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Got some autos in fabric pots in the greenhouse.. RGSC whitey freeze, Dinafem haze xxl,bubba kush,critical+2.0 and RQS diesel 


Will it damage the roots when I move them to the ol' mini greenhouse for afternoon sun?


They have handles but soil seperates from sides a bit when I lift them :wallbash:





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28 minutes ago, LivelyUpYourself said:

Got some autos in fabric pots in the greenhouse.. RGSC whitey freeze, Dinafem haze xxl,bubba kush,critical+2.0 and RQS diesel 


Will it damage the roots when I move them to the ol' mini greenhouse for afternoon sun?


They have handles but soil seperates from sides a bit when I lift them :wallbash:





Nah man, do it they’ll be fine. 

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Was wondering for those who may need to use some imported soil to their plots(to be dug in with the native soil to improve it) whether they have used the stuff you add water to in order to puff it up or is it better to go with the plagron royalty type stuff that is 50l ready to use? Reason I ask is purely that the former is easier to carry since its flatter and lighter so I could get twice the amount up with less effort.


was thinking maybe take those flat bags and open them up at he site and let the rain do the work to save hauling the bigger 50l ready to go stuff up there. Anyone got any experience with what's best? I used the 50l bags before but in retrospect those "50l when watered" bags are looking quite attractive 

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has anybody tried any of bodhi's g13 / 88 hashplant crosses outdoors, they start quite early, seem to finish quite early, they seem nicely insect resistant,   the plants seem to have very strong stems and branches so should provide good  oct storm resistance 

it seems to dominate most of the crosses it goes into so should be  quite standard across quite a few strains

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19 hours ago, 57 North East said:

Was wondering for those who may need to use some imported soil to their plots(to be dug in with the native soil to improve it) whether they have used the stuff you add water to in order to puff it up or is it better to go with the plagron royalty type stuff that is 50l ready to use? Reason I ask is purely that the former is easier to carry since its flatter and lighter so I could get twice the amount up with less effort.


was thinking maybe take those flat bags and open them up at he site and let the rain do the work to save hauling the bigger 50l ready to go stuff up there. Anyone got any experience with what's best? I used the 50l bags before but in retrospect those "50l when watered" bags are looking quite attractive 


yeah get some 5kg dried compressed coir bales ,  can get a few in a decent ruck-sack,  turn into about 70L each...  One thing to bear in mind though is that these kind of coir bales are void of nutrients.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been ripped already, fucking tamping, 7 killer Kush fv gone.


I went to an area to finish prepping a plot for super#61 that panik sent me, thought might as well take water as its about 20 yards from the plot with the killer Kush fv in.


After lugging 30 litres of water up a fucking mountain in the sun, I came through the tunnel towards my plot and noticed another tunnel, stopped and thought, was this me, yes must be. Only because when I first went to that area a few months back, I was chopping my way a few ways till I found the nice sunny area.


Closer I got to my plot, the more I could see the tunnel wasn't mine as it went across the side of a bank and I knew that it wasn't me that went there. 


On entering my plot, all looked OK, cages there, plastic cups with copper tape there, then I noticed no fucking plants. Well except one.


Dont think its police cos of the tunnelling, must be another grower or a doogooder, but why would a doogooder be tunnelling about in gorse and brambles. Why leave one and uproot the rest. Police would take all and the cages and plastic cups.


Gutted, not a good start to the season and I lost the plot I was going to finish where I was planning on putting the super#61. Will have to put them in my other plot where the auto Mazer, mango sapphire and critical +2.0 are. Be a bit crowded tho , going away with work next week so no time for plot hunt:wallbash:ing 

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Shitter mate soz to hear that, try find another plot mate spread your bets some,.. :yinyang:

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That's a bitch ,sorry to hear .

Stop lugging water .There's no need . 

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What a pain but - a dropped pistil in the dense bud of life, much better for it to happen now too. My guess would be someone new to it on the scout for plots who doesn't appreciate that getting some plants started is the easy bit. Compromising your plot and the work you've put into it is a dick move. If I remember correctly you have loads of stuff lined up? You can easily find that lost yield by paying special attention to the chosen few imo. It's up to you if you want to water but it would have to be for feed purposes for me on the basis that - they come to rely on the waterings. Saying that a drought would be awesome if you can water them :bong:

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@leapsure skemor , yes mate, gutted, plants can be replaced easily but the plot and the work involved in that is the part I'm gutted about the most, south facing and all day sun on the side of a mountain 


@panik Sunday is my only day off before going away with work and I have 11 to plant out already, that's without the super#61, don't think I will have time to find a plot. 


@Michael Luchóg sun got the better of me, 5 days of it, thought , might as well water them if I'm up that way to prep a plot. Now I'm thinking , have someone been watching and following me, think I will stay away from my other plots for a few months

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@harvestreaper was thinking of it, I got a go pro in the house, was thinking of doing it, I'm almost positive it's another GG as there's pine trees one side and other trees their other side and full of gorse in the middle where I chose to go, I think if a GG was looking at the mountain, they would think to go there, like I did. Gutted tho, no kk for smoking now, iv gone for 1 to 2 strains per plot for ease of harvesting. Gutted now tho, if I get ripped again, be more strains I'm missing out on.

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9 minutes ago, Jack010 said:

@harvestreaper was thinking of it, I got a go pro in the house, was thinking of doing it, I'm almost positive it's another GG as there's pine trees one side and other trees their other side and full of gorse in the middle where I chose to go, I think if a GG was looking at the mountain, they would think to go there, like I did. Gutted tho, no kk for smoking now, iv gone for 1 to 2 strains per plot for ease of harvesting. Gutted now tho, if I get ripped again, be more strains I'm missing out on.

it aint easy    keep positive ,,i find the ggin  hard  but honest and  rewarding work ,,i had somone leave 3 young plants on  one of my plots which caused me a lil concern about getting ripped in the end i couldnt tell if theyd nicked a branch or two or not ,,   an hey if that desperate they welcome i still use the plot but plant a few spares in case my mystery  gger friend reappears for some seasonal buds ,,only yesterday i was checking out a potential new plot  and a stark bollock naked  old man went running across the path in front  of me like a sasquatch ,,i decided to give that one a miss lol who knows maybe its a    tekneek for scaring other growers off as it worked great  on me ,,, if all else fails try the naked sasquatch lol 

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Sorry to hear that @Jack010 right bummer and so early on... Well try and look on the bright side... At least was early on and you still have time to get more out..  Could have been a few days before harvest...keep the faith... The ganja gods will smile on you! 

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