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2 minutes ago, Toad81 said:

@Ch@ppers have you guys thought about doing a book? Do you reckon there is still a market for them in the forum days?

I was with Panik earlier for a coffee, he has a hundred books in him, and some photographs that would look funny as fuck in the glossy pages of a book lol

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Cheers guys. I wasn't so much after the info about growing, jus would be nice to have some books on the subject as they will soon become a thing of the past and would quite like to obtain some before that happens n people start sellin their copies for loads of money... @Ch@ppers I bet you both got a few books in you! Peace

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chappers and panik could do a big coffee table book with plots and plots and plots love to see that , but totally understand why they  couldn't or shouldn't 

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4 hours ago, Bramble badger said:

This book looks cool, thanks.


Also, sod chocolate advent, I want one of these, tis the season after all......



They do one with edibles , flower and shrooms in the advent calendar , I can't even imagine the day we'll get these in the uk 

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36 minutes ago, Nongshim said:

They do one with edibles , flower and shrooms in the advent calendar , I can't even imagine the day we'll get these in the uk 

Yeah unlikely, will have to knock up my own with foraged goodies and guerilla buds. 

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I once got given a 'twelve days of Xmas' selection box from an old school grower. I remember one of the strains was green meanie or summin. Was 20yrs old lol was the first thing he ever grew. Also had some bangin Jamaican Sensi in there that blew your head off. Was a top guy. Don't speak anymore tho but I know he's doin well. What a g

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On 2-12-2020 at 0:41 PM, Amarillo slim said:


Indeed.  In fact there are many different traits that can lead to the 'trait'' of resistance / lack off Imo, and these don't always merge well.  


Exactly. Its probably relatively easy. And this is what they are targeting in the project.  Don't know why the article's author is talking about botrytis, either purposefully mis-representing it for better publicity or perhaps they just don't have a clue.


Interesting. Out of interest did many of the ones that showed less variance following the temp drop also turn purple in response to the cold more?  



no relation to turning purple at all. 

however it does seem related to the origin of the ancestors, but I don't really have the data to say that for sure. but I suspect if you want a source of resistance for our northern conditions, you'd be best off looking at a source that is adapted to a bit colder temps, like from a highland/mountain region, and not a sativa landrace from an equatorial hot region that never experiences cold. 

also in breeding in other plants it is known that some resistancegenes can be temperature dependent. 


I think that article's author just had no clue, I've previously met people who though mildew, botrytis and budrot all where names for the same thing. sister of a guy I know grew a few autoflowers with her housemates, and those seedlings were not doing that well so they came to me for advice. looked like crap genetics/seeds since from their expensive seeds they got multiple with growth defects(things like missing an apical meristem, so only cotyledons). some time later I got told they had botrytis, which I thought was odd since it was not really the weather for botrytis so I enquired a bit further. but as she showed pictures it became even more interesting since it was mildew, not botrytis. but apparently one of her housemates had said it was botrytis. 

which was really interesting for me since I've never had mildew in my weed plants, I thought maybe the species infecting weed just does not occur in europe, only in america. but this girl lives very closeby so it must be present in my region. gave her a plant from one of my lines(since some of hers died and she had less then the legal 5 plants), she planted it besides the mildew infected ones and when I asked a couple of weeks/months later there was still no mildew on my cross. so seems like I unconscieusly grew mildew resistant varieties all those years, since I never selected for it, I never even got a single plant that had even the tiniest spot of mildew. 


regarding those other traits for resistance, you're totally right, but I think sometimes on forums things like bud structure get focussed on a bit too much. it certainly is a factor, but less easily visible/intuitive sub-traits, like ease/speed with which the fungus can kill the plant cells, how fast can it grow/spread out etc already have a big variation so I believe it is not necessary to really go for loose buds for example. since it has other trade-offs like being a bitch to trim. 

another less visible trait that might also vary for example could be pectin content in the flowers(botrytis can grow well on pectin). or how easy the fungus can penetrate the outer layer of the leaf. but also more fundamental/molecular stuff that is less intuitive.


Edited by fryge
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On 02/12/2020 at 3:11 PM, ocb said:

Cheers guys. I wasn't so much after the info about growing, jus would be nice to have some books on the subject as they will soon become a thing of the past and would quite like to obtain some before that happens n people start sellin their copies for loads of money... @Ch@ppers

First published in 1978 as A guide to growing marijuana in the British Isles and other cool climes. large.Screenshot_20201207_144731.jpg

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On 01/12/2020 at 10:02 PM, Toad81 said:

Good Book from 1999, 



Wouldn’t mind some of this guys seed stash !

I've got this one. All those buds are supposedly old landrace strains that came from purchased weed that he had acclimitised in the UK. I wonder if he is still around, what a seed stash he would have

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On 04/12/2020 at 11:33 AM, fryge said:

I've previously met people who though mildew, botrytis and budrot all where names for the same thing.

I know mildews not related but botrytis is budrot isnt it ?

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15 hours ago, LA LUNA said:

I know mildews not related but botrytis is budrot isnt it ?

I meant it more in the way of calling mildew budrot.


but really technically, budrot would be more a desease/symptoms name, not a name for a specific fungus. which could apply to multiple fungi as long as they cause similar symptoms.

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i've only ever had one rot, budrot, botrytis


mildew is totally different, don't know any other molds that cause actual budrot like botrytis does

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