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@Spliffman100 Yeah, 'controlable' wasn't the ideal word to describe wot I was trying to explain.. lucidity is closer to the mark.. I was describing the experience rather than dosing.. although I do also find it easier to judge my dose wit acid over shrooms too. To elaborate on my previous post a little bit, one example is; wen I was 17 I took a dose of wet Mexicans, prob 6-7 small mushrooms, bout half the size of a middle finger, being fairly experienced with shrooms, even back then, I wasn't expecting to get that fucked.. after 10 mins my mate said he was startin to trip. We were all tellin him to stop mucking about but he was insisting.. 2-3 mins later I ripped a bong and in the space of about 30-60 Seconds I went from stone cold sober to bein in a state where the whole room was spinning.. fast! I was hyperventilating and looked like someone had chucked a bucket of water over me. All my hearing went distorted.. I jus put my head in my hands, eyes closed n focussed on controlling my breathing.. After about 5 mins I got my breathing under control (my mates nearly called an ambulance.. thank God they didn't!) Opened my eyes and the plain concrete floor was a huge, vibrant, circular mosaic devided into rings moving the opposite way to eachother. All the mosaic pieces were morphing into the shape of people dancing.. it was beautiful once I got through the mad bit.. but 4 hrs later I fully blacked out on my feet n woke up on my mates nan's kitchen floor wit her askin if I'm ok.. 

Sorry for the long example but my point is shit like that jus doesn't happen to me on acid. I'm not completely at it's mercy, there is an element of, as you said, lucidity. Where as wit mushrooms, ime I am completely at their mercy. I find a mushroom trip can be more twisted and have a sinister vibe sometimes. I've never had that wit acid. Imo the fact that the psilocybin in the shrooms is a deterrent evolved by mother nature to not kill, but warn animals to not eat the mushrooms, it would make sense to me that it would be a darker, more sinister experience compared to lsd that's made in a lab. Just my opinion of course. Peace

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  • 2 weeks later...
13 hours ago, Tommy tucker said:

These guys look familiar lol


Am I just paranoid or what? Drone footage from high in the skys revealing way to much of the surroundings? 


Whas the cheque really worth that?:mellow:

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19 hours ago, Ch@ppers said:

Vice appealed on here for growers to allow themselves to be filmed, now we know who took the bait :rolleyes:

You know they're serious when they have a white van. :yep:



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21 hours ago, Frogspawn said:

FFS, its crowded enough as it is. All telling vice is gunna do is bate everyone out. I get the whole come out in the open and overgrow prohibition thing but up to now the GG community hasn't really been on the one times radar and the more we publiciise the lifestyle the more people will be attracted to it, by all means welcome people into the fold, but choose the right people. Makes me think the people on this video are either stupid or just too desperate to look cool/gangsta on camera to realise they're mistake. Rant over. 

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I have people (some very knowledgeable about growing) tell me every year that "you can't really grow weed outdoors in the uk" call me a selfish prick but I am more than happy to perpetuate that myth. 

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6 minutes ago, MindSoup said:

Makes me think the people on this video are either stupid or just too desperate to look cool/gangsta on camera to realise they're mistake. 

To be cool/gangsta they should have rapped while tending the plants,that would have been funny as fuck, nice plot though in fairness :yinyang:

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Just now, Ch@ppers said:

To be cool/gangsta they should have rapped while tending the plants,that would have been funny as fuck, nice plot though in fairness :yinyang:

Yeah and now its totally compromised lol, We all wanna show our aphrodisiacal plants to sexy girls granted, but every person who sees this video is another potential grass/ripper whos gunna be looking at hedgerows that little bit more or another total jum who's gunna take up space and publicly announce what they're doing on camera. All of that makes it more likely people who really need this plant for legitimate medical reasons are gunna find it harder to access decent product at a reasonable price, which to me is far more important than it actually being legal/ an opportunity for 15 mins of fame. 

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Compromised? A month or so down the line the majority of people will have forgotten about it, the few that decide to try it will recoil in horror at the first mud splash on their balenciaga's :rolleyes: we don't own this game, no reason to be covetous, the game goes on whatever happens :yes:

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3 minutes ago, Ch@ppers said:


Compromised? A month or so down the line the majority of people will have forgotten about it, the few that decide to try it will recoil in horror at the first mud splash on their balenciaga's :rolleyes: we don't own this game, no reason to be covetous, the game goes on whatever happens :yes:


Covetous? I'm more than content with what I have cheers, its what I stand to loose that has my heckles up, I rely on my herbs as do others and I don't see the British government handing out grow licenses any time soon and I certainly can't afford the medical assessment let alone the insane prices they charge suffering vulnerable people. Agree to disagree I guess, just tread carefully whenever you deal with media, all they seem to do is misconstrue and sensationalise, that girl is probably a lot more focused on climbing the ladder than she is about providing constructive and  informative journalism and helping forge a legitimate end to prohibition. Right rant actually over now I promise. :hippy:

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