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Did not manage to get down there 2day! Wilma caught me putting my guerilla trousers on and gave me an ear bashing!! :) Was probably for the best though as we took the kids and the dogs to the beach which was pretty uncomfortable!! I'll be down there 2moro though!

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With my runt auto being so close to the ground, does that mean it could be pretty vulnerable to mold? large.20170718_210058.jpg.45313d48b538bd


I think It will get it but not sure how much, and with it just being a dense cola pretty much (seems it will be that) makes it more prone as well as being low near the ground. To be honest I don't give two fucks about this plant though so if you think it will badly just just tell me lol, after all I have all my other plants :). I know weather plays the biggest part obviously, but what I'm asking is can this plant be much more vulnerable because of how low to the ground it is?

Edited by indicatoker420
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Fucksake, one thing after another this season. I had a plot that had been compromised, where I had many losses, but a few remained untouched in a certain spot, tucked out of the way nearby. Well, I went to check up on them today, and low and behold somebody has come through again, trashed the site completely, snapped my plants off at the stems left them on the ground for me to find, flattened my cages, taken away my tub which had nutes and GrowMore in it, even the water butt has been emptied on it's side and drained. Not again. Head in my hands. Distraught is an understatement. Two of the three plants were a good 5-6ft as well... so it's a huge kick in the bollocks :down:


I actually had to sit down on the way back home, on a bench by the side of a river bank and have a long think to myself, about my season, how disappointing & upsetting it has been, and where to go from here. And after some careful consideration, I have come to the conclusion that the cunts aren't winning and I will be soaking some AffieDaze and 'The 7' emergency replacements tonight. Going to stick them in hanging baskets. They should thrive in there since they'll only get 3-4 weeks of veg. And fingers crossed we get a warm, dry autumn... for us all... :yinyang:

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That's unfortunate Sheriff! We win some, we lose some! But you sound like you have the virtue in my sig! Hope those baskets serve you well! Atb.

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You need better spots mate, stating the obvious I know.




In that order r kid , best of luck with what you've got left .

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@Flintstone Thanks mate, onwards and upwards from here on, hopefully. Although this season is really turning into one to forget. Hopefully Panik's genetics can serve me well in those baskets, despite the late start...


@Eelhelmet I know dude, I'll be using different plots next year. Hopefully more secure. Wouldn't be surprised if I do half of my grow in baskets next year... just so they're up in the air, out of the way, and they're easy to hide in the trees. Less chance of people spotting them. It really has been a disaster this year. I haven't lost a single plot in the previous 3 years of growing, then I lose 2, (or 3 depending how you look at it) just in this season alone. Over 3/4 of my grow has been ripped out the ground this year... 

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Im amazed your growing in the middle of farmers field after you had a shotgun put to your head for growing on disused land. You live in the sticks and this is all you come up with; tears and tragedy. get a grip and start growing properly. hang baskets up trees ffs

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6 hours ago, Punk said:

Im amazed your growing in the middle of farmers field after you had a shotgun put to your head for growing on disused land. You live in the sticks and this is all you come up with; tears and tragedy. get a grip and start growing properly. hang baskets up trees ffs

You missed out on the........


.....I actually took this pic,after it had tried to bite another forum member who was about to pick it up :unsure:

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Im a bit confused here.


Every day i get up at 5 with the dogs ,then the kids get up about 6, then at 8ish the missus will drag her arse out of bed smoke 46 ciggys and sit on facefuck most the day whilst i clean/cook/do washing.


Today ive got up at 10 .walked in the front room and the gaffs spotless, even the washer/dryer is on .Now shes in the bathroom cleaning it .


WTF is going on here? Have i been transported to a different dimension where the mussis actually cleans..Maybe shes been on the tackle..Wonder if shes got a stash:naughty: . Nah defiantly not, but im still confused.

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