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This year will be the first time i am going to be using slug pellets, used to worry about soil contamination/damage to wildlife but seriously i need to get a decent crop in.

What brand would you recommend?

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^It's a bit of a controversial subject on here is slug pellets mate. :D

I just use B & Q or Wilko's blue metalhaldeyde slug pellets, which many on here disagree with as they can indeed have an adverse affect on wildlife...

Don't get me wrong, I don't wish to harm the local birds/hedgehogs through eating the poisoned slugs snails, but...they work, and if used sparingly I feel the risk is minimal. You'll see some people chucking absolutely loads of them about, but it's overkill and not necessary. The bottles even advise to scatter very thinly.

My advice is to use them only until plants are established and to use them as sparingly as possible, for three reasons:

1) You're right, they can contaminate soil if they're put down in big heaped concentrations. Not a good idea at the base of your plants.

2) They actually attract slugs, they're bait, so if you use too many you'll have every slug in the neighbourhood making a beeline for your plants.

3) Although you want to kill the slugs, it ain't cool to wipe out everything that eats the slugs so a small scattering over a wide area around the plants is good practice and does the job.

Edited by Guerrillero
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I agree slug pellets are a controversial subject on here and rightly so, but if so much prep, money, time etc can be saved by using a few slug pellets then i think it will worth it, as you say, as long as they are used sparingly.

Hopefully in the future a guaranteed safe slug poison will be on the market.

Thats why i like beer traps, Dont really contaminate anything and hopefully wont kill anything else other than slugs.. although unfortunatly i found a dead lizard in one of my beer traps once.. :(

Cheers for the tips tho! Gonna get my ass to B&Q!

Note to self: Check spelling before posting not after!

Edited by Punk#1
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My old mum is an absolute bastard for over-using slug pellets in her garden. I went round the other day and sat out with her in the garden and could just see thousands of pellets with the shrivelled corpses of hundreds of slugs and snails dotted about.

I told her she should maybe ease off on them a bit but she just dismissed it "Little bastards eating my hostas deserve it..."

I didn't want to get in a big debate with her about it so just left it there, but Jesus, she's like a genocidal maniac every spring/summer when it comes to slugs and snails! The slug worlds version of Hitler, Stalin and Mao all rolled into one little old lady! :D

Edited by Guerrillero
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My old mum is an absolute bastard for over-using slug pellets in her garden. I went round the other day and sat out with her in the garden and could just see thousands of pellets with the shrivelled corpses of hundreds of slugs and snails dotted about.

I told her she should maybe ease off on them a bit but she just dismissed it "Little bastards eating my hostas deserve it..."

I didn't want to get in a big debate with her about it so just left it there, but Jesus, she's like a genocidal maniac every spring/summer when it comes to slugs and snails! The slug worlds version of Hitler, Stalin and Mao all rolled into one little old lady! :D

I hope your poor old mum can't see this :rofl: I'm with her all the way. Been using copper tape or pipe, wool pellets this year doesn't even slow them down.

I've gone back to good old blue pellets scattered around the outside of my beds. Only thing that stops my garden being an expensive salad for the slimey bastards.

Roll on the dry weather as i don't like using them, but i like losing plants and wasting time and money less.

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Few shots of some PM's I've got out in beds, apologies for the crap phone photo's! :Dgallery_73695_4381_37579.jpg

The nearest plants which you can see have been out a week and doubled in size, loving their new home :D


Shot of one just poking above the 500mm cage:


2 PM Bonsai Mums about ready for blast off!



Edited by Guerrillero
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Loving the look of that plot G. Looks amazing soil and lovely and open. My dilema this year is that after prepping and planting 2 super stealthy smallish plots in brambles and nettes, I have now found the mother of all nettled plots. So, whether or not to do another plot, sofar, I've put out 9 autos including some big devil xl and some onyx as well as 2 photo plants - a green crack and a girl scout cookies - the best of a bunch fof freebies from christmas. I've got another plot prepped ready for hfh stuff going out 1st week of june. Not sure whether to create a 4th big plot for a load more hfh. Seems a waste not to just go for it.

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Loving the look of that plot G. Looks amazing soil and lovely and open. My dilema this year is that after prepping and planting 2 super stealthy smallish plots in brambles and nettes, I have now found the mother of all nettled plots. So, whether or not to do another plot, sofar, I've put out 9 autos including some big devil xl and some onyx as well as 2 photo plants - a green crack and a girl scout cookies - the best of a bunch fof freebies from christmas. I've got another plot prepped ready for hfh stuff going out 1st week of june. Not sure whether to create a 4th big plot for a load more hfh. Seems a waste not to just go for it.

Thanks Clean, the soil there is actually not that great - I've had to add a lot to it to improve it and bulk it up but the secure location makes it worth it. :D

Re the mother of all nettle plots: I reckon it's got to be worth putting a few in there mate, if for no other reason than if they make it to harvest you'll know you can use it and increase the size for next year!

I'm constantly on the look out for a plot like that and so far it's eluded me so far, but if I found one tomorrow I'd definitely put as many as I could organise there this year. :D

Edited by Guerrillero
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On slug pellets, Joolz mentioned some, wool ones he'd had succes with in his salad crop I think....Not had time to investigate yet.

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Guerrillero that set of picks is the muts m8. the bosai will be lush come chop im shure . good luck with the rest look like you making your own luck this year yeee haaa

Edited by rusty trichomes
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Nice plot Guerrillero, your plants are off to a well good start.

Thanks Pete, I'm really happy with how they're doing so far - this time last year we had a heatwave and I lost 25 odd plants in the same plot so it's definitely an improvement! :D I'm thankful for this wet spell tbh or I'd be having to visit to water until they were established.

Guerrillero that set of picks is the muts m8. the bosai will be lush come chop im shure . good luck with the rest look like you making your own luck this year yeee haaa

Thanks Rusty, good to see you on the forums again. :D I'm hoping those mini mums end up being beasts! You doing any outdoor stuff yourself this year or having the season off?

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On slug pellets, Joolz mentioned some, wool ones he'd had succes with in his salad crop I think....Not had time to investigate yet.

I tried but found they dried out soil and ended up losing a couple of seedling. Would not be an issue with present weather mind.

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