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Went out on watering mission last night and going again today, I’m about two days away from doing the rain dance :eek:

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Forgot to water seedling last night and the sun has murdered ten lol



Ah well plenty to go still..


Thing is now to do a diary or not, dunno if I can be assed this year

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I need to go out on a water mission tonight really.. second year in a row! Global warming must be real England's getting fucking dry :rofl:

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Much much hotter this year then last season by far, even the beginning of the year was pretty mild


Good luck with the mission dude

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7 minutes ago, Exile420 said:

Forgot to water seedling last night and the sun has murdered ten lol



Ah well plenty to go still..


Thing is now to do a diary or not, dunno if I can be assed this year


Ten less cages to make lol


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took a few bottles of water to the plot for a quick visit, the soil was pretty dry and there wasn't enough to make a difference so ended up knee deep in the river 4 times filling them up lol

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I’m thinking about making a pond at one of my plots with a 3m2 black tarp. This lugging water is utter bollocks! 

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I'm feeling rather glad I didn't bother now and I mean that. Last years water lugging was a nightmare and this year is much drier and getting longer hot spells (for my area anyways). I seem to keep getting bit by mosquito's out there as well, not long after shooting my rifle in quiet places I get bit by one, every fucking time lol. If I did a GG I suppose I wouldn't need to go to gym though, if I got mossy bites everywhere making me look pumped up as it is lol.


I hope the season finishes well for you all :yep: (the most important time).

Edited by Conspiranought
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14 hours ago, crticalcontent said:

I’m thinking about making a pond at one of my plots with a 3m2 black tarp. This lugging water is utter bollocks! 


It would just dry out though. You need to cover it in a sheet, weighed down by a rock over a small hole, so rainwater collects on the sheet and falls through, but can barely evaporate. I do this with buckets and they still have plenty of water in after a month without rain



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Dropped 20 litres close to the plot last night. Gonna go there today and give em a good watering. If we could ever get something close to this weather in Sept/Oct, it would be fukin' golden for harvest!

My plants think they're growing in south Spain.... wait till they see what the weather is really like in a couple of weeks  :scared:

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Poor Lea Valley.... He has to walk miles in the searing heat to collect water for his family. They’re always thirsty, there are parasites and animal waste in the water which will make them sick and could even kill them but he has no choice.


If you can afford a just a few pounds each month please text “My plants ain’t growing ”” and donate whatever you can so Lea Valley can buy some weed coz it didn’t rain on his ganja plants and they all frizzled away. 


I did 70 lts at one plot this week from the stream which took me a couple of hours and has left my stealth paths in tatters. 


I think the water is run off from a lake, it could be high ph but Ive not tested it in a few years, it’s that or nothing but using this H20 can cause problems. 




I really hope that the plants can hang on till the rains come but with another couple of weeks I’m now starting new seeds to replace the losses and grow

a bunch of bonsai ‘s. 


Bloody English weather. Too wet, too dry, sun at the wrong time.... or a hurricane in September. 


Happy water humping GGers 


Edited by Lea Valley
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Just a heads up to people... I have been bitten by a tick and one of those bloody red ring things has appeared around it. Going to the doctor tomorrow. I feel fine at the moment, but I am getting worried it could be Lymes because there is a red circle around the bite.


This season has been relatively good with ticks, better than others. There isn't many out right now because it has been so hot and dry. But because of that I let down my guard and didn't check my body properly or change out of clothes once back, the past few plot visits. One of the fuckers managed to latch on and it might have been there a good 24-36 hours. I guess I got naive. Just a warning to others to check every time, after plot visits, and to change out of clothes when back. I did that every time in previous seasons, and made sure I changed my clothes once back, but have been more relaxed in recent weeks. 


Fucksake. Please don't be Lymes. 

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@The Sheriff of Nottingham

Didn’t you have one crawl up the leg of your draws a few years back? Lymes is like the measles, you can’t catch it twice :D

Good advice tho Sherrifa, it’s easy to get bitten,stung or pick something up when in the undergrowth and worth checking for. I don’t have a tick problem in my area for some reason and have never seen one. Adders yes , ticks no. 


Id prolly take the snake bite over the tick giving me Lymes tho.  Your rash is prolly stinging nettle rash by the way lol 

Edited by Lea Valley
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