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Go on dude, I suffer from both too but not that much really though, as a side effect from medication not the condition I take the pills for. Cannabis helps greatly for me. Still quite some time for me to get my plots prepared. Should be about 20 plants altogether overall I think.

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2 hours ago, RandyBoBandy said:



had a look through the tin tonight.. dig out any fems... had more than I thought which is great.. 


had a heavy bout with anxiety and depression as ive gone on about enough.... but because of that I left all last seasons to rott..  so cages and plants are still there...  some plants as I say will have some mould but should be some nice bud still...  :fart:lol


so I'm gonna take a visit.. its a shit hot spot so I think all plants will be untouched.. buds left to rott and cages still there.. ill visit real soon.. 


this is my selection..  I'm just gonna pull all the old plants out...  give each patch a fork over and add some ferts.. seasons gonna be my easiest yet...  didn't think id even be growing this year.. actually looking forward to it now..  top left is gorilla haze


and the ones in the filters are all cbd sent by a top bloke...  edit to add big thanks all who sent seeds.. all top peeps



I plan on buying one pack of seeds... which is all I need to spend this season lol.. I'm not skint but this grows gonna cost jack shit.. 


its gonna be a pack of cbd... gonna do some reading see whats best... my plan is to see if cbd can help me with anxiety.. 


I'm off these now..  have a couple of packs on stand by... but would be awesome to have cbd on stand by to try too.. 




if anyone one has tried any cbd and could point me to a pack.. that would be cool... 


looking forward to growing again... and wont be letting em rott this time!! 




Nice selection Randy. You're a wicked grower mate. Hope you find the right weed for your conditions. Peace.

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Hey so I've just received 3 plant's in the same pot (sensi super skunk) from a friend the plant's have been growing since last October but are maybe a foot in height so obviously after a poor up bringing.   For the last 2weeks have been left in total darkness and haven't been watered.  They were being dumped today so I took them and watered them and tidied them up they were a little droopy but surprisingly healthy looking.   I don't have an indoor setup so they are outside and will be put in a shed on frosty night's. My question is obviously it's early and after 2week's in the dark what are there chances of vegging as opposed to flowering? I'm just curious as they were being dumped I said I would take them. What do you guy's think?

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Got the holes dug and the compost at a plot now so all I need to do now is play the waiting game, take chicken wire, ferts and the plants them self. Next is crack on with the another plot, shouldn't take me long though to get done. I've got the compost at home to take there at night already :ninja:, just need to dig the holes and then get the compost there. Taking all the other stuff is as easy as out really.

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I’ve just realized that I’ve got 6 weeks till I start cracking some seeds. I’ve gone and got all laid back and shit.

Need to chop a tree down at the Hierloom site. It was in the way last couple of years and has just got to go before it sprouts leaves. I hate to do this though as it will alter things and although not too many people pass the area it is heavily managed and it wouldn’t take a worker long to poke around and find the plot on the other side of the brambles 


Tree on the right has got to go. 


I’ll be collecting forest compost scrapings in a old 50l compost bag, removing the twigs and dumping it on to last years holes along with some chicken pellets to be mixed in later when it warms up a bit. This is the best time to do this for me as I’m not making any tracks in non existent undergrowth which in a few weeks will be back. Back to stealth mode and the long way round:ninja:

The coco will still be there from last season and did a good job in helping condition the soil in poor clay and rubble from a old structure many years gone. I won’t need to put more down here this year. I’ve also got a new site that I will have to hump some soil. Ahhhgg thought I was past this. Only way as this area is almost pure sand and stones with a thin layer of mud on top with little forest compost to forage for. 


Seeds I have in mind for this year:

Eleven Roses FV from Delicious 

Power Africa x MK Ultra FV Seedsman

Serious 6 Serious


killer Kush FV Sweet Seeds

Red Purps Female seeds. 

Plus maybe some more from the stash when I need emergency back ups. 


OOOOOHHHHH it’s nearly time, I get the same feeling of excitement I did as a kid with a big event looming when I think about what I’m about to embark on. 


Dig For Victory. Smoke for Feeeeeeeee :hippy:


Edited by Lea Valley
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On 3/8/2018 at 8:00 PM, RandyBoBandy said:



had a look through the tin tonight.. dig out any fems... had more than I thought which is great.. 


had a heavy bout with anxiety and depression as ive gone on about enough.... but because of that I left all last seasons to rott..  so cages and plants are still there...  some plants as I say will have some mould but should be some nice bud still...  :fart:lol


so I'm gonna take a visit.. its a shit hot spot so I think all plants will be untouched.. buds left to rott and cages still there.. ill visit real soon.. 


this is my selection..  I'm just gonna pull all the old plants out...  give each patch a fork over and add some ferts.. seasons gonna be my easiest yet...  didn't think id even be growing this year.. actually looking forward to it now..  top left is gorilla haze


and the ones in the filters are all cbd sent by a top bloke...  edit to add big thanks all who sent seeds.. all top peeps



I plan on buying one pack of seeds... which is all I need to spend this season lol.. I'm not skint but this grows gonna cost jack shit.. 


its gonna be a pack of cbd... gonna do some reading see whats best... my plan is to see if cbd can help me with anxiety.. 


I'm off these now..  have a couple of packs on stand by... but would be awesome to have cbd on stand by to try too.. 




if anyone one has tried any cbd and could point me to a pack.. that would be cool... 


looking forward to growing again... and wont be letting em rott this time!! 




Goodluck mate. Glad you're getting yourself out there!! 

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So close to a bad ending today, feared for my life




taking a walk through a bog to try get to a mountain covered in gorse for a new plot, couldn't get through cos of a few canals and no way over them.


decided to go back and head towards one of last years plots to prep it, cutting through the bog which had about an inch of water all the way, comes to the stream that's at the side of the cycle path, stream looks about 6 inches deep, it's about 10 feet wide.


decided if I peddle like fuck on my bike, I would cross the stream without getting feet to wet, so that I did, cycle as hard as I could only to find out that it's not 6 inches deep but about 8 feet deep.


 front wheel nose dived under water, I went over the handle bars, bike was caught in my legs, was swimming for my life with my arms, panicking cos my legs where trapped , I had 3 pairs of bottoms and 4 tops on , bergen on my back as well making me heavy.


all this with castle on the hill playing in my ears from the iPod.


thank fuck I made it, bike and all, was then in panic mode to get home as its about 2 degrees out and didn't want to get ill through the cold.


fucking bog water, looks so shallow with the grass and dirty water, live and learn. Black water, looks shallow, turned my clothes black.


Hope everyone is safe on their plot adventures 


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cheers guys!


day off today so thought id check up on my plants... little bit mouldy but archer was telling me wile we was inside doing a bit of bird over some resin we still had on our fingers about some formulae his put together.. will bring them buds right back to sticky quality best grown buds so yeah.. looking forward to getting hooked up with that...  arch :yep: 


looks ok over there... all as I left it so will be fine to go again..  made a little start on a clean up but was just a quick visit really...  ill make a start later in the season 


thanks again for kind words




love ya really arch.. just jokes mate


Edited by RandyBoBandy
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On 07/03/2018 at 5:07 PM, Ch@ppers said:



I’ve seen it today on the M25, I was giggling all the way down to the next junction. Wonder how many internet hits you’ve had off curious motorists sitting in the jam that’s always there. Brilliant. Nice one Boys. 

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Bloody hell Jack.. scary shit mate.. glad you made it home safe! Jesus 


Should be in guerrilla related injuries for sure

Edited by RandyBoBandy
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