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16 minutes ago, indicatoker420 said:

I'll need to chop down a rotting cream caramel tomorrow don't want it spreading out to the other plants. The killers are spot on and about a week left at the most, could easy be ok chopped now but I'll leave them be as weather seems ok tbf. The two cream caramels I chopped on Friday are drying up quite well tbh, i wouldn't grow them again though. Tbf this for my grow I don't think I've done too bad considering the weather as well.

You've done really well mate I've enjoyed watching your plot mature over the months. Next year get em out early and plenty of ;)

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I’ve officially thrown more mouldy buds on the floor than I have walked thru my door this year.


Saw this,looks easy to use with its own application brush and apparently removes mould and mildew. Tempted to go and slap some on lol 


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35 minutes ago, zug said:

You've done really well mate I've enjoyed watching your plot mature over the months. Next year get em out early and plenty of ;)

Thanks mate. I'll be a lot more prepared next year. This was just a last minute kind of thing. I'm way more than happy with what I've got, I know them killers are going to give me a lot of smoke for a while :)

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23 hours ago, uberowl said:

plot visit tonight, and never has this guerilla saw such a sad sight! Plot is riddled with budrot. There was that much ive had to just leave it to mother earth as i havent got time to clean it up. Bit of salvage of my earliest killer kush, should of chopped it last week lost 90% others have a week or two left and are going to be struggling.

One serious 6 was ready, nice dence nugs and very little rot but the whole plots hanging on by its fingernails. Good luck everyone, come on weather just a fucking couple of dry weeks

Same deal here. Visited Plot 1 tonight to harvest my Passion #1, after I gambled on leaving it an extra week to get closer to maturity, despite it suffering from rot and leaf disease.

Gamble did not pay off - the plant was largely a write off. Obviously there are bits of bud here and there that are OK, but generally the best bits are very immature, and elsewhere it was so riddled with rot that picking out the good bits was largely pointless, as well as incredibly time consuming. I spent 90 mins salvaging what I could - a few handfuls of not particularly ripe bud with sometimes brown or browning calyxes and other parts (but no visible mould or fluff). Also had to manhandle the bits I harvested excessively to check for rot, and it hurt trimming all the frosty leaves onto the ground...


I don't think I'll go back, apart from to chop and remove the caging. A sad end for such a good plot. Was so beautifully prepared, with two 2.5ft square holes and plenty of sun. Durban Poison destroyed by rabbits, Passion #1 destroyed by weather and disease. I think that one of the big wounds suffered in July might have been responsible for the disease. Appeared to be systemic by the end. Almost total failure.

Also saw torches and heard voices in the trees close by after I bustled out of my spot, for the first time ever. Galloped all the way home...

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Couldnt sleep last night so i went for a wonder. Ended up at my noname plot and too my surprise it wasnt that bad with mould but most the plants were a bit premature. I took all the tops and the ones choppable and left about half the plot.Took 6 hours by myself :( 


Seems to be a 50/50 mix with the greengolds, half are like concrete and half are like fluff. Im sure the fluffy ones would fill out better in a good year tho. Ill put some pics up later.


Lime/bacon/basil i was smelling today lol 


Half way to target i reckon now :) 

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I chopped all last night, only intended to chop the rotting cream caramel, not a bloody hope in hell that one had, really wispy and brown rot allover. It was my favourite as well but turned out to be the worse. The killer kush rot were starting to spread pretty quick just overnight and it was due to piss it down last night as it did so I took them down, all done now. My brother got what he could off the rotting cream caramel when I went back later in the day to get the killers kush plants lol. I took my brother along with me to give me a hand getting the buds back, he ended up with a lot though off it tbf, it even beats what he buys most of the time no doubt. I was going to discard the whole plant but at least some use has come from it lol.

Edited by indicatoker420
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1 hour ago, indicatoker420 said:

I chopped all last night, only intended to chop the rotting cream caramel, not a bloody hope in hell that one had, really wispy and brown rot allover. It was my favourite as well but turned out to be the worse. The killer kush rot were starting to spread pretty quick just overnight and it was due to piss it down last night as it did so I took them down, all done now. My brother got what he could off the rotting cream caramel when I went back later in the day to get the killers kush plants lol. I took my brother along with me to give me a hand getting the buds back, he ended up with a lot though off it tbf, it even beats what he buys most of the time no doubt. I was going to discard the whole plant but at least some use has come from it lol.

Sorry for the losses. I know how you feel...

On the other hand, sounds like you've done really well with the others and got there in time. I (and I imagine others) would be interested to see how they all looked at chop and after trim, if you have photos.

I'm curious to compare your destroyed cream caramel to my destroyed Passion #1, and I'm keen to see your KKs for reference. I'm well behind you I should think, but I visited my KKs today and I'm trying to work out how far along they are, and how soon it will be reasonable to chop them.

Also interested in any report on how quickly rot spread after you first noticed it (on the KKs). Right now, mine look almost spotless, but there are just a few little leaves or fingers of leaves that have turned, and after close inspection I found a total of 2 little brown calyxes on the more advanced plant. Nipped those out and left the bud above. Now trying to work out what the timeline is, how long I can reasonably leave it etc...

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Sounds you'll get away with a bit longer if that's all there is mate. Depending on the weather and your plot but it sounds far from something to be too concerned about IMHO. I'm no expert though, this is my first outdoor grow but done indoor prior to that.


Two days ago the killers had a bit of rot, but yesterday had a bit more and with it being due to rain a lot last night I took them down. They were touching fully done though and will be more than good enough for me I think. I will take photos of it all in the tent soon and post them on here. I don't have any of the plants before chop unfortunately. I used up my phone battery up listening to music lol

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Do any of you guys find the hardest part of it all finding the actual spots to grow in? My plants were not even a 10 minute walk from my home lol. The woodland used to be used a lot by kids larking about but has been abandoned, (even a lot of old shotty bottles about and wrappers about). It's shut off and well overgrown so took the chance and succeeded :). I've been thinking about next year but looking for plots that are further out is a lot different really compared to going to somewhere close that I've been familiar with for years. I'll be on the lookout wherever I go now lol.

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Proper battered off the gorrilla haze, im moving house today and im fucked already.. What did i come here for again? :upside:


Got some gorrilla haze rosin for the van driver too, get him on my level .Oh fuck this aint going to end well, to many steps lol 

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Went chopping today expecting the worst. Been wet here same as most of the UK the last month or so. 

Chucked a big toasted cheese after salvaging an oz of bud for schmoke and a couple for hash. Must of been double that that I couldn't be arsed to mess about with because of mold.

Took all the best off a Guerilla Exodus Deluxe , next to fuck all mold on that , cheesy tight buds.

Grape Kush and Blue Freeze both stink and are dense. I'll post some bud pics when I get chance, it's indoor quality, best I've ever had .

Edited by Eelhelmet
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2 hours ago, Eelhelmet said:

Anyone know what's happened to blunt wit ? See his account has been stopped , hope he's ok :yinyang:


Had some :police: issues, so he went :ninja:.


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It's crazy how many people have abandoned the site, shame really. Would be interesting to know why each member leaves without sounding too ridiculous, I guess some people stop/have kids being the main reasons. Would love to know what people like Magoo, Archangel, Elephant face are up to even Loam Gnome seems to have gone missing

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