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Aghhh I can't believe it has come to this... and I am writing what I am about to... but this looks like it will be my last post on here. Officially. A local farmer must have got wind of my presence in the area or spotted me and followed me up to my plot because I came face to face with his double barrel... the same guy that had given me grief before (on public land)... well I was threatened at gun point, after he crept up behind me. I had the barrel jammed into my neck, was threatened to be shot dead and "left here to rot", before the fucker took a picture of me on his phone, to use against me, and then I was finally told to fuck off and never come back again. He was even aiming the gun at me as I walked away.


Plants were scattered around, on other side of a hedge from where he caught me. I immediately knew I had lost them deep down. I decided to come back a few hours later after I knew he had gone, to try and quickly dig them up and relocate them, but they were already gone at that point. Checked all around the area, and everything had been nabbed... that's when I came across a load of police tape hanging from one of the trees next to where my plants would have stood. Surprised the plod had got in there that quickly. It looks like they left it deliberately as a warning. And it looks like old farmer Joe had grassed me up, probably as soon as I had left. Wonder if he showed them the picture he took of me as well :g:most probably... can't even go to the police about being threatened at gunpoint, given the situation, and where it happened. Can't catch a fucking break in this game...


And all that time and effort gone to waste. It's absolutely soul destroying. @panik I am sorry mate, some of yours were amongst the casualties along with my Sweet Seed stuff. Gutted beyond belief. I didn't know whether to cry, scream or just remain emotionless due to the shock. In the end I just punched a load of nearby tree trunks and fucked up my knuckles, I was just so annoyed. Sooooo demoralising. Please excuse another one of my typical, long arse posts guys, but I just wanted to explain what has gone on, rather than just jump sticks and disappear. But I can't take any more risks after this now, so I have to go... 


Good luck with your season everyone. I wish you all the best and bountiful harvests. I guess it was nice while it lasted, for me... but now, I am out... :(:(:( 

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@English Archer Holy shit sticks!! That's unfortunate EA. No need to leave though, you've still got your other plots!! Give it a couple of days, the nerves will have settled and you can get cracking again!

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Aah Jesus @English Archer,  feck tat.  Farmers can b mad,  & no problems with threatening wit their guns either.  Glad u r alive anyways.  Don't give up yet,  maybe take a break 4 a while & find another spot even 4 next season.  Its awful if u leave but respect ur decision.  Man u must b gutted & im cutted 4 u :thumbdown:

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@Flintstone @Irishgirl Thanks for your support guys, but I'm just waiting for @Joolz to delete my account now. I have messaged him, so just waiting now. I know when it is time to go. It would be naive of me not to. Too much at stake. I guess this is all just part of the game, a game that we all love, and sometimes hate, but mostly love :) 


Much respect and appreciation to you both. You're good people, and good, dedicated growers. Just like a lot of other folk on here, which makes it all the more sad to have to go :( 


Sorry and all the best... to everyone in the outdoor scene. 

Edited by English Archer
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Aah @English Archer,  tat is all so sad,  really it is.  I respect ur decision, u will b missed big time as u gave so much 2 da site,  help,  support & advice,.  I sure will miss ur stories of adventures especially da animal ones,.  Wishing u all da best mate,  stay safe. 

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sounds like you in shock  understanably give it a few days to make desisions if ya


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Shit @English Archer that's fucking awful :(


Wish you all the best man. You don't really need to leave, though, that cunt with a shotgun won't know who you are online, the real world and the online world are different things.


But you know what's best for you. Fucking gutted for you :( Wish you all the best man.



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@English Archer don't let it get you down mate just retreat,lick your wounds and spend the downtime hiking and planning.


I've enjoyed everything you've done since ive been here at 420.


Personally I'd still go to the Police but I don't know your life and the effects it could have so understand your stance.


Take care and all the best mate,respect.

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Go pump some arrows into the fucker archie, do the chicken too while you're on the rampage, :eat:

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hey archer really sad to hear about your problems. If anything comes out of it from the police make sure you tell them what really happened, theres always 2 sides to every story. You were out exploring and found a local farmer on a small piece of land cultivating what looked like marijuana plants(youve only ever seen a picture of them before) and he stuck his shot gun in your face and threated you and took a picture with his phone then demanded you leave immediately, you didnt dare contact the police out of fear of the backlash from the crazy farmer. :pitchfork:


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Guest Key4

I asked for my account to be deleted after piggies got one of my compound plots. I settled for a name change and all pics deleted. I'm glad I didn't go because it's was just a over reaction at the time..


Guns tho Archie? lol


1 down on to the next .

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20 hours ago, chaosmonger said:

this family sounds like Kyle fodder. 

there gonna sound like mulching compost if i catch them near any of my plots again. i take my 1.77 gas rammed air arms a10 classic out every time i visit my plots as the sound people in my area know me and my grow buddy go shooting often regardless of weather, 22ft pounds would certainly leave any unwanted guests knowing which area to rub haha! im referring to bunnies obviously ;);) 

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20 hours ago, Mohamedbear said:

lol who knows what's going on in a wizz heads mind haha plenty of em around my way and a few in the family, their behaviour is well bizarre especially after they've been up for a few days.... 


If you can't beat em join em is what I say.... lol just kidding but you'd have your plot prep done in no time at all. 

strange people but in a way its each to their own i guess :/ at least they didnt take anything. ive been on the sesh many a time not anymore as i cant handle it anymore but i cant say ive ever got off my nuts and decided to follow my neighbor through the woods, ts just odd haha! ive laid nail boards down this time and covered them with mulch 10inch nails show hopefully do the trick along with barb wire wrapped through all the undergrowth and my mates go pro camera with a battery stick attached to it tied up a tree which has 2 days worth of charge so its fair to say they're sort of safe from fiends this time:badass:

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20 hours ago, stayup4ever said:

Wizz heads are a nightmare round here too ,up 24/7 ,sticky fingers madness ! I thought peeps stopped taking that shite yrs ago brrr lol

base speed is cheap as a bag of chips on an 8th round here and over running the place its rough! pretty much everyone i know wears their bass faces a good 4 days of the week round here its bad:mellow:

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