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@Erbman T

I don't think any of RGSC would grow short tbh, I'd say a heavy topping and lst is what would be needed 

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5 minutes ago, Madmacca said:

I don't think any of RGSC would grow short tbh

As a general rule I think Indica’s tend to grow shorter 

and Sativa’s taller 


I grew DFG Bx1, Mighty Gold Bx1, Royal Mazar & Malawi x NL x DFG together in a patch last year 

The Royal Mazar grew the shortest, more shrub like. Folowed by the Malawi being taller, followed by the Mighty Gold being fairly tall, with the DFG’s being way the tallest. So yes different varieties are prone to grow to different approx heights as a general. 


Yes as you say with the right conditions, say lots of loose airy soil for the roots to stretch down into and a longer veg period I.e planting out earlier will make even a genetic that is known to grow a bit shorter than other varieties to grow taller than it might generally do otherwise. Likewise if any strain is root bound it will get stunted short.


Now I’m not confusing vigour with height here. I find all of the RGSC genetics to have good vigour. But that doesn’t necessarily equate to height.  


Ive never grown anything before like Whitey Freeze where I’m actually struggling to make it catch up with the height of others I’m growing it alongside indoors. Well I tend to have to use more HST or LST on the taller ones so to keep not too much of and extreme difference in profile. The three White Freeze I’ve grown are like super thick but really don’t stretch at all. Most varieties I grow stretch somewhat when they go into flower. Some more than others. Whitey didn’t seem to stretch at all.  I have seen other peeps pics of em where there are some taller ones so there could be phenotypes that are more prone to get taller. But I’m liking the stealth possibilities of this type of plant.


will see anyway. This is my general understanding though. Hence many seed companies/breeders do put approx height into the specs for their strains 

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Just now, Erbman T said:

As a general rule I think Indica’s tend to grow shorter 

and Sativa’s taller 


I grew DFG Bx1, Mighty Gold Bx1, Royal Mazar & Malawi x NL x DFG together in a patch last year 

The Royal Mazar grew the shortest, more shrub like. Folowed by the Malawi being taller, followed by the Mighty Gold being daily tall, with the DFG being way the tallest. So yes different varieties are prone to grow to different approx heights as a general. 


Yes as you say with the right conditions, say lots of loose airy soil for the roots to stretch down into and a longer veg period I.e panting out earlier will make even a genetic that is known to grow a bit shorter than other varieties to grow fairly tall. 


Now I’m not confusing vigour with height here. I find all of the RGSC genetics to have good vigour. But that doesn’t necessarily equate to height.  


Ive never grown anything before like Whitey Freeze where I’m actually struggling to make it catch up with the height of others I’m growing it alongside indoors. Well I tend to have to use more HST or LST on the taller ones so to keep not too much of and extreme difference in profile. The three White Freeze I’ve grown are like super thick but really don’t stretch at all. I’ve seen peeps pics of em where there are some taller ones so there could be phenotypes that are more prone to get taller. But I’m liking the stealth possibilities of this type of plant.


will see anyway. This is my general understanding though. Hence many seed companies/breeders do put approx height into the specs for their strains 

Yeah you are not wrong in hindsight. The RGSC I've done have been very tall, well definitely not stealthy, all 8ft plus .however not done the whitey freeze and royal mazar photos.have done them in autos.

How tall was your mighty gold?

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Pic above - Royal Mazar to Right (Royal Mazar runt in middle) Malawi x NL x DFG to left


DFG's pic above stretching up high. Note = this spot/plot isnt even South facing so there was gonna be more stretch as plants try and reach up to get more light.

But still DFG last year was reported to get tall for lots of folks.


Pic above Malawi x NL x DFG - Was a bit later plant out so was gonna be shorter but it did stretch a fair ammount as it went into flowerlarge.IMG_8613zs.jpg

Mighty Gold pic above was like a big bush... tighter internodes than DFG.. DFG didnt even have that many internodes i found, i grew two DFG and they were both stretch monsters


Mighty Gold above 14th of Oct


Pic above DFG's left, Mighty Gold to right, Royal Mazar to bottom right (Malawi harvested already by this point)


Note = whilst growing R Mazar and Malawi x NL x DFG side by side indoors both in seperate 20 litre pots.. R Mazar was growing taller than Malawi faster.

Both have a lot of side branching that stretches out from early unlike other strains where side branching is minimal until closer to flowering. I was lopping off lower side branching on both from early to encourage more vertical growth rather than horizontal.

Edited by Erbman T
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36 minutes ago, Madmacca said:

How tall was your mighty gold?

Erm I’m a bit crap with estimating heights. But I’m thinking the one I grew grew to about 6ft something


when I’ve grown it inside and outside something I would say about the Mighty is that it has good vigour. By that I’m meaning it grows chunky and strong looking with relative speed. All the RGSC seem to though to me DFG Bx1 from my experience has good vigour as far as it grows quite fast but it doesn’t look as strong and thick looking as when compared to the Mighty Gold Bx 1 


I'm coming to learn more and more though by growing different varieties that there can sometimes be quite a lot of varying attributes phenotype dependant within the same strain from seed. I think this is what they mean by a strain being more stable as in it’s less likely for different phenotypes from seed to sway to wildly between attributes of different parents. 


Still not got my head round all the genetic stuff, F1 this and S this and that kinda stuff. There are people on here that could defo school me. My knowledge is more kinda layman practical kinda shit. I will get my head round it eventually. I wanna make some crosses in not too distant. Really I wanna selfie the Malawi x NL x DFG as don’t wanna lose it. Especially if my cuts turn out like last years harvest with it... 


excuse the essay / rant 


I love it 

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Just now, Erbman T said:

Erm I’m a bit crap with estimating heights. But I’m thinking the one I grew grew to about 6ft something


when I’ve grown it inside and outside something I would say about the Mighty is that it has good vigour. By that I’m meaning it grows chunky and strong looking with relative speed. All the RGSC seem to though to me DFG Bx1 from my experience has good vigour as far as it grows quite fast but it doesn’t look as strong and thick looking as when compared to the Mighty Gold Bx 1 


I'm coming to learn more and more though by growing different varieties that there can sometimes be quite a lot of varying attributes phenotype dependant within the same strain from seed. I think this is what they mean by a strain being more stable as in it’s less likely for different phenotypes from seed to sway to wildly between attributes of different parents. 


Still not got my head round all the genetic stuff, F1 this and S this and that kinda stuff. There are people on here that could defo school me. My knowledge is more kinda layman practical kinda shit. I will get my head round it eventually. I wanna make some crosses in not too distant. Really I wanna selfie the Malawi x NL x DFG as don’t wanna lose it. Especially if my cuts turn out like last years harvest with it... 


excuse the essay / rant 


I love it 

Haha literally love it man too, respect.I'm on the same boat as you, so send essays..i wish I could get my head around posting pics (on a phone??) Ive been researching years and finally went balls deep last year after a couple years of autos in the garden. 

I'm sure there's something about an unstable genetic throwing out something special tho # a freak 

I too one day wanna blend my own strain.

Have you done any cheeses? Its my all time favourite smoke especially blue cheese.

I made a super soil after plenty research during lockdown and with mychorrizial fungi I don't think you can go wrong with the right spot 

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1 hour ago, Madmacca said:

so send essays.

I wrote the essay of all essays as a reply


then the site did that refresh thing it does around 3 in the morn. I lost it all 


I may try and retype something tomo .. need to catch some zzzz’s to regain my finger tapping power 



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8 hours ago, Madmacca said:

(on a phone??)

Yeah I can’t do that. I have to use my laptop with photoshop. It’s a long bitch of a process 


8 hours ago, Madmacca said:


I never had good experiences with ‘em. Though they defo seem to be getting better. I’m trying the RGSC GSC Auto this year cause of a review I saw on here. The fella was saying 5 to 7 oz a plant. When I hear someone say something like that I tend to downgrade my estimated yield to around 2 oz a plant. Everything else a bonus. I think you need the full Sun for dem bigger sounding yields.. I will work with what I can, where I can. I hear people getting sick yields like half a Kilo and shit off a semi auto plant. Where as I got average of 2 oz+ per plant with not so much direct Sun hours. But I still bagged like 8 oz plus in total at the end of last season, best I ever did outdoors, 

so I ain’t complaining. I was happy! 


8 hours ago, Madmacca said:

I'm sure there's something about an unstable genetic throwing out something special tho # a freak



8 hours ago, Madmacca said:

Have you done any cheeses?

Yeah I was running a clone I was given, for a few years, something they said was Big cheese but to be honest it wasn’t all that cheesy. That’s now gone to the scrap heap. But I’ve also run Big Buddha Cheese a few times... use to get some weird stringy plant/bud formations with some phenos. I eventually stopped cloning them for a couple years. But I dug out some more beans I had stashed of it again in recent months and now got x2 on the go. One is very vigorous and stocky, the other one is a freak/runt/deformed, but I kept the freak going and it’s kinda come back... like you say I’m holding out with it and will clone them both before flower in case there something good to keep or some kind of mutant stinker....


as Ive wanted to reintroduce some stench back into my life I’ve also got x2 Gorill4 on the go and x2 Double Bubble.... these are for indoor projects only really as I don’t think they any good for outdoors... double bubble is a refined version of bubble berry which is one of the most stinking strains I’ve ever encountered. Gorill4 I’ve heard is a stench fest. I grew one seed before but I dropped something on the plant and it fucked up. So ordered some more.


It’s a terrible addiction this strain addiction I've got. I’ve been even eying up the Exo-Gold and Guerrilla Dawg to in recent times cause of stench potential, even possible outdoor stench potential. But overall when I start thinking of stench outside it makes me sweat thinking of it carrying and people smelling them and ripping them.


I think I’ve got over 20 strains on the go. In not such a massive amount of space so my life is becoming difficult to juggle them all. I have to be on top of it, There’s a lot of torturing going on... bless ‘em, recently I’ve kinda got rid of Zkittles and Crystal Gelato cause the pheno’s I grew of em weren’t that exciting. Really over time I wanna whittle down from everything I’ve got to just the best of the best and keep mothers and spread the love a bit so there’s less chance of me losing them without having to keep em all if you know what I mean.... 


hope you enjoy the essay 

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Just now, Exile420 said:

hello mate them whitey freeze can get big yknow? with huge colas.. 

Lovely mate. I don’t doubt it can grow big.. looks lovely mate. Just general attributes I’m talking really..


ive topped all the Whiteys I’ve grown so far. All of em to 2 main heads. But current two I’ve got is to 4 main heads. That’s slowing vertical growth to. Plus I can be a bit mean on the mainlining which can slow em a bit due to recovering from my brutality 


lovely tho yeah... cheers 

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Just now, Erbman T said:

never had good experiences with ‘em

Keep an eye out for any of @brock1s offerings in the subbies, they're remarkable and bread for harsh outdoor conditions. 

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Thanks. I’m just gonna dip my toes in the auto pool again this season with them GSC... maybe I might get tempted to gradually introduce more.. like most I’ve had bad experiences with em. As they say ‘once bitten, twice shy’ ... but I observe folks like sub species and others love em... cheers for heads up MindSoup

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