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13 hours ago, Socksnsandals said:

Is plot preparation or planting out an "essential journey"?  Thinking of the likely level of lockdown soon GG will be difficult, not only because of the decreased ratio of peeps out and about to officials, but travel restrictions.  "Officer, my gran has to have FBB to supplement her diet, and needs chickenwire to [insert plausible medical necessity if you can think of one]" though if it extends into late April/early May "well officer/corporal, you see it is essential that I get these young plants into the ground now..."

They hold the key to corona virus and need me to solo handedly escort them to a undisclosed location that only I can no about

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This shits bin goin thru my head too. I think anyone who has a dog shud be ok. Prob quite easy to blag that you are taking it for a walk somewhere secluded, as long as it's not the other end of the county or whatever.. we just gunna have to get creative!

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4 hours ago, Exile420 said:

Think taking my cats for a walk will help? lollol 

Fuck it buy a kyte say ur off into the country for fresh air away from any1 

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20 hours ago, Socksnsandals said:

Friends in France say that you have to have and fill in a form to say where you are going (each day) with gendarmes at roundabouts stopping you

In france you are allowed to go out to exercise and dogwalk

Edited by LA LUNA
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18 hours ago, ocb said:

Even just wearing exercise gear and say you are going for a run/ to exercise in a secluded area mite do it?..


I'm about 5 miles from my plot but i've worked out i can get there almost entirely all off road with a combo of alleyways, footpaths and bridleways so i'm thinking of going full on Mad Max and getting an old crosser/pit bike for my runs... taking me back to my teens, i'm picturing the terminator 2 aqueduct scene minus the T1000/lorry lol

Edited by Rennie_99
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16 hours ago, LA LUNA said:

In france you are allowed to go out to exercise and dogwalk


Y, my friend went out (with her form and her man, with his form filled in as well!) and had a ~40km cycle ride yesterday in the countryside of Provence.  23 Centigrade, almost no cars, occasional Gendarme who didn't stop them. Idyllic apart from the invisible storm sweeping down upon us.   

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  • 2 weeks later...
43 minutes ago, Lea Valley said:

Looks like low stock of DFG at RGSC. It shows 1 left. I had the last packs of 3. Time to @panik buy :P


I got that shit covered! Lemony goodness!

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3 hours ago, murzyn said:

Hello, did anyone have this strain? :) I wonder if this is the original Friesland Indica M33...



I know the grower those pics are from and can confirm the pics are M33, but Im not familiar with the website.  


I also hold an M33 line that has been maintained by open pollination in Canada since the days of SSSC..  Just growing out some crosses of a particular M33 individual I selected about a year ago now, crossed with the main MWF plant selected last season...  Ive got a very good feeling about this cross and will likely use one of these plants to make F2s as well as BXs to the MWF, the latter of which should be ideal seeds for guerrilla growing.  With the M33 increasing vigour and reducing auto type phenos, without taking away too much from the bud quality and hardiness.  

Edited by Amarillo slim
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12 hours ago, Lea Valley said:

Looks like low stock of DFG at RGSC. It shows 1 left. I had the last packs of 3. Time to @panik buy :P



I did warn peeps , it’s been absolute manic here at RGSC head quarters over last week , post is down to one pick up a day now and iv just updated the website with the last few DFG I have until I get round to the remake so don’t waste any time if you was thinking of grabbing them , oh and we have Card payment options set up again for easier transactions been working very hard behind the scenes to sort this for you guys has taken months :yep: 

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Heres one of the M33 x MWF I mention above.  Grown under natural light.  Nice broad leaf phenotype typical in both parent lines. 




She's gonna be a monster by September :smug:

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