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Thats very true funki, the place has lots of deer too if id have thought on i cohld have put native sticks pushed into the bed all over to deter a jumper, dont fancy doing it now disturbing roots etc.

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Main plot planted up. 3 freeze cheese and 7 purple maroc. All done!

3 years of using the same plot and adding compost, manure, seaweed and bonemeal each time have really improved the soil. It started as stony acid limestone rubbish. It's seems like a decent friable loam now. I've experimented with planting a couple of PMs just in the fringe of the improved soil where the added mix will have helped but not actually dug holes and filled with compost.

Next visit will be in July/Aug.

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I only ever post pics when/if they get to a decent size. Partly because pics of tiddlers are boring, partly because I am cautious and partly because I can't be bothered.

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Do you have any rabbits near by? One good hop and thats dinner sorted... If you are going to keep the single cage fence perhaps throw some fine garden net over the top to deter any from attempting it. I'd hate to see all those turned into a mixed salad.

Look nice and healthy, goo

qote wrong post :sadwalk:

Edited by rusty trichomes
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Bollocks, just been to put out a fair few fairly small plants and realised I forgot to put down any slug pellets! :doh:

I'm kicking myself as the forecast where I am is for rain for the next few days -debating whether to go all the way back (20 odd mile round trip) to do it or just suck it and see...

What you reckon peeps? Go back today and put the pellets down, or leave them to their fate? :D

Edited by Guerrillero
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i say go and do it.. or else it'll just be more work for ya putting new plants out.. they in pots or in the ground?

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^In the ground mate...and yeah, I think you're right - if I don't go and do it it'll just mean more trips in the future to plant more, more time spent taking cuttings/raising seedlings...yeh, fuck it, I'm going for it.

Bastard! Not happy at myself at all! :D

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So, I'm back and the plot now has the bastard pellets on it! :rofl:

Still pissed off at myself, but at least my mind is at rest now - If I hadn't done it I'd have been fretting about it until next visit, and would have absolutely kicked myself for not going back if they'd all been munched!

Enjoy your dinner you slimy little fuckers, you'd better enjoy it after all the effort I've gone to to serve it up for ya! :D

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No mate all my beer goes strictly down my gullet, far too good for slugs! :D

But seriously, in previous years I've found the only slug control I need for my particular plots is slug pellets until the plants are big enough to be able to cope with any damage, then I just leave them to their own devices.

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