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49 minutes ago, ItsDankUpNorth said:



I see people hate in this guy all the time. Any reasons why he gets so much hate? 

I hate the fact that he’s quite new to outdoor himself and he thinks he’s a genius and he went on TV to promote himself in order to get people to buy his manuals and his soil mixes.


Youll get people who ain’t grown but want to, come across his stuff and pay him stupid money for his soil mix and manuals when they can come on sites like this and learn for free off people who been in the game for years who actually know things from experience and can give solid advice 


GG is about being stealthy as you can and use as much from nature as you can.

He’s making out you need his shit to grow when you don’t , if you find a place with nice soil you can get amazing results using that an a bit of dry ferts and there’s a few diaries on here as proof



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Oh yeah.. forgot that bit.. he broadcast to the world about geurrilla growing.. an activity that works on the principle of the fact that not many people know about it. I mean, it's that standard 'Naah, you can't grow weed outdoors in the uk' opinion that makes it possible for people like us to grow weed outdoors in the UK. If every little prick knew then our plots wud be getting ripped left, right and centre.. and bein the greedy half-wit he Is, he decided to broadcast our geurrilla hobby (clues in the name) to an entire generation of pubeless millenials via vice to either try n make money, or to stroke his ego, which is clearly bigger than his brain. Peace

Edited by ocb
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He's a knob for telling the world where people grow outdoors, risking everyone's grows.. It strikes me that he's only in it for the ego stroking and the bunce! 

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On a different note.. I dunno if anyone here is quite as sad as myself but did anyone watch the Wilson v McGill semi final in the snooker yesterday? The last frame literally had me shouting at the tv.. snooker!.. I kno rite! Mad lol

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Hated because he is a gobby prick... we don't need our hobby being broadcast on national tv... it already has enough exposure... now every dog walker or random has more of an insight if they stumble across some activity while out and about.. there was no need for it but as pointed out it was about trying to sell himself as being at the top of his game in order to make money... lack of respect for the game imo :thumbdown:

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Who’s used a spin pro? After using would I need to trim them more or were they sweet? Been reading mixed thoughts and just wanted to know what you lot thought of it.

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1 hour ago, Exile420 said:

Who’s used a spin pro? After using would I need to trim them more or were they sweet? Been reading mixed thoughts and just wanted to know what you lot thought of it.

No not really you trim big fans and ends of bigger nug leafs off first, 


to be honest if you can get more hands involved hand trimming is a much better end product 

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8 minutes ago, panik said:

No not really you trim big fans and ends of bigger nug leafs off first, 


to be honest if you can get more hands involved hand trimming is a much better end product 

Thanks for clearing that up mate.

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There is a new product from the Netherlands a mate was showing me the other day its a big bucket bag thing with a plastic mesh in the bottom you put all the plants in then turn it certain ways a set number of times and all the sugar leaves and stuff are cut off. you just need to take the bud off the branches after. I was impressed with the final product trim wise. I can't remember what the name of it is called though

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