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Can anyone advise me about how much chicken shit I should add/mix in to a standard hole in the ground that is let's say 50L maybe? I have never used chicken shit before, but I know it is quite strong, so I want to know exactly how much I should be using, before I chuck it in later today....?


When growing in the past, I have only ever used standard compost and manure. Last year all my plants were grown with just compost and manure. Nothing else. I have never added anything else to the soil mix, I just kept it basic, but this year I will be using chicken poo for additional nitrogen and some other ingredients as well which I won't bother going into. I could do with some advice on how much chicken shit should go into the hole though? :g:



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Iv always just chucked a handfuls size in every hole and mixed in well , everyone's different mate but that's how we do things , or I tend to scatter dash a whole plot few months before plant out and strim,

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thats the trick with shit, dump it on the top and leave the rain & micro critters work on it well before plantout.

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@panik @inaction man Cheers guys. I have left my prep a bit late. Have had other things going on. And now I've got photoperiods pushing 2ft which are getting potbound and are ready to go into the ground. Only thing is I haven't filled the holes. Got a 3 day weekend to get on top of this though. All the compo and shit is on location, I just need to fill it in.


I'll probably put a handful of chicken shit in the base/lower part of the hole, mixed in the with the manure. And then mostly put compost in the top two thirds, with a bit of manure mixed in. Am I right in thinking I can also put chicken shit around on the ground around the plant just after plant out, so it can break down into the soil a few weeks after plant out, or won't that work?

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@English Archer

Wow Archer, too much typing and not enough action. As you've left it late to prep using solid organic ferts and with so much wildlife down your way the protection you're going to put up may not  be enough to deter the curious deer and Fox if you put fresh ferts and plants out together. Remember your Animals devastated my plot thread from last year?

The poo or the fbb or both do attract animals.I lost 5 plants early on to foxes last year at one plot to but had immediate back up seedlings available. 

Fresh compo and manure is a good combo anyway and would support initial growth.Would you consider using a handful of Growmore pellets ? Non smelly slow release 7 7 7 and lasts for approx 6 weeks. (For best results apply 2 weeks before Plant out) Read the box. 

At that point the plants will be going for it and stronger to resist animal damage ,you could swap over for the organic mid veg feed (Scattered around a 50 l hole under the plant) chicken pellets at 2 handfuls and fbb at 2 handfuls  and 1 or 2 handfuls of bonemeal (Epsom salts 10g for greening if needed)

When using these ferts they will just sit in dry soil and do nothing if it doesn't rain. When it does rain they start working within a few days. It caught me out last year as I fed just as the rains stopped !


Hope your going to use the Mycorrhizal stuff. Really a must have for Plant out, I can't recommend this enough to assist in building plant resilience.(No mould on 5 plots for 2016) Google TNC Mycorrmax and similar from them They also do the proper horticultural Molasses for flowering applications to get the soil micro heard going on a STAMPEDE by feeding em sugar which releases nutrients. 


Ps Get your finger out :bangin: 






Edited by Lea Valley
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@Lea Valley Got 6 holes done this afternoon and should have another 6 done by tomorrow, so 12 in total. And then plants will be going in on 1st May. Filled base layer with manure, sprinkled in some chicken poo pellets, mixed it around, put another layer of manure and compost in with a couple more chicken pellets but nowhere near as many, and then the top layer was just compost. The roots shouldn't reach the chicken poo and pure manure for quite a few weeks which should give it enough time to break down and compost itself a bit more. Had some serious nitrogen deficiencies last year so definitely staying on top of this in 2017. And the animals won't get a look in this year. I am fully prepared. I may have lost a battle in the past, but I have already won the war on the animal front as far as I am concerned haha. 6 ft impenetrable cages all the way.


As for the Mycorrhizal Fungi thing, well, let's just say I haven't got around to it. As much as I wish I did get some to use, I haven't, and will make do with my current set up. I grew some beauties last year and that was without the chicken poo pellets and a little less manure. So this year should be a step up, regardless. Got the plants in better sunlight this year as well. But I still need to do some site maintenance and terraforming as well, in the form of cutting down foliage, branches and a few small trees obscuring morning sun. Will feed this year with more chicken poo sprinkled on the surface to break down into the soil... I know I have this season nailed on. Couldn't get the prep work sorted earlier due to working 45 hours a week and not being able to get to the plot(s) or being unable to spend enough time there, plus the football haha. But now a 3 day weekend, to sort it all. I'm still ahead of last season though, in terms of holes being ready...

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@English Archer

Well done Archer, looks as if you are on top of it and the prepped holes sound good. I just thought I'd mention the Growmore to lessen the risk of animals. Yeah I bet you do have the defences sorted as your Deer are twice as big as my local Muntjac.

I mentioned the Epsom salts which can help with greening around the onset of flowering when using these type of ferts if required. 


I know all about not being able to do GG things due to other commitments, 


Im deffo using the Mycorrhizal and will have a go with the molasses at one site where I have a stream so I'm able to liquid feed. 


When you cut larger bits of trees down it's better to do it in the winter as when they have leaves on as when chopped the leaves go brown, stay on the limb and can be obvious from air. 


I've got some Jack47fv off the back of your grow from last year. I'm 70 miles North of you so we should be seeing similar times. 


GL for the season and no Miracle Grow for 2017 lol  





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@Lea Valley Did another 6 holes today, so that's 12 total now ready to go. Photoperiods will be going in tomorrow. Just in time for the wet weather. Relieved to get some rain finally at last today. Need quite a bit more now though, the ground still looks fucked and dried out. I'm guessing it's bad up your way. 


I'm probably not going to make things too complicated this year with the growing medium. I wish I put more effort into the prep side of things, but I am content with compost, manure and chicken poop. Maybe next year I will get more specialised with the lime, epsom salts, mycorrhizal, Growmore etc. Also, I must confess that I have a single bag of Miracle Grow compost this year. Used it on one hole to see how it does. A lot of people are swearing by it on other forums, apparently the new, more recent Miracle Grow compost is much better quality and canna friendly. And if it turns out to be shit, it's only one hole. But I reckon it'll be fine.


Yeah after curing a bunch of strains for several months, I can safely say that the Jack 47 FV was my strongest and best smoke of last year. Fuuuuucking reeked as well of lemons and hash. It's a shame it's all gone now though :( Like the high is actually amazing. Proper up, energetic, racy high like a hazy sativa. But no paranoia. The Jack is the stuff I enjoyed smoking the most during the day. Killer Kush and OG Kush joint second for evening/nighttime smokes. Not going to lie, that massive Cheese plant I grew last year was crap. Poor smoke, bar a nice, fruity taste. But weak-ass potency. Quite disappointed to be honest. Put it this way, it took just a quarter of a Jack spliff to get as high as an entire Cheese spliff. The Jack's will serve you well my friend.


ATB for this season :yep:

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Gud morning all, it's a beautiful morning here & may bit continue :yep:.

I have a quick question 4 ye. I checked on my seedlings this morning 2 see if anymore had popped up. I have about 5 up at da mo but den I noticed one of them tat da head has gone off it, don't know how but da 2 baby leaves r gone from it, maybe my clumsiness :wallbash:.

My question is, is it doomed, do I leave it 2 do it's thing r is it no gud now :(. TIA :yep:.

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20 minutes ago, Key4 said:

@Irishgirl may be upside down . 

Thanks but I don't think so as it had popped out of it's seed & there was 2 little leaves. Now just a stem ffs, I'm so annoyed about it & no idea y r wit 2 do :wallbash:.

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@Lea Valley Bought myself some Bonemeal and Grow More today, off the back of your recommendation. Let's see how it does. :yep:

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On 05/04/2017 at 5:30 AM, RandyBoBandy said:

put a lot of us to shame... no holding back rusty

im doing ok these dayzs . ive been pretty slow in the gg thing been breeding few autos . glad ive not been forgoten . i have got a few plants going out this year.

hows you randy all good i hope 

be lucky :skin_up:

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how can anyone forget rusty!?


good to see your still about :) im good rust, thanks for asking....  few people are on a mission breading auto's.. should be some nice crosses flying around fingers crossed!


all the best.. good luck with the crosses and the season



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