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7 hours ago, Slippy One said:

I was plot hunting in earnest with a buddy in 2016 when I stumbled onto about 3 of @panik's so I'm a marked man. Prolly a pic of me and grow bud on the wall. I'm still in awe, they were amazing. :yinyang:

Wot time of year was it?

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42 minutes ago, ocb said:

Wot time of year was it?

It was winter/spring. We accidently stumbled onto a small clearing amongst the nettles (about the size of a tennis court) that had already been planted but you couldn't tell and the cuttings were so small, no cages and probably one of the neatest clearing efforts I've ever seen, not even a scrap of a nettle stalks anywhere. 


The biggest plot we saw that winter was amazing, that's all I'll say. There's most likely a trail cam pic of us walking over the fallen tree near the entrance. Easily space for a few thousand or more. I knew immediately it was his, I could recognise those tree protectors anywhere, and some were still lying flat waiting to be rolled up from the previous year. Industrial effort. 


Inspiring and humbling at the same time. Promised land indeed, but we never returned. It's not like I'd meet the guy in some dodgy carpark late at night to swap genetics or anything... :yep:









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1 hour ago, Slippy One said:

It was winter/spring. We accidently stumbled onto a small clearing amongst the nettles (about the size of a tennis court) that had already been planted but you couldn't tell and the cuttings were so small, no cages and probably one of the neatest clearing efforts I've ever seen, not even a scrap of a nettle stalks anywhere. 


The biggest plot we saw that winter was amazing, that's all I'll say. There's most likely a trail cam pic of us walking over the fallen tree near the entrance. Easily space for a few thousand or more. I knew immediately it was his, I could recognise those tree protectors anywhere, and some were still lying flat waiting to be rolled up from the previous year. Industrial effort. 


Inspiring and humbling at the same time. Promised land indeed, but we never returned. It's not like I'd meet the guy in some dodgy carpark late at night to swap genetics or anything... :yep:









 The good old days hey ... ;)


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  • 3 weeks later...

Just out of interest, wen you guys jar up at the end of the season, do you jar into strains or do you keep your phenos separate? I personally keep my phenos separate. Sometimes each plant jarred and labled separately. However as my numbers are building up I'm thinking this mite not be the best method moving forward. Wot do y'all do? Peace

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42 minutes ago, ocb said:

Just out of interest, wen you guys jar up at the end of the season, do you jar into strains or do you keep your phenos separate? I personally keep my phenos separate. Sometimes each plant jarred and labled separately. However as my numbers are building up I'm thinking this mite not be the best method moving forward. Wot do y'all do? Peace

Yeah strains , not pheno’s would be there all day lol 

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15 minutes ago, panik said:

Yeah strains , not pheno’s would be there all day lol 

Yeah. I think I'm gunna have to adopt this method moving forward 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Missed his birthday by 2 days but here's a Hovis-style ditty for the GG'er.


Serious Ticks


Brambles and blackthorn and horseflies and midges

Barbed wire fences and deep muddy ditches

Nettles and sheep ticks that Lyme's disease bring

These are a few of my favorite stings.


Hovis Presley (Richard Henry McFarlane) 3rd August 1960 - 9th June 2005.  

Edited by Amaethon
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Observations regarding heavy clay soil.... I've made a couple posts about this already, but I still can't believe what I'm seeing..


2 plots. Both heavy clay. The type where the soil dries out and leaves cracks penetrating as deep as 8 inches in some places. Both plots surrounded by nettles and brambles, brambles have lost a couple feet in height in this heat wave, nettles all wilting...


So, Plot 1; The Hill Plot. Some plants in holes roughly 100L in volume, some in beds. 0L bought in compost, all local soils collected from around the area and used to ammend each hole/bed.


Each girl has been hand watered with roughly 5L each in total throughout the entire season.


Kushty (left) / Purple Freeze (right); in bed.



Purple Freeze autos (front), Jack Black (back); in pots ontop of bed.



The full monty from 2 weeks ago...



Now, Plot 2; The Bush Plot. Plants in holes and tubes. All plants have been hand watered with roughly 10L each throughout the entire season....


Stunted plants in spent holes/tubes due to insufficient ammendments (foreground), healthy plants in new tubes (background).



Purple Freeze, star of the show in both plots..



I've said it before, but I'm in one of the driest AND hottest parts of the UK (SE).


I don't know how it is that these girls are thriving with such little water.. You often read about how holes in clay act as sumps, maybe this is it. No run off, any water that gets into holes sits and waits for plants to drink it up.. Maybe it's more the water retention quality of clay, it takes longer to warm up in spring/summer, therefore longer to dry out...


Irregardless, you can see how well they're doing.


Now I'm not suggesting this is the best thing for the plants, they would surely appreciate more water. But this season a few things shocked me into paranoia, now my marching too and fro from water source to plots seems like a risk I'm unwilling to take.. Nonetheless, you hear Ch@ppers talk about 55,000L watering trips, others talk about 10L a day... Well, here's the results of 10L a season lol Now, how good is your fancy looking black gold, crumbly loamy soil looking boys and girls? Reckon you'd get away with such little water where you are?..


I will be treating the ladies that are in flower to a good 5L each (I hear you laughing lol) to make sure they've got what they need (seriously, stop laughing lol)..


Anyway.. There we have it...


Conclusion. Cannabis is a fricken hardy plant, eh!?


Let's avvvv it! I'll keep you updated as they flower, we'll see how they do as they approach the finish line..


Atb guerillas.



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Loving this thread. Absolutely great reading. What’s everyone’s opinions on this guy and what he’s doing this summer out of interest? I’m no expert far from it. But he just seems to over complicate everything to the point he loses me sometimes. Going off the general vibe of people on here with these kind of gardens, it seems more like a chore than a fun thing to do. 


Honestly this year is my first real attempt at growing anything, I’ve currently got a flowering female plant. Maybe not out of the ordinary compared to a lot of you experienced guys (in terms of quality, size and potential yields)  but fingers crossed at this stage for mould etc. But That’s is what it’s all about ain’t. 


Point is, I’ve learnt more from this forum and reddit (on here in particular) than I would do by buying this guys stuff or watching every minute of his videos. There is so much handy information on here and interesting cool stuff on here, everything anyone can ever need as a novice growing some uk herb. Keep it up guys! 

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Here’s my Fast Diesel that had a bit of shit start to life (stressed) flowered early. I reckon it’s got a week or so to go? Should be in week 6 of flowering! About 120 days from seed grown in the garden. Lets hope this rain doesn’t introduce mold! 

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1 hour ago, Exile420 said:

That guy is a proper mong hasn’t a clue.

He’s ok mate you can’t knock him for getting it done an trying,.. 


he’s got plants in the ground that are doing ok that’s the main thing..

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2 hours ago, Exile420 said:

That guy is a proper mong hasn’t a clue.



I see people hate in this guy all the time. Any reasons why he gets so much hate? 

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2 minutes ago, ItsDankUpNorth said:



I see people hate in this guy all the time. Any reasons why he gets so much hate? 

I guess it's jus his general philosophy of He knows best wen in reality, he contradicts himself every other sentence and gives pretty bad advice.. I see wot paniks sayin, at least he's giving it a go. For me it's his attitude, and the fact that he claims to know so much and be so good that nobody could possibly pull off a decent grow without reading his 'manual'.. I haven't read it but would be prepared to bet half my crop that it's full of either rubbish, or info that could jus be googled/ looked up on here. The whole thing comes across a bit like a 'people just do nothing' comedy sketch. Can't take him seriously lol

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