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5 minutes ago, Irishgirl said:



I feel I am behind with things, even have seeds to germinate when they arrive. Now I ask have I started to late :wallbash:.







hell no... your all good

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21 hours ago, English Archer said:

My season is already running into a few hitches. First of all, I met up with a member on here (who grows indoors)... he seemed alright, shared a few spliffs with him, spoke about doing a grow, he explained how he wanted to do his first outdoor grow. He just wanted to do 4-5 plants, all early finishing varieties. I ended up taking him to one of my smaller plots, showed him around and got to work preparing for the season ahead. We did two separate supply drops and set a side an entire afternoon/evening to do about 3 hours of digging and another 3 hours of actual prep work together getting the plot ready for his and my strains. We proper put in a shift, together, and he seemed well onboard with it all. He had a nice little area made up at the edge of my plot for his own plants.


And then out of the blue, I get a one sentence message off him saying he is giving up the herb for a bit and can't grow this year! No sorry or anything, and no proper explanation. I tried asking why he was giving it up and attempted to get a bit of background info out of him, but I haven't even had a reply back since then! It says he was last active on UK420 2 weeks ago now. I don't have a clue what is going on with him. Certainly seems a bit suspicious. 


I am not saying he has double crossed me or anything, but it has left me in an awkward position. I am probably going to abandon that plot, just in case. After all that hard fucking work. His own time & money as well which went into that plot, as well as my own. I just don't get some people. Perhaps his indoor set up got busted or something. I don't know. But it's a bit of a weird one. If his 3 plant indoor setup got busted, it would surely give him more reason to do a guerrilla grow? :g: And now I am behind on my prep work for this season, seeing as I have to move things to another back up plot. I have foot high plants ready to go in the ground but can't get them out until I finish filling the new holes this coming weekend... thanks a lot btw if you happen to log in and read this 'mate'... :ranting:


blimey... is he a well respected/known/active.... (untill late) memeber of the forum... or just a low key memeber sort of thing.. i dont wanna know who it is.. was just wondering...


if anything i would of had him in my smallest plot if any... edit to add.. just re read and see you did..



Edited by RandyBoBandy
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@RandyBoBandy indoor grower, specialises in autos. His reputation is below 1000 so not particularly active on here, but he has posted a fair few pics and diary updates while I have been here and he is on another growing site I am on. I met up with him twice for a smoke and a chat before taking him to the plot, and he seemed like a genuine, nice decent bloke. A lot older than myself, he said he was 53. And he did actually put in a pretty good shift with the prep work as well. He certainly came across as being dead serious about it all. Bought his outdoor seeds and his share of compost and prep materials. Then we dropped it all off at the plot and put in the hours prepping it. That is what makes it all the more strange. 


I think something may have happened behind the scenes. It's just the fact that he has suddenly out of nowhere supposedly 'given up the herb' and then gone completely quiet on here... that has sounded the alarm bells. It's too strange for something not to have happened. Then again, maybe he did just decide to give it all up... for no apparent reason. That isn't unfeasible. People are weird. It's just annoying if that is the case as he has wasted my time. And he should have had better hindsight. Perhaps he couldn't grow indoors anymore, for whatever reason, so decided he'd have a go outdoors and like what @panik said, after a few shifts he thought 'fuck it, can't be bothered with all this'. Either way, I'm just going to try and focus on my own season now and get the ground prepped as the plants are pretty much ready to go in the ground. 


It's a right piss-take though, having to disassemble a plot that was 90% complete, and move all the shit to my next nearest plot, over a mile away. Especially when you factor in all the tree/bush cutting and foliage removal we did to let in more sunlight. He even bought sheers to the plot to cut stuff down ffs lol I have just finished relocating a bunch of cages to the other back up plot tonight, and then at the weekend I will dig up as much of the compost/manure as possible and transfer it to the back up plot as well. He still has has 2 bags of compost and ferts lying around in the bushes at the plot, which he paid for himself, which I will be taking as compensation and using for my own plants. Not like he needs them...

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hmm it does seem like something his end then dont it mate.. he might be a bit worried his said to much about himself..  might of told the other half thinking she'll be cool...  and she wasnt lol


pain in the arse though mate.. best of luck




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2 minutes ago, RandyBoBandy said:

hmm it does seem like something his end then dont it mate.. he might be a bit worried his said to much about himself..  might of told the other half thinking she'll be cool...  and she wasnt lol


pain in the arse though mate.. best of luck





Yeah you never know really do you. Could be anything. Perhaps he will be decent enough to come on here and clarify things at some point...?


Pain in the arse is an understatement though mate. I really could have done without all this. A shit load of hours wasted and loads of extra trips now required to transfer the compost/soil/nutes/cages to the other plot. So I best get my arse in gear lol 



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it would be nice to get some propper meaningful reassurance that he's safe as... and you should carry on with the plot with no fear of being ripped... but then they are only words from a stranger..  and i guess you dont want the.. will they.. wont they be there feeling...


how many was going there.. nah i can imagine.. propper pain!!


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40 minutes ago, RandyBoBandy said:

it would be nice to get some propper meaningful reassurance that he's safe as... and you should carry on with the plot with no fear of being ripped... but then they are only words from a stranger..  and i guess you dont want the.. will they.. wont they be there feeling...


how many was going there.. nah i can imagine.. propper pain!!



Well initially I was going to do 10 plants here in total, 5 autos and 5 photos in two separate sections either side of one another. But I decided he could do 5 early/FV plants of his own here and we could visit together for prepping and check ups. So in total, 15 plants would have gone here between us. Nothing too drastic.


But when you consider that I had 10 holes dug out, 7 of which had been filled with compost/manure.... and he also had 5 holes dug, 4 of which had been filled with compost/manure. So all that wasted and now needing to be moved to another plot 1.2 miles away. That's about 10 bags worth of compost/manure in the ground there, and another 3 bags sat at the plot, plus bags of vermiculite and perlite he insisted on buying. Personally I am not fucking around with any of that verm/perlite stuff this year. Just compost, manure and chicken shit. 


I am not really worried about him ripping as he is 30 years plus older, about 4 stone lighter than me and only about 5'7, a real small guy, not to mention I know exactly where he lives as I went to his for a smoke and then to his again a second time a few weeks later to pick up the sheers, tools and supplies for our main supply drop. I am tempted to stop by his and see what is going on, but that might be taking the piss a bit. Plus our houses are about 30 minutes apart. Don't want to get there and then have him not be in, or refuse to answer the door lol 

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@RandyBoBandy Nah, not planting anything there mate, I am switching plots. I have already moved all the cages and the compost bags to the back up plot. Just got to take as much compost/manure as I can out of the holes now. The back up plot was just going to have a few autos in this year, but I will expand on it. Shouldn't be hard. It gets all day sun and is in a good spot.


As I said above, I am not really bothered about this guy himself ripping me, but for the past 48 hours I have been going over in my mind thinking that he may know other people on here, or talk to them, or know other people in general. He said he had two sons my age as well, neither live with him but at least one of them smokes up. For all I know 3 or 4 guys could turn up in the autumn to raid my plot... potentially... and that would be playing on my mind all season to be honest...


Anyone who stands you up or backs out of things on a dime/let's you down etc can't be trusted IMO... I have to assume the worst, or I could be lured into a false sense of security/naivety...



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when ive mentioned to freinds about giving me a hand its like ill drop you off some supplies but oh me back, o me leg ,oh me cant be assed the hestiancy dosent  spill over into smoking the budd tho   bless em lol

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@English Archer  just a thought  but if you know were he lives and that he grows wouldnt it be a bit to obvuis for him to rip you ?hardly the most ffail safe heist from his point of view as  hed be first person youd asume did it  , could put a trailcam there to  i guess

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I would run that plot you prepped @English Archer . Even if you use it to run regs to make a few seeds for next season . Eggs in one basket scenario , If it get's ripped then you know for next season .  

Not to make you even more paranoid but for all you he could have followed you to one of your other plots like the one you move all the gear to a mile away .

Maybe the guy  has a legit reason for not wanting or being able to grow with you that he's embarrassed about sharing with you ( medical reasons , the wife ???) . For all you know he's told nobody about it but you just told a whole forum and made it the topic of the hour in here . 

Even enough you have not named this member I'm sure he would not feel welcome here now that you have made your venture public . I remember a member who was here before who felt the same way and changed his name but the stigma hung on for a bit . 

Either way I would still run that plot , nothing ventured , nothing gained 

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12 hours ago, harvestreaper said:

@English Archer  just a thought  but if you know were he lives and that he grows wouldnt it be a bit to obvuis for him to rip you ?hardly the most ffail safe heist from his point of view as  hed be first person youd asume did it  , could put a trailcam there to  i guess


Yeah, that is what I said in my previous comment mate. But I am more concerned that he might tell someone else, or speak to other people on here and potentially come back with others, or send other people to my plot to rip it. You never know. Especially when someone you thought you could trust, just suddenly does one, drops all commitments and won't respond to your messages. But who knows what has gone on behind the scenes...  



9 hours ago, MJN said:

I would run that plot you prepped @English Archer . Even if you use it to run regs to make a few seeds for next season . Eggs in one basket scenario , If it get's ripped then you know for next season .  

Not to make you even more paranoid but for all you he could have followed you to one of your other plots like the one you move all the gear to a mile away .

Maybe the guy  has a legit reason for not wanting or being able to grow with you that he's embarrassed about sharing with you ( medical reasons , the wife ???) . For all you know he's told nobody about it but you just told a whole forum and made it the topic of the hour in here . 

Even enough you have not named this member I'm sure he would not feel welcome here now that you have made your venture public . I remember a member who was here before who felt the same way and changed his name but the stigma hung on for a bit . 

Either way I would still run that plot , nothing ventured , nothing gained 


No chance mate. I have already started moving stuff to the back up plot now anyway. Not taking any risks with this one. I was decent enough to meet up with the guy, share my weed, help him with his first outdoor grow, not to mention I took him to one of my plots from last season and was letting him grow there. Even if his intentions were all good, he is still the one that has let me down and has left me in an awkward position, not the other way around. At the very least he could have gave me a proper explanation as to why he was stopping, or what had come up, and apologised, and certainly reassured me about the security of my plot. Not leave me in the dark sweating over it all. He has handled it poorly. 


I don't feel at all bad about voicing my frustrations on here, given the situation. It is a community on here after all. Hopefully he'll log in and see this and feel obliged to give me a proper explanation. Just a few sentences about what is going on with him, at least. But then again, if he hasn't logged in for 17 days now, and if he is supposedly 'giving up the herb' (his own words), then I don't see any reason why he would A) come back on here and read this, or B) feel victimised or unwelcome if he did come back on. It's his own making and he's probably not going to see what I type. So I'm not bothered about saying this publicly. The fact I have not named him either pretty much gives him anonymity. 


You say he might not have told anyone which is all fine and dandy - but the problem is, whether he has told people or not, I can't afford to take any chances and it doesn't change the fact that I have to switch plots. If he had at least reassured me that my plot would be safe and that he was sorry and just unable to fulfil the growing commitment this year, it would have been different. But instead he has left me in the dark sweating over everything. Oh well. I suppose I might run 1 or 2 plants there, just to see.


Anyway, this is my last comment/reply on the subject. Onwards and upwards from here on.... :yep:



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gotta watch that ol paraonia/fear lol hell they was all on me last week  cos my nettles looked like theres   ffs lol


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