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On 10/22/2018 at 8:56 PM, Mr blue said:

@The Sheriff of Nottingham this year's ripping story is even less plausible than last year's bust, the gun to your head, the spring breeding project or the 7ft auto in May. Change your user name to Walter Mitty and be done with it

Your bullshit stories are an insult to anyone who has really been ripped or busted


No, I genuinely was ripped. Hence why I have stopped uploading and posting on here in the past few weeks, because I have lost all my photoperiods. I haven't got anything left to upload. And consequently I have lost all motivation now after the rip.


Why would I spend the whole season making my Dinafem diary, and posting in it, only to have to abandon it at the last moment!? (when I am in a competition). I didn't stop posting for my health. I stopped because my photoperiods were ripped, meaning my season is done.


You're a fucking cretan. Kick a bloke while he is down and what not. Firstly, I was talking to HarvestReaper, not you, and secondly you could have seen my post and just moved on, but no, you have to stick the knife in and talk shit. You probably know I was ripped, but just want an excuse to lay into me. The fact you claim that I am making it up, and that I am an insult to anyone who has really been ripped is fucking disgusting. When I have clearly been a victim of rippers.


Do you want me to upload pics of my stripped branches? Or do you think I am just holding back the pics of my 8ft plants, that I was showcasing a few weeks back????? What motive could I possibly have to do that!? When I am in a diary comp and when I regularly upload in the random guerrilla photos thread. If I still had my plants, I would be showing them off.


I hope you get ripped so you know what it is fucking like, to see your season work go down the fucking pan. And then I will be there to shit down your neck like you have done to me. You inconsiderate fucking prick. What the fuck have I done to you!? Come on...? Fucking nothing. I would love to get hold of you and ring your scrawny little neck you fucking little cocksucker. Don't fucking message me again on here you absolute fucking degenerate cretan. Keep yourself to yourself and mind your own fucking business you absolute twatface. PRICK!.



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On 10/23/2018 at 6:36 AM, harvestreaper said:

sorry to hear you to,, i wont go into numbers  but they have done very well outta me  im thinking  this years xmas decorations  should be made out of rippers  lol


No worries dude. I guess it's all part of the game. I lost all 6 of my photoperiods in total, but 3 of them were seed hacks that I didn't really intend to smoke anyway. They even took a plant that was only in week 3 of flower. Fucking morons. And it definitely wasn't old bill because they came back 3 different times. I managed to harvest a bit of it after the initial rip, but lost about 80% in total, I reckon. Including ALL of my KK FV and Mango Saphire. So annoying. 


There's always next season, I guess :mellow:

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Imagine, you're just finishing the mission to get to the plot, Crawling through a swamp as the excitement builds, sweaty, hungry... Ready to see some decent sized plots of lovely ladies...Then you pop your head out of the final bush, to see this........Wheres my fkin plots gone:doh:




:wanker: 's.


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I lost 19 to the drought, mostly RGSC stuff....struggled to get to them due to a fallen tree would you believe...nine to rippers...I am comforted by the fact that when I discovered the brutally snapped stems that they'd took them well early...I'm talking three weeks ago.


Still got enough to last me half a year if it comes in...


And some hacks...I must go and see them. Two weeks ago the male (out of five regs) was well pollinating and PURPLE.





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It’s all part of the game lads. One year I had a rouge horse escape into my plot and trample fuck round my plants. I can only assume the owner In the adjacent field finally worked out where the horse was going every day and ripped us. It must of smelled them and he must of smelled the horse stinking of weed as it brushed against my plants snapping them in half. That story isn’t made up bollocks either lollollol 

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I'm perplexed ,sitting here wondering how shit snowballs ,and children's short stories with fundamental lessons ,applications to life .The commandment's, all 8:wassnnme: . Thinking what goes on in other folks heads . Stops me doing anything ,like a graphic photo .I hope its not just me . Sure there's a bit a madness in the air .

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53 minutes ago, Mr blue said:

@crticalcontent, your story sounds a lot more believable than @The Sheriff of Nottingham with his ransom claims

Even if yours involved a unicorn it would still be more realistic:wallbash:


Get a fucking life you sad prick and stop quoting me in messages every 5 minutes. Get on with your own grow and mind your own fucking business you little weasel faced cunt. 


I have made one comment in the guerrilla growing section in 3 weeks, to harvest reaper, mentioning that my plants had been ripped as well, and you start up, laying into me and talking shit. You're a fucking sad act. I have clearly been ripped, otherwise I wouldn't have stopped uploading a few weeks back when I was previously showcasing 8 foot plants in week 4-5 of flower. As if losing about 20 ounces worth of bud isn't bad enough, I now have you rubbing it in and talking shit to me. Just fuck off. 


You don't have to believe anything I say. You don't have to listen to anything I say. Just don't fucking tag me or send me comments every time I fucking post. Even if I say any comment, about anything, you get involved and start talking a load of crap to me. You've been doing it for ages and I've been putting up with it for long enough. Just fuck off. Get on with your own grow and mind your own business, you fucking degenerate cunt. I have lost plants and you are talking shit to me. You are an absolute fucking wanker :wanker: 


Never been this mad :furious:

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also so slightly sad to see such crap where useful knowlegde and debates could be shared...  guess that’s the public internet for you aye..



Edited by Amarillo slim
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lost one of my plots this year ... it wasent ripped as such ..... loggers   are chopping the forest down and  the grow was right in the middle..........  looks like this now ....





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So, to end the diary that never really began. Started off with 15 beans, ended up with 14 seedlings. Lost a whitey freeze auto early on, then lost my c99 and easy sat, no ones fault but mine for putting in a shit plot. Gifted away a critical auto and a 8 ball Kush both freebies both did ok. Main plot had 2 Affies, 2 lemonade og, a royal mazar, and from sweet seeds a cream caramel and a killer kush, both FVs.  Had a freebie blue cheese out in a plant and leave (forget completely) plot. Chopped the whitey freeze at 86 days, could have gone a bit more but it was pretty cooked, 23 grams dry not bad for the season opener. Lost one Affie and the KKfv, just didn’t really take off, and plot was a bit crowded, will open it out a bit next year. Next to get the chop around the 20th Aug was the Royal mazar, what a cracking plant to grow, shortish and stocky as fuck, finished well early,  lost main cola to rot, harvested 20 grams dry. Nice smoke but gutted I lost so much, however the worst was yet to come…24th ish Sept, had to go away a week and was worried about rot on the lemonade og (pushing 6foot) another Lem og, thinner, more sativa like in structure and smelling more orange than Lemon? My giant 7foot tall 3foot wide Affie, and my one and only cream caramel which for a fast version wasn’t that fast. The main Lem og was defo cooked and she was sporting a few spots of mould so down she came. 168grams dry, and a cracking smoke, have put the best buds away for a long Christmas cure. Hadn’t been back till last Wednesday as the weather had been ok, crawled through the tunnel and my heart sank, main colas and most side branches on all 3 remaining were rotted to fuck, huge wine bottle size buds fuckin ruined. Pissed off so much I didn’t go back earlier, managed to salvage about 3oz in total (tbc on dry weight) must have thrown at least 8oz away prob more, you live and learn….

So today I remembered the plant and leave blue cheese, in a hedge between 2 farmers fields, took the dog for a stroll armed with secateurs and a bin bag, luckily the dog remembered where it was as I couldn’t, crawled through to find slug collar, cage, canes, and no fucking plant. Gone. Ripped. Fuck knows when and or if it was even ready, I hadnt seen it since early august. I should have been fuming but I actually had a chuckle, the surrounding vegetation was almost gone so it must have stuck out like a stiff cock at a lesbian wedding, wont use that spot again. So, already harvested 211 grams dry which is easy a years supply for me, still got appx 2-3 oz when dry drying so enough to gift a bit to some mates.

Photos, smoke reports, etc to follow. Dealer ditched, job done. Happy harvest everyone

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56 minutes ago, Amarillo slim said:



also so slightly sad to see such crap where useful knowlegde and debates could be shared...  guess that’s the public internet for you aye..




Tell that prick Mr Blue to stop tagging me and trying to start shit constantly then. 


Even when I say one comment in 3-4 weeks, mentioning that I had been ripped, he still manages to go off at me and stick the knife into me. After I have lost my plants! Am I supposed to just sit there and take this crap. It's constant fucking abuse from him. Kicking a man when he is down. Aghhhhhhhh :furious:


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I don't want to get in the middle of this, I dunno what's gone on. But you can change your settings so you don't get notifications if someone mentions you


And if you don't want to engage with a particular member you can always put them on ignore


Just general advice like, not taking any sides. I don't use the ignore function, but it's there if there's someone you don't want to engage with :)


E2A Though I think it's a bit out of order to put someone on ignore and then post " I've got you on ignore." That's just rude :nea:



Edited by Boojum
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7 hours ago, Michael Luchóg said:

I'm perplexed ,sitting here wondering how shit snowballs ,and children's short stories with fundamental lessons ,applications to life .The commandment's, all 8:wassnnme: . Thinking what goes on in other folks heads . Stops me doing anything ,like a graphic photo .I hope its not just me . Sure there's a bit a madness in the air .

its the full moon lol

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