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Doubt I will be in the game this coming season. Got nicked the back end of last season, same day I took my last plant in, ironically. They got me good and proper, for possession, intent to supply and for cultivation. They had shit loads against me. Even linked me to a plot I had busted earlier on in the season. And they found shit on my phone and computer... relating to growing, not dealing i.e. pics, internet history.


Spent 36 hours in the station, had a court date and ended up getting fined as well as a 2 year suspended sentence and had to do 180 hours unpaid work. Got a right telling off in court, warned that I would lose my baby daughter if caught again and I was treated like a vile, dangerous criminal. Called a 'disgrace to society'. Had social services involved. They even arrested my misses and took her in. Definitely the worst thing to ever happen in my life. And to top it off, they ransacked my house and took all my weed from last season's outdoor grow. A bunch of it was hanging up drying still, so I hadn't even got to sample it. And the bastards left me with an £800 bill (for all damages), on top of the fine :furious: And I want to make it clear that I have never dealt in my entire life! It was all percy that they took. Not that they saw it that way.


Fuck this shit man. UK laws are potty. Judges are arrogant wankers and the cops just treat you like dirt. I had my front tooth knocked out by a plain clothes officer in my own living room and was put on the floor in cuffs for an hour. What is this world coming to. It was just a few outdoor grown plants worth. Bottom line is that I CANNOT afford to be caught again. And the pigs will be keeping an eye on me now. Aghhh. Looks like I will be watching on from the sidelines with envy this season... :mellow:

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@The Sheriff of Nottingham shit that sucks sorry to hear! thats a very harsch treatment imo! Me im also fed up. I want to go to spain but my miss is going to school here until next summer. Basically all I want to do is live of the land, blaze weed, play music.. together with some chill people. 


Last year I bought a tent like this. I can heat it with a diy stove made from a gas bottle. ANybody in spain need free labour next winter im happy to help out i just want to get away from the freaking cold and constant grey skies!

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All I would do is find out when they are planting out new saplings and plan my grow around that.

Mate,  look on the bright side. You will have full sun and no trees can fall on your girls, this year. 



Edited by Sidi Hidi
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6 hours ago, The Sheriff of Nottingham said:

Doubt I will be in the game this coming season. Got nicked the back end of last season, same day I took my last plant in, ironically. They got me good and proper, for possession, intent to supply and for cultivation. They had shit loads against me. Even linked me to a plot I had busted earlier on in the season. And they found shit on my phone and computer... relating to growing, not dealing i.e. pics, internet history.


Spent 36 hours in the station, had a court date and ended up getting fined as well as a 2 year suspended sentence and had to do 180 hours unpaid work. Got a right telling off in court, warned that I would lose my baby daughter if caught again and I was treated like a vile, dangerous criminal. Called a 'disgrace to society'. Had social services involved. They even arrested my misses and took her in. Definitely the worst thing to ever happen in my life. And to top it off, they ransacked my house and took all my weed from last season's outdoor grow. A bunch of it was hanging up drying still, so I hadn't even got to sample it. And the bastards left me with an £800 bill (for all damages), on top of the fine :furious: And I want to make it clear that I have never dealt in my entire life! It was all percy that they took. Not that they saw it that way.


Fuck this shit man. UK laws are potty. Judges are arrogant wankers and the cops just treat you like dirt. I had my front tooth knocked out by a plain clothes officer in my own living room and was put on the floor in cuffs for an hour. What is this world coming to. It was just a few outdoor grown plants worth. Bottom line is that I CANNOT afford to be caught again. And the pigs will be keeping an eye on me now. Aghhh. Looks like I will be watching on from the sidelines with envy this season... :mellow:


Did you plead guilty straight away mate,.??.

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@BLhaze nice one for making the compost pile. Your ladies will reward your efforts, come autumn time. I would leave out the perlite/Coco from the native soil and I also add Dolomite Lime, kelp meal and volcanic rock dust to my compost pile. It's not too late to add the rock dust, where did you read that?  


If it's getting soggy at the bottom, place down a load of twigs and branches and then turn it over. This will help to prevent it from going anaerobic.


If you want to speed up the process as spring time comes around then layer some nettles, into the pile. 


Your mate who got sent down, was it for a Guerilla, or indoor grow? How many plants did they get bust with. What was the sentence?


Same questions for @panik and @lightningshredder

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58 minutes ago, Sidi Hidi said:


All I would do is find out when they are planting out new saplings and plan my grow around that.

Mate,  look on the bright side. You will have full sun and no trees can fall on your girls, this year. 



I have my eyes on several fields of pine planted last year. I want to try making auto fems for this.  The only problem is I have to rely on rainwater. I think mulching early with moss is a good idea for water retention. 

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I’ve got the right hump. Scoped out a nice plot last year, even fell in a stream at dusk this time last year while exploring. I decided not to use it as I was already set up for 2017 but went back yesterday to find they’re building a access road right thru it !!!!! Gutted as my heirloom plot is now getting warm activity wise as well as overgrown.

Plot hunting in my area is very difficult, finding security, light and access is a challenge although I’ve got my eye on some new places.  I’ve been considering single one off stealth plant and go with S6 or similar as a top up if I don’t find replacements. 


@The Sheriff of Nottingham

Thats bad news for you. How did you get picked up? Surely not at a plot? Was it a knock on from the run ins with your gamekeeper frienemy?


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@Sidi Hidi I dont know the sentence yet, but he will go to jail I think. I have not been in contact with him yet. I waited in silence after I was released from the police, I was a suspect for being involved with his farm meaning the harshest level of cultivation and medium level possession with intent to sell. This winter has been very grey and depressing but things have turned. I have been feeling bad for not writing to him but I have done it now. I feel ashamed for not being the best mate but I have his back. 

He had alot of weed.. three small polytunnels and a hillside with raised beds. 

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@lightningshredder Fuck, that's a rough one. How long have they had him on remand? What about POCA? I hope he keeps his farm. 


Did the police tell you not to contact him? There wasn't much that you could do, if your hands were tied. How did he get bust?

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7 hours ago, The Sheriff of Nottingham said:

Doubt I will be in the game this coming season. Got nicked the back end of last season, same day I took my last plant in, ironically. They got me good and proper, for possession, intent to supply and for cultivation. They had shit loads against me. Even linked me to a plot I had busted earlier on in the season. And they found shit on my phone and computer... relating to growing, not dealing i.e. pics, internet history.


Spent 36 hours in the station, had a court date and ended up getting fined as well as a 2 year suspended sentence and had to do 180 hours unpaid work. Got a right telling off in court, warned that I would lose my baby daughter if caught again and I was treated like a vile, dangerous criminal. Called a 'disgrace to society'. Had social services involved. They even arrested my misses and took her in. Definitely the worst thing to ever happen in my life. And to top it off, they ransacked my house and took all my weed from last season's outdoor grow. A bunch of it was hanging up drying still, so I hadn't even got to sample it. And the bastards left me with an £800 bill (for all damages), on top of the fine :furious: And I want to make it clear that I have never dealt in my entire life! It was all percy that they took. Not that they saw it that way.


Fuck this shit man. UK laws are potty. Judges are arrogant wankers and the cops just treat you like dirt. I had my front tooth knocked out by a plain clothes officer in my own living room and was put on the floor in cuffs for an hour. What is this world coming to. It was just a few outdoor grown plants worth. Bottom line is that I CANNOT afford to be caught again. And the pigs will be keeping an eye on me now. Aghhh. Looks like I will be watching on from the sidelines with envy this season... :mellow:

theres a reason for everything,,, understand how it came about and you can prevent it from happening again

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This was in sweden.. I dont know if we have something like that here. He also has a very supportive family I am sure they are taking care of him! No it was more me personally I had my own little harvest, very little money and I also got kicked out from where I lived and had my cabin. I could have contacted him long ago. should have. but anyway now is now. 

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Here is some of his (blue velvet x original haze) x maverick. The three bigger ones. For the windowsill. And clones maybe.
They started in the windowsill but moved them day before yesterday to under the sink, I work with what I have! 


Edited by lightningshredder
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Ouch, Sweden is very draconian. I have a friend in Malmö, he says that indoor growers are made to feel like Anne Frank, in 1939. He lives like a recluse, just to stay off their radar.


Don't be too hard on yourself, I am sure he appreciated the letter. I can think of a lot worse places than Sweden, if you have to serve time. I imagine a 5 star hotel, sauna and hot blonde guards:headpain:

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Didn’t even germ a single seed last year. I was treating a cancer victim with oil and they ended up passing away, after that my heart hasn’t been in it for a good while. Still got all last years seeds and a few more. These seeds from @panik have been screaming at me every time I open the fridge “reap what you sow” lol time to get out their and check over a few stash spots. Its my first solo season so best get my digging head on 

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yes Im starting to realise now you have to be like a ninja, work in the shadows. the good thing about sweden is that outdoor grows are rare and small. most people dont expect to find cannabis growing in the wild here but sometimes you see something in a local newspaper. but its pretty safe and pretty easy to find good spots. 
my number one tool for stealth is my bicycle. I never travel with alot of weed by foot or by car if I can take the bike. No one stops you and if they want to try they are gonna have to be fast to catch up. I want to install an electric motor too that would be awesome. 
I really feel like a recluse too. Im gonna keep things as stealth as I can and also plant alot of places.. its for resilience. I like to think minimalistic, find spots that dont need too much material lugged in. The part of the country where I live is generally very fertile so its easy here. Denmark though.. its a paradise compared to here.. not many swedes realise that.

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