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10 hours ago, MauisGhost said:


Using 2l bottle of water in a dry spot would be like trying to fill up a swimming pool with your spit.  If they have to go out, be prepeared to go more times than planned if you want lush plants. 


ATB :v: 

Thanks mate. I know what you mean, I'm not expecting the holes to get a good soak or anything., I would take a lot more than just one 2l bottle. I have 10 holes altogether and was thinking that watering around the rootball area when I plant out might help get them going. Planting out dry when it's going to be dry for the rest of the week doesn't sound too good to me, unless I'm just overthinking lol

Edited by indicatoker420
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Come to think of it maybe no rain is a good thing while they're still pretty small so slugs and snails won't be out and about to munch on them. I'll plant the cream caramels out tomorrow :)

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12 hours ago, tigseyjnr said:

@Dr Nick


I tried blocking you a while ago, but none of the threads in the outdoor section made sense.. 


And on a good day, I can take Randy's attitude and enjoy reading your bollox. 


Today is not a good day. 




How many years have you been growing? I make this your second.. But sometimes you talk about 5/6/7? years plus of growing experience.


How's your tree grow going? 


How many people have you advised about growing? Yet, you have never even used FBB till this season. And you even had ask how to use it? 


How's your "red Purp's" coming along. That is gonna show female seeds how it's really done?




You always play the victim.


I am the bad guy. 


I am not playing the victim. And I am not blaming you for my own actions. 

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Accidentally clicked the 'post' button before I was supposed to on my last comment, and it wouldn't let me edit it... so this is my last comment before I go incognito again, until July. I just want to clarify some things first relating to your comment Tigsy. 


13 hours ago, tigseyjnr said:

How many years have you been growing? I make this your second.. But sometimes you talk about 5/6/7? years plus of growing experience.


This is my 4th year guerrilla growing, but only my second 'proper' grow with decent prep and planning. I have stated publicly, numerous times, that I am not overly experienced and am still learning things. In fact I have precisely mentioned this, about my inexperience, when people have asked me for advice so they can weigh it up. I mentioned my 4 years of experience in a forum post a few months back, and I have never mentioned '7 years plus of growing experience' as you say... especially when I am only in my early twenties. 


12 hours ago, tigseyjnr said:

How's your tree grow going? 


It is what it is. I ended up putting the photoperiods in the ground that were up in the air due to the water demands, but I still have several autos up in the air. Nothing spectacular though. I have had to tone things down on my end, including the tree grow, following a certain setback. Can't afford to take too many risks right now, especially with a baby due in October. 


12 hours ago, tigseyjnr said:

How many people have you advised about growing? Yet, you have never even used FBB till this season. And you even had ask how to use it? 


I haven't given advice on here in ages, in fact I have been away from the forum for several weeks, and I have only been doing diary updates and posting in the 'random guerrilla photos' section in recent months. Besides my own diaries, I certainly haven't been actively advising or engaging in the outdoor forums, at least not like I used to. The only advice I have given in recent months has been regarding strains that I have grown out. And I do have plenty of content and grow diaries to validate my strain reviews and experience in growing them, irrespective of what has happened. 


12 hours ago, tigseyjnr said:

You always play the victim.


I am the bad guy. 


Dude, I am not playing the victim. I have already stated that I bought this upon myself and don't blame anyone. I have come out, held my hands up, called myself a prick in my own words and apologised to the entire forum, for a silly mistake I made 8 months ago. Not that it's even that big a deal. And I am certainly not blaming you or anyone else.


Please try to meet me half way, I am trying to be as transparent and as honest as I can be in my past 2-3 posts. Believe it or not, I am genuinely trying to keep my head down and get on with my grow just like everyone else, and I have been for months, until the incident on my end. Surely having a farmer catch me at my plot, losing most of my plants, including all my Sweet Seeds stuff, and having cops involved is punishment enough for a single URL image I linked 8 months ago... trust me, if karma exists, I have been on the receiving end of it. I just want to focus on the growing and try to salvage what I can out of my season now.


Anyway, I have tried to come clean and explain things & update on my current situation. I still need to lay low for a bit so this will be my last message until July, when I get back in the cornfield again. I don't expect everyone to forgive me or be understanding, but I am genuinely sorry if I have annoyed people, and I vow to repair my reputation in the coming months. In the meantime, good luck to everyone with their grows, you too Tigsy and you too Mr Blue. And no, I'm not being sarcastic. I just want to focus on the growing. A passion we all share. 


ATB and Peace :yinyang:

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20 hours ago, Irishgirl said:


 Hi Sticky, I am in da same boat as you, away for over a week, I gave my plants a good drink of water b4 I left & the morning I was leaving I gave them a feed also of bio bizz stuff. This was 4 a small indoor grow that is in flower. I just took da chance as I had no choice tbh. I usually feed them & water twice a week but gave them plenty of water den a gud feed but didn't over do it. Hope ur lucky. 

Hiya, I hope you are managing to enjoy yourself and not worrying to much,  I reckon they will be ok to be honest. Might be a bit droopy bit will perk back up after a good watering and feed. Let me know what the switch is when you get back. Have fun!:george:

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Live and let live... Peace ✌ I've read enough of this now and I'm pretty sure most peeps have too..Sometimes it's like listening to kids argue,  just chill with a long one,  I wish i could but no burn for me until the weekend.. 

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Hey folks, been doing a bit of planning for harvest time. I've found some cardboard containers in work that are 80cm high and wide and 60cm deep. Any sort of estimate as to how many plants would fit in one via the hanging method? I've got 8 autos I don't mind doing in the attic and I guess they'll fit in one comfortably, especially with the abuse they've undergone they'll probably be small.... but the photoperiods, i'm not too sure about?

Also found some A4 gripseal bags. Will they be handy at some point?

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These are staying out all night tonight and planting out tomorrow they're cream caramel fv's. One is looking a bit hungry too. Don;t think they'll get much bigger in these pots tbh.


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@Flintstone  Thanks mate, I didn't think about mulch but now you mention it it might be a good idea. 

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i use cardboard boxes to dry mine, I have a PC fan for extraction ,powered by a usb lead, I would say you would fit all 8 in there if their not that big, I used a led tv box a few times, 46 inch tv, had 7 ounces dry by the end from 8 plants. 


I used string or metal poles and that green plastic/metal stuff used for tying plants. Lately tho I use those sock hanging drying racks, their round and oval shaped and have about 25 pegs on each one. Each fits a plant on. I put a pole through the cardboard boxes and hook the sock rack over it. 


I will go measure mine now see what the difference is of yours.

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The sock racks I use mainly in a small tent I use for drying when nothing's vegging in

That box is 40cm x 40cm width and depth and 80cm high, if I put pipes through it and hook the buds over the pipes I can fit a load in there , 8 plants , each bud about and inch from the next. The pc fan sucks the air out the box. It's in the top back corner and a small hole in the bottom on the opposite side to let air flow through.

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@Jack010 thanks for that :yep:

I'll need to knock up a carbon filter for mine, seems straight forward enough! Do you reckon attic drying mid summer is ok? Does get a bit warm up there!

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