watered once.. he did check them twice but no water .. I checked them once since we planted and gave them the 10litres plus some ferts… anyway went to harvest tonight expecting the worst I.e rot … but nah , only picked out one small bit, they needed defoliating as had nuff dead leaves hanging down on them.. he lucky that didn’t cause them to rot .. plus a birds feather stuck to the top of a main cola .. removed that .. lucky that didn’t cause rot either .. jammy bastard… anyway didn’t chop em


gonna tell him leave them another week or so or at least if there’s another serious rain go get em afterwards …


bet you know what’s probably gonna happen innit.. bet it’s me that goes harvest them for him and give them to him.. lol he is a good good friend afterall … but useless c**t..(only in regards to this).. what can you do tho aye … won’t trim it for him no! That’s going too far 



next year I prob won’t help him tho maybe I might but i shouldn’t ..


useless f***kers will NEVER ditch the dealer … they don’t deserve to!!


Edited by Erbman T
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