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14 minutes ago, beezee said:

@GreenPirate we had a late spring last year, beast from the east saw to that :yep:




shows how fecked my memory is, I thought that was earlier last year.


Thinking about it, yep, I got caught out by frost last year.. lost over 200+ little plants to it, fuck, why/how did I forget that! Petunia's, a load of gazanias, lost all sorts but I thought that was me just trying to jump the season last year by starting even earlier than this.


Fuck, have I done it two years running?! motherfuc.....

Edited by GreenPirate
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13 minutes ago, Gimps said:

@panik, @Tommy tucker, @Amarillo slim Would your advice extend to pot grown autos in an unheated greenhouses as well, or is it just regarding planting in dirt outside?



Depends on your situation and goals.  What lat, sheltered sun trap or exposed, shade?  are you looking to maximise yield or just get some smoke asap?  Generally speaking yes, its still to early even with greenhouse. Autos are even more effected by being stunted due to the short vegetive period so personally I would wait till night temps are up and daylight hours longer.

Edited by Amarillo slim
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30 minutes ago, panik said:

Hear the same thing every year no one listens or learns , all think they can get them out early an reap rewards lol far from it just stunts em then fucks em , my later plants always take off ... turtle and the hare guys stop getting eager..



I was taking a chance with a couple, all the rest are in for a normal ride.


I was almost convinced the seasons were/are getting earlier for temps, every other year i've waited.. just the last couple I thought were early. I must be getting to that age, i'll start calling everyone the wrong names soon. lol



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Last year it was end April it was 2/3c few days into May it was 20+ 


i learnt this when out fishing  as a young boy 

and also beeing out on site everyday day thermals go on 1st nov that when the first frost usually comes 


thermals get put in the draw till next year in May 


never go fishing in france till May as well  it’s a fine line tho as the fish sometimes spawn  then as well 

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1 hour ago, Gimps said:

@panik, @Tommy tucker, @Amarillo slim Would your advice extend to pot grown autos in an unheated greenhouses as well, or is it just regarding planting in dirt outside?


As mentioned mate there is really no rush your not gaining anything but stunted small plants wasting money and be buying more seeds before you know it , iv done an outdoor plant or 2 and nowadays my little rule of thumb is I don’t put nowt in the ground before the 4th May .. that’s not to say I haven’t had them started under lights for at least 10-14days indoors first though.. but some people are limited to this option.

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2 hours ago, GreenPirate said:

Down to 6c last night down here, reports of frost and snow on the way with drops below 0c.


WTf, I thought we'd seen the back of the frost and temps were on the up!


My test of how early I could go this year might have an answer if those temps are correct and fall to 0c, "not this early!" is the answer.


oh well, kinda knew it was gonna be a chance if it does fall that low.



Yeah it was just a fk it moment ... decided to plant em out cause I started them wayyyy to early, learned alot on here thanks to yous guys/girls(not seen any on her yet i think) and I vegged under the wrong light(it was like 2700k cfl) i got couple of 6400k daylight cfls 40w each ....now that iv ordered the right lights I can do it better and at the right time hopefully increase my chance of getting a gram :D lol...... and learn even more before planting win win for me





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Just now, panik said:

As mentioned mate there is really no rush your not gaining anything but stunted small plants wasting money and be buying more seeds before you know it , iv done an outdoor plant or 2 and nowadays my little rule of thumb is I don’t put nowt in the ground before the 4th May .. that’s not to say I haven’t had them started under lights for at least 10-14days indoors first though.. but some people are limited to this option.


I will take that advice on fully :D

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1 hour ago, Tommy tucker said:

Ask any grower on here. They will say never plant out in April. Today was freezing. It was hailing quite hard at one point. April showers maybe? We need the rain to be honest, its been quite dry recently.



This years summer project is a cold frame, I will not let this thing called mother nature beat me, who the fuck does she think she is :unsure: *i'll be back, same time next year, posting the same thing of how she beat me again*



I'm just a back garden grower, you outdoor plot growers are on another level to me :yes: There are a few tricks I can use, the cold frame will help and few nights pull them in the front room if I have to.

After last years infestation making it's way into my clone/mother room, I broke my own golden rule of never bring in outdoor plants and mix them with my indoor.

I've been pretty much bug free for years following that rule and keeping the room clean as possible.

Fuck you Bodhi's Space Cake, fuck you!!.. I want to say she was worth it (she is or I would not have done it) but in hindsight I should have isolated her first, then she'd have been worth it, now, the battle is ongoing until I nuke the rooms.

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1 hour ago, GreenPirate said:



I was taking a chance with a couple, all the rest are in for a normal ride.


I was almost convinced the seasons were/are getting earlier for temps, every other year i've waited.. just the last couple I thought were early. I must be getting to that age, i'll start calling everyone the wrong names soon. lol





Haha ey just remember age is just a number dude :D......

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8 hours ago, Tommy tucker said:

Ask any grower on here. They will say never plant out in April. Today was freezing. It was hailing quite hard at one point. April showers maybe? We need the rain to be honest, its been quite dry recently.

Inside my veg room was 8c on the memory setting yesterday evening and 14c in the flower room. its fair to say if I'm struggling in an 100mm kingspan insulated caravan outdoors with be almost certain death :/ dont risk it man. I went straight out today and bought 2 oil rads one for each room. unkess you've got a camo extension cable that'll reach your plot and a few heaters I'd wait haha! :)

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8 hours ago, panik said:

Hear the same thing every year no one listens or learns , all think they can get them out early an reap rewards lol far from it just stunts em then fucks em , my later plants always take off ... turtle and the hare guys stop getting eager..

Listen to a pro, maximise your grow! panik knows his shit haha! 

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2 hours ago, The mole 42000 said:

outdoors with be almost certain death :/ dont risk it man.

My earlies are under T5, was hoping the temps were rising to shove them out ASAP as a test. A few days earlier I might have put them out if they were a bigger and they would be struggling or dead by now, it is friggin cold tonight!

Dropped another 2 more into pop, these will stay under the T5 for a good month+. I don't want to curse it but my Zkittzo cuts look like have taken, or at least a few have. Enough to put 1 or 2 in the garden for a test this year. I have a feeling i'm gonna regret that more than anything else this year, she stinks every time I knock her in the flower room. If she goes over 6ft I will have to bend her, the missus will lose the her shit after last year!


Anyone done a hanging basket grow before? temped to put one either side of the back door for shits and giggles. Never tried it, bit of bondage and a few weights, I could get them to hang down..a little. She will lose her shit if I do that, I might be single at the end of this summer!


I need to dig my summer project (cold frame) down, add insulation and find a free way to add heat in there if they were to survive this. I've not got any glass,polycarb or plastic handy or i'd throw a few bricks together, bodge insulation job, cover it and see what temps I can keep.

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18 hours ago, Gimps said:

@panik, @Tommy tucker, @Amarillo slim Would your advice extend to pot grown autos in an unheated greenhouses as well, or is it just regarding planting in dirt outside?


hmmm good question. I don't have any real green house grow experience. So i can't say . Maybe ask this question in the under glass section.  

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