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38 minutes ago, RandyBoBandy said:

blimey what a misson.. gotta love those stoned.. (wow man the universe is so big! ) chats... 


Yeah, I'm still pissed off about not being able to get the drop off done. It's proper annoying as I put time aside to do it and now I don't know when I'll be able to have a go at it again. We actually managed to pick up the last 2 bags of 'Miracle Grow' compost from the 2nd Homebase store we visited (only stuff they had left), but didn't even bother dropping it off at the plot as it was just two bags. Not keen on the Miracle Grow bollocks. Anyhow, we'll drop them off next week when we attempt another mass purchase and drop off.



42 minutes ago, RandyBoBandy said:

talking of compost... i fuked up... every year i get the grow sure seedling compost.. its always gave them a great start to life..


but i grabbed westland john innes seed sowing compost... i imagine its fine and will do a good job... but just thought id check and ask if enyone else has used it.. i dont wanna fry my seeds before i even start



edit to add... think ill just buy a bag of grow sure


Come to think of it, in my first year growing, I germed all my seeds and put them straight into normal garden centre compost that has like 3-4 months feed in it.... didn't bother with potting/seedling soil, or a light soil... I just threw them straight in at the deep end into compost that was pretty 'hot' and I didn't have any problems or nute burn. You'll probably be okay, but just keep an eye on it.

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@English Archer

Your seasonal battle with garden centres,compost,plots etc etc begins buddy,Will you be using the Cornfield plot again this year? 

I remember last year's drama docu of your grow in that plot hoping the farmer hasn't cropped.


@RandyBoBandy that John innes nos 1 will be fine mate I've done a fair few in it with no issues at all.

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cheers @Badbadger ill make use of it then.... thanks again :yep:


i know how ya feel @English Archer i feel for ya mate.... it can be a bastard fitting in missions with work and life.... you ride the week out doing your shit, just wanting to get on with some gging stuff.. the time slot pops up and something fucks you up! grrrrrr!!!! anoying as fook mate..  good luck with the next gg slot

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2 hours ago, Flintstone said:

@English Archer Be carefull mate, she might start to think your having an affair!! If you unexpectedly start having milk delivered, you better fess up :rofl:

exactly what i thought lol

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its a tuff sport  i dug out a new plot saturday morning went back sunday with  few handfuls of compost cs ffb for each hole on way out  noticed another ggers  meshs an bamboo tuked under a tree few hundred yards away thought total waste of time but ive changed me mind ima go ahead shit or bust  will have to plot a new way in so as not to disturb my fellow gger plot on way in an out, think thats part of the fun odds are staked against us so it makes the harvest even sweeter 

Edited by harvestreaper
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3 hours ago, Badbadger said:

@English Archer

Your seasonal battle with garden centres,compost,plots etc etc begins buddy,Will you be using the Cornfield plot again this year? 

I remember last year's drama docu of your grow in that plot hoping the farmer hasn't cropped.


I'll hopefully be back in the cornfield again this year mate. A few changes compared to last year though. Firstly, this year I am hoping to have 2 or 3 separate, smallish plots inside the cornfield... and secondly, I will only be doing autos in the cornfield this year so I can be in and out by early September, before there is any threat of the combine coming through. I just can't deal with the constant threat and paranoia having gone through it all last autumn. It was rewarding when I managed to pull it off, but I was completely on edge from mid September onwards until mid October when I harvested. A month plus of total paranoia. Definitely can't be bothered to go through all that again this year. It will be autos all the way.



3 hours ago, Flintstone said:

@English Archer Be carefull mate, she might start to think your having an affair!! If you unexpectedly start having milk delivered, you better fess up :rofl:


Haha, since she thinks I am growing a 'few' plants this year, I actually told her straight up that I was going to my plot that night to do 'prep work', but I left the part out about buying a load of supplies from the garden centre and doing a drop off. She would think that is too bait and drawing attention, and would definitely kick a fuss up if she knew I was buying 20 bags of compost, and getting them to the plot in one night, so I decided to leave that bit out, and just said I was going to the plot to do 'prep work'.


So you could imagine her reaction when I came home 2 hours earlier than planned, with clean clothes and clean trainers with no mud on them at all, and not smelling of sweat... that's when she got suspicious and started asking where I had been. I tried to explain that I hadn't been to the plot in the end, and just wen't for a smoke, but she wasn't buying it and thinks I went out to do something else last night haha. Apparently I was acting 'sketchy' before I went out and when I came home, but I don;t think she is too bothered really. 

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It's definitely one of my hardest hobbies... Especially the time/secrecy  aspect.. Managed to get out to some plots this Saturday morning... Woke up extra early... Sneaked out of home... And went all out.. Carried as much as I could in one hit! I looked like a proper hobo.... But with a spade....And two shopping bags full of various concoctions under each arm... which I couldn't fit in my backpack with 60l of soil in it.... An odd look for 7am. But it needed to be done... But Nearly broke me.. I was nearing the the end of my 20min trek and came across two horse riders...and I was too tired to think or ditch anything I just thought f@ck it... Carried on walking past them... They wished me a good walk as went past them..I appreciate the kindness....  but that must have been a bit odd.. why am I walking my spade?  More to the point why was i carrying a spade and a bugling backpack and several shopping bags of Lime? .... (OK contained lots of other stuff aswell.. Potash, fbb, Jack's magic, etc.. But it was all mixed together and looked like lime)... Made me chuckle to myself when I got to site... Then after putting my stuff down I step in fresh fox shit!  Christ! The smell..... It was so foul! Then instinct reaction is wipe it off straight away... Right around where I need to dig... DUH! Anyways one site is nearly complete! Just 3 more cages which I can bring with the new plants! Goodluck with all the preparations guys! 

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@harvestreaper I had a similar thing happen to me last year mate. Spent ages clearing out a plot, cut down all the stingers and brambles, dug holes, cut down some tree branches to let in more light and must have spent a good 20 hours working on the plot. I was so happy with it that I decided to extend the plot some more to fit in more plants, and as I was cutting the last area of stingers at the centre left of the plot, I found about 3 or 4 wire meshes with stakes attached as well as some plant pots, tree guards and various other bits and pieces all stashed inside the undergrowth and sort of half buried.


It looked kind of old and worn like it had been left there for a few years, but it was enough to put me right off the whole area seeing as someone else must have been growing in that spot during previous years. It might not have even been a guerrilla grower, it might have just been the landowner using it for trees or shrubs or something. But nonetheless that find was a big enough alarm bell to make me abandon the plot, even after all those hours of work. But seeing as I have still never lost a plant to rippers to date, it was probably the right choice. 

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@English Archer when you planning to start the cornfield grow bud? Always thought cornfields were a bit too risky but looks like you smashed it last year. Fully agree that they would suit autos rather than photos

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2 minutes ago, Sam_crow said:

@English Archer when you planning to start the cornfield grow bud? Always thought cornfields were a bit too risky but looks like you smashed it last year. Fully agree that they would suit autos rather than photos


Hi mate, I didn't plant until early July last year so my autos finished around mid September. I am hoping to start 2-3 weeks earlier this year and have them in the ground by mid June, ideally, so I can harvest by 1st September. I just have to wait for the farmer to spray all that horrible roundup shit, which is usually done around early June, or at least it was last year. I might even put some autos in buckets, or grow bags, and partially submerge the bucket/grow bag to retain moisture a bit better. I'd probably have to hand water still though. 


I am also thinking of planting in the spring wheat fields around here. I might plant some autos this week in one of the farmer's spring wheat fields. Farmer's crop fields literally get all day sunlight and the ground doesn't need much prep. Not to mention they are well hidden. 

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56 minutes ago, English Archer said:



So you could imagine her reaction when I came home 2 hours earlier than planned, with clean clothes and clean trainers with no mud on them at all, and not smelling of sweat... that's when she got suspicious and started asking where I had been. I tried to explain that I hadn't been to the plot in the end, and just wen't for a smoke, but she wasn't buying it and thinks I went out to do something else last night haha. Apparently I was acting 'sketchy' before I went out and when I came home, but I don;t think she is too bothered really. 


Did you tell her you met up with a random guy off the internet, in a car park? lol 

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Glad my misses knows what I'm doing, no Hassel at all, problem is she is the going to be happy when i start teeming seeds tonight lol


First on the list is..


Jack 47 fv

Green poison fv

Night queen

Glueberry o.g

Strawberry cough

Evil skunk

Toasted cheese

Rd x ulduz 


Things should be interesting this year ;)

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29 minutes ago, Key4 said:



Did you tell her you met up with a random guy off the internet, in a car park? lol 


Haha, well she knows it was a guy who picked me up in a car as she was there when he pulled up. I just said that we were working on our plot (didn't say anything about buying supplies for a drop off) and she bought the plot prep alibi. At least she did until I came home spotlessly clean. She doesn't seem that bothered though, probably because she knows a woman isn't involved. If another bird had picked me up in the car, that would be a whole different story lol 


Although she says she thinks I went to a party or into town for drinks and used the 'plot prep' thing as an excuse so I could go without her tagging along lol 

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4 minutes ago, English Archer said:


She doesn't seem that bothered though.

lol They are ALWAYS bothered mate, You will learn this as you get older and have to put up with them longer.



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