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@beezee I've started planting at one side of the plot. I will top dress the manure around there and then dig it in across the rest of the plot. I can go and fetch the sheep shit tomorrow morning. Today, I've discovered 6 more males and 4 females.

I shall take some pics and update the diary tomorrow.  Thanks for your advice, I appreciate the help.

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Everyone does it @beezee lol We all advise others better than ourselves.


Anyways, it looks like I've been rumbled.... 


To ask advice is in nine cases out of ten to tout for flattery.

JOHN CHURTON COLLINS, Maxims and Reflections


Giving free advice is a sad waste of effort. In the first place, no man will act upon it unless he is already inclined to do so. Secondly, when a man lays his case before you, the idea that he is asking your advice is a polite fabrication. He merely is suggesting that he is doing so, while as a fact his real object is to acquaint you with his personal activity. He wants to talk to somebody, being a natural gossip or gadder, and he plays upon your propensity for "giving advice" in order to get an audience.

WILLIAM HENRY MCMASTERS, "On the Matter of Advice"

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It's a bit flippant ,that quote regarding advice . I wouldn't apply it to every situation though .Ain't that right fellas .See .

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All taken in good jest.


And just for the record I do usually take manure to my plots. 1 in particular now has stunning soil that was to start with mostly clay and stone :)

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About a month ago, on the way to my plot, I put a piece of Bacon in a fishing net, and tied it up near a tree on the riverbank and let it sit there. Came back 90 minutes later after visiting the plot and had 12 crayfish in the net. One of them was massive as well. I collected them and went onto the next plot at which point it was getting dark. Boiled up all 12 crayfish around a camp fire at the plot, half of which went into a self prepared spicy crayfish tail soup there at the plot. Ah delicious. The others went back home with me.


The tail meat off the biggest one was basically like a crayfish steak. Similar to lobster in size, but obviously a bit smaller. Taste was divine. As good as lobster IMO. I literally had it as a steak with a bit of chilli sauce or peppercorn sauce, creamy mash and peas. Made a few dishes up with it actually, including crayfish linguini which I used the claw meat as well, which is just as good as the tail meat. Caught some more about 10 days ago, quite a few big ones, and made crayfish sandwiches and crayfish salad's for my last few plot visits. Even popped some crayfish tails in a pot noodle, which was fucking lovely. 


Proper guerrilla growing food source there. I will be doing more of the same next year. Helps our waterways as well, given these imported Red Signal ones have forced out the native crayfish population and made them extinct around here. Plus they are destroying the riverbeds and causing banks to erode. Apparently there's around 105 million of them in our rivers now. I'll be fishing these fuckers to oblivion next year. Very healthy food too, literally no fat and full of protein. 


This is what they look like, in case anyone isn't familiar with them. This hyperlink pic is from a UK river. 


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So I guess I might be talking to myself here, but I thought I'd post a partial update, ahead of an update with photos later. 

Just finished my harvest, yesterday, 14th November...:ohmygod:

Really astonished that it was possible to take it this far. Over the past two days I harvested the second half of my third and final Killer Kush plant (first half harvested last week, 7th November), and the whole of my Special Queen plant. The latter was really a random afterthought of a plant out (planted out Aug 23rd...), and while it struggled to bulk up properly as the light and the warmth faded (so it's leafy and the buds are mostly wispy), it has flowered now for almost 8 weeks and the pistils at least look mostly ready.

Ultimately, both the KK and the SQ were amazingly bushy and minimally affected by mould, so I now have a packed wardrobe and likely another oz or two of bud.

Originally I thought October would be pushing it, so I am quite astonished to be harvesting successfully in mid-November. 

For some additional context (as I'm sure the few reading this won't remember the details of my grow), I germinated my three KKFVs and my SQ around the 20th July after asking advice on here, before planting out between 11th-23rd August. My expectation and apparently the expectation of others on here was that it was a long shot and that I'd be lucky to get 10g per plant.

I think it is quite a testament to these plants that my KKs grew to an average of 6ft, my KK1 has already given me exactly 1oz dry, KK2 has given me about half that, and KK3 should yield at least another oz. The SQ should yield close to an oz. Altogether these plants will account for half of my total harvest or more, so it was a massively good choice to take the risk. And thanks to those who helped me make it.

Apart from all that, everything is smoking nicely. The sativas are energetic and psychedelic and the indicas are heavy and mesmerising and... psychedelic. Perfect.

I'll be back soon to post some photos of drying buds, curing buds, etc, just for the hell of it.

p.s. was quite a poignant moment today as I finished gathering wire and hacking down my plant skeletons at plot 3 (and lobbing them into the bushes) and finally cleared my final plot. Good feeling though.

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50 minutes ago, SlimPikins said:

@Spliffman100 congratulations on a successful harvest m8, myself and Mr_git still have a fair few out, mostly Original Amnesia and Cheese crosses, fucktards, wso7 and a few I can't remember. think a peek tonight in in order after your little caper there :yes: like your's ours was a late plant out, late August :yep: should make a nice bit of oil, just expecting cabbage tbf

By cabbage I guess you mean 'leafy and sparse'? That's pretty impressive anyway - I did think there would probably be at least a few on here who are going even later than me... Seem to remember someone naming 24th of November or so as their cut off, provoking some debate...

I could maybe have left my SQ longer, but some of the leaves had started to spot and crinkle and the weather ain't getting warmer or sunnier or drier. Had the feeling in the end it had gone as far as it would go and the bud looked quite frosty. In any case, my experience increasingly is that all my bud gets me comparably high, regardless of ripeness or density at harvest, or appearance once dry. My Frisian Duck looks ridiculous, wispy and transparent and stalky, and it probably takes an extra toke or two, but in the end it gets me nice and high for a couple of hours, so I don't really care...

Next step for me is working out what to do with all these boxes of fresh trim I have sitting in the freezer. Already have some coconut oil from an earlier batch, so I might make some more, but I feel like I should do something more interesting... Is your oil potent @SlimPikins? How do you use it? If it's milder that's fine, but what about the other effects - is music still enhanced, is it still fun, does it last...?

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I still have a few out too. 2 plants on guerilla. don't know if I'm even going to harvest those, it was a spot meant for seeds but most seeds got eaten by some animal, and I mixed in a few plants of a later cross. one became a very beautifull giant plant(I guess it's around 3 metres tall now), but started flowering way too late. 

everything else from that spot was harvested a week ago, picked out the few seeds I could find and going to hash it all(not much buds).

last week I also harvested the last remaining plant from another spot. another own cross, earlier in general but this was a late pheno. it had some rot, but most of it was still ok, very loose/airy though, and pretty leafy. it does have decent trichome-coverage though, and since it was so late it had more yield as the earlier plants. it's upper leaves also turned a nice red-purple color.


but I also have some out on the balcony that do have some decent buds. same late cross, one of the ancestors was kumaoni, which is why it's late, and the bud structure varies(this year was the f2), most of them are not that fat but some have a decent calyx/leaf ratio. also some very leafy though.

there's one of those still outside I'm going to use for further breeding, she has the fattest buds of all plants of this cross I grew, also pretty leafy though. but she also doesn't have any budrot(or stemrot) yet, despite the shitty november weather. 

going to harvest those last ones on the balcony soon, but I don't have room to dry available right now, and they're not that much affected by mold anyway(there's another plant that does have some stemrot-issues, so I just harvest branches as soon as they develop stemrot, but she only had her first budrot yesterday, so despite the stemrot-sensitivity I'm not losing much yield by leaving her out).

Edited by fryge
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On 09/11/2017 at 2:20 PM, beezee said:

All taken in good jest.


And just for the record I do usually take manure to my plots. 1 in particular now has stunning soil that was to start with mostly clay and stone :)



Hello @beezee a little bit of effort pays off in the long run. I've got the sheep muck, all bagged and ready to go. Now I just have to get it from here, to the garden. 2 bags at a time, in full stealth mode:ninja:


Ive been carrying more horse muck down to my on site compost pile, plant collars are on the girls and the irrigation is now sorted. The final part of the puzzle is the mulch cover and then mother nature can do her thing.

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Great idea, thanks. The flowering will only begin in 2 months time. I will also apply more bone meal and worm castings before they kick in. I don't fancy using the SOP, so comfrey teas and the ash from burnt citrus peels will be my main source of K. I still have 5 litres of biobloom left over, as a additional boost.

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