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Thanks randy, My mate told me not to go on there as well, he's from near there, he said its deep on parts, it's misleading cos it's so thick and dirty.


I shit my self, how I managed to get out is beyond me , when I got out I looked down at my self, water running off me, I burst out laughing, then it sunk in that I could have drown. 


thinking I might just use the 4 plots iv prepped and the one from last year I was on my way to prep, Can't be arsed to find another after today. Just wanted to get to that mountain, it's massive and covered in gorse, could grow shed loads there and no one will find it cos it to dangerous to get to, stream right there at the bottom for water. Saying that, I might try again, just won't try and cross the stream/ canal again. :wanker:

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A nice fright . Folks have drowned in bogholes . I fell into one before following a dog over what looked like ground . Some spots on a raised fen have terrible crevasses covered with heather and grasses ,and other spots move all over ,wobble like jelly as you're walking on a floating thatch. Even in fairly dry bogs people lay trailers of branches on a trail ,evergreens and anything to drive over for traction ,but the bog swallows them ,and even machines left overnight . It's good to be nimble and light  :smokin:

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Buzzin @panikkeep on keeping on!! Blatant Cunts they are!  Look forward to some more mad shit from you lot. Next week climb to the top of Big Ben with Teresa may under one arm will ya! Then chuck the fucker off 

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Aw man you had me laughing hard, your story had all my favourite things..... weed, bikes and danger. I threw myself and my 1 week old expensive bike in a canal in November and know how cold you were. I was 4 miles from home my muscles were becoming painful by the time I got home. It took ages in the hot shower before my knob popped back out of my body. 

On a serious note you were Very lucky and that could have easily turned out different. Be cautious when doing this stuff and at least check how deep the pudddle is before launching yourself. 

Here’s a pic from last year when I slipped and practically laid in a stream while on a plot scope out. Looks like we’re two peas mate. lol large.IMG_1496.JPG

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@Lea Valley


mate it's scary ain't it. I'm a shit swimmer as well, wife tought me before I joined the army to pass the test in basic training. Can't even do 2 lengths in a 25m pool. How I got out of that water I'll never know. I laughed through my nerves when I got out, water was like black ink pouring off me


thing is , I need to get to that mountain somehow, it's south facing and in the middle of nowhere , no mans land, stealthy as fook. Been on Google maps again to try find a better way in. If it first you don't succeed try try again :yep: (take armbands next time)

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0.50 secs in ,... :Thinking

well when was she going to be fucking transparent then,... Snap Out Of It

shes got all the characteristics of a proper BITCH

e2a so to get this clear she works with and closely with police on organised crime and drug crime but she goes home and fucking sleeps with Britain's biggest dope grower ,... :rofl:

its fucking laughable right!

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10 hours ago, Jack010 said:

So close to a bad ending today, feared for my life




taking a walk through a bog to try get to a mountain covered in gorse for a new plot, couldn't get through cos of a few canals and no way over them.


decided to go back and head towards one of last years plots to prep it, cutting through the bog which had about an inch of water all the way, comes to the stream that's at the side of the cycle path, stream looks about 6 inches deep, it's about 10 feet wide.


decided if I peddle like fuck on my bike, I would cross the stream without getting feet to wet, so that I did, cycle as hard as I could only to find out that it's not 6 inches deep but about 8 feet deep.


 front wheel nose dived under water, I went over the handle bars, bike was caught in my legs, was swimming for my life with my arms, panicking cos my legs where trapped , I had 3 pairs of bottoms and 4 tops on , bergen on my back as well making me heavy.


all this with castle on the hill playing in my ears from the iPod.


thank fuck I made it, bike and all, was then in panic mode to get home as its about 2 degrees out and didn't want to get ill through the cold.


fucking bog water, looks so shallow with the grass and dirty water, live and learn. Black water, looks shallow, turned my clothes black.


Hope everyone is safe on their plot adventures 



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