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Mighty DF Wonder Fucking G

Mighty Super Fuck 61?


MIGHTY fast fucking diesel wonder?


That's just the beginning

Edited by Henroid
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6 minutes ago, Henroid said:

Might have to get some regs and get this happening

Sounds too good to pass up 

There all fems though unless you reverse some.

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3 hours ago, Henroid said:

Sounds too good to pass up 


Im sure the people who thought to cross a pug with a husky said similar....





The idea that crossing two things together because they 'sound good' is one of the biggest problems in modern drug cannabis genetics Imo..  Most 'breeders' are simply seed producers with little to no understanding of the science of genetics or plant breeding.  No doubt some of these hacks produce excellent plants, after all the things you start with already posses many desirable traits -and throw enough shit at a wall and some of it is gonna stick..  I'm currently working with some unstable things from the states that are the result of accidental pollinations etc.. Many can produce excellent end product, but with most you have to grow a bunch to select a single decent mother out of. Fine as long as thats what they're sold as I suppose, but wouldn't you rather have things that show a degree of uniformity, with most phenos possessing consistency in key traits such as flowering times, resistances etc?  especially important for outdoors / autos where starting from seed is the norm. 


Anyway, I digress, working on countless projects all the time, testing lots of new outdoor seeds this year, each cross very carefully chosen for compatibility, with particular goals in mind, an idea  of what each will bring to the table..  In many cases these are cultivars or even individuals I have worked with countless times for years prior, so I know what they breed true for etc...  Some at F8, some that are the work of the most renowned breeders of are time.  The amount of experience and work that goes into choosing the right parents and working them to create something of true value mustn't be underestimated.  The more you learn the more you'll realise you don't know. 


When your serious about growing and want to be able to count on your crop, the difference on spending a little £££ on some quality genetics compared to some unstable hacks made from poor selections?  An awful lot is the answer. 


By all means make some hacks, they will be ok, but you'll soon realise the huge variability among the offspring render them largely useless for much except perhaps selecting mothers for a-sexual reproduction (clones)...  


Wait till you see some of my new creations this year,  id be very very surprised if you think they could be improved in any way by simply crossing to another cultivar... :oldtoker:



Edited by Amarillo slim
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4 hours ago, Kingruby said:

@panik and @Amarillo slim need to do a collaboration 

Collab,.... :clown:



Im not worthy,..:D


I think it would be a case of too many cooks spoil the broth,..



Slim Pm me your thoughts an ideas and ill critique them for you,.. ;)

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@Amarillo slim 

Well I got set straight :notworthy:

thank you for making it very clear why I should not do that :v:

Well I think it's very much like the US thinking, in putting 2 good sounding things together to make something nice but instead making an unreliable monster

I apologise for wrongly considering on making a monster from your already perfectly reliable genetics @panik & @Amarillo slim:smartass::notworthy:



I think you might be right there about the cooks

But maybe something might happen

Just please don't do a sherbrinski and charge us an arm and leg

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A great head chef and mentor looked at me sincerely one evening during service.

I was going freestyle with the sesame oil in a british dish.  Shaking his head in a most forlorn way he said to me.

"#######, there is a fine line between fusion and confusion".

In my defence, it was back in the 90s man.

I put the sesame oil down.

And learned something.


Nice dog @Amarillo slim

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9 hours ago, Amarillo slim said:


Do you think could have some Purpurea Ticinensis in the mix there? I know Felix of Owl's productions and others made crosses like this, that led to things like erdpurt etc.  

I had a few Juraberri x's and the cross with PT that looked like the bud pictured. 


No its pure  ive tried owls primavara and its not the same.

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18 hours ago, panik said:

Slim Pm me your thoughts an ideas and ill critique them for you,.. ;)


No need,, your telepathic abilities are clearly functioning perfectly...


18 hours ago, panik said:

Im not worthy,..:D


lol :nenenenene:


17 hours ago, Kingruby said:


@Amarillo slim has the brains @panik has the looks 

Btw it was just an idea 


If I was just interested in making money I'd have started selling seeds years ago and focused more on marketing, Ive had 1000s of OK outdoor fems kicking about for years that most people would be perfectly happy growing.. 


But its all about the work for me, and if you're serious about breeding then there is no room for mediocracy,  when I eventually create something I think worthy of release, there are a whole bunch of others that have been scrapped..


Im fastidious by nature, breeding is my life passion, the sense of purpose and pride that comes from providing creations of real value to the community is a big thing for me, the respect from peers, from the people I look up to etc..  Its about living a fulfilled life, the money is but a  by-product and means to continue doing what I am at best at and love most in life - observing and steering the process of evolution in living things (of which of course Ive got a favourite :D).   Name me another occupation thats more of a blend of science and art? Anything thats more fascinating than the complexity of living organisms and genetics.?  


I trade genetic material with people all the time, other breeders etc, but collaboration?  Very small amount of people I'd even consider,, and the motivation wouldn't be for exposure / marketing purposes, more that together we would be able to create superior cultivars than either alone...  


Ive been seriously considering a move to California for a little while now, couple people out there I would love to work with...  Lots of good things to come in the future, watch this space ;):oldtoker:



Edited by Amarillo slim
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On 3.04.2020 at 10:34 AM, Amarillo slim said:



Yep, I know a bit about the history surrounding this cultivar as Im quite friendly with Knopse, a Swiss guy that is responsible for many of the seed lines that come from the clone.. The original erdbeer was grown for years as clone only in Switzerland , the exact heritage isn't known although there are some theories...  Years back whilst working on a farm that grew a lot of erdbeer, knopse noticed a single branch on one of the plants that had herm'd, and from this he got some S1 seeds which he grew out the following year. Some of these had the good traits of their mother such as good bud density and robustness, but were also earlier.  Its from these selections that nearly all other erdbeer seeds, crosses, cuts come from. So Greenhornet, HFH, blue hemp etc and the cut called 'erdbeerli' in Flowery fields nursery all derive from the 'early erdbeer' and crosses from knopse. 

The exception to this is the discontinued paradise seeds cultivar which some older members might remember called 'Rox' , which according to Knopse was created from the original years ago after Luc from paradise was doing some business in Switzerland.   I believe it might be this same old cut that Panik has as apposed the the one Knopse took to Flowery fields along with some crosses.  


Couple years back Knopse gave all his remaining Early erdbeer seeds to me and Arnold for reproduction, due to the age of the seeds the germ rates were very low and out of a couple hundred or so seeds I ended up with only two plants, both of which had deformed and twisted early growth due to the age of the seeds. They grew out of this but I was unable to make seeds from them.



- one of the two 'Early erdbeer' plants I got.  


Arnold also had some more recently reproduced seeds from a German grower iirc, and so managed to get a larger number of plants and managed a successful reproduction, so thankfully the line still lives on in seed form.  


That year I also grew about 50 or so 'erdbeer' seeds from Helvetic seeds, despite the name these are actually a hybrid and lacked a lot of the traits that makes the erdbeer desirable. 


Heres a pic showing the other Early erdbeer plant I had (left), next to a 'erdbeer' from Helvectic (right).




Note that the Helvectic plant has barely begun flowering and has a much more squat and 'closed' structure. 

Close up of the Early erdbeer...  




The erdbeer on its own has some good traits but is quite bland and not the most potent, in crosses she can be good though, and there was one F1 I may still make with the line if I get the time.  But Im focusing mostly on my MWF line for now as some phenos can have similar density but with greater potency etc...  



I have a cross from Tanska Seeeds Develpment "Mighty Freeze x Eirdbei" worthy of attention?

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